
Alfred XXIII Harth - exhibitions

2025 Koreality, solo exhibition at Mayer49, Frankfurt/Main.

2024 Fermentalitäten, MixedMediaTalk with Hans Böffgen at Mayer49, Frankfurt.

   Germany_Harmony, solo, drawings and objects, 18_1 gallery, Busan.

2023  LP and CD covers, group exhibition by Trikont, Haus der Kunst, München.

2021 Quo Vadis, video art with Massimo Magee, Chamäleon Verbindung #3, Kassel.

         Ersatzkunst in Frankfurt. Die Wüsten-Jahre 1975-1985, group exhibition                                      AusstellungsHalle, Schulstraße 1A, Frankfurt/Main.

2019 Seongbuk Documenta 6, group exhibition, Choi Manlin Museum, Seoul.
         Robinson Crusoe's Gong, group exhibition, Drawing Space Saalgoo, Seoul.

2018 LP and CD covers, Drawing Space Saalgoo, Seoul.
         LP and CD covers group exhibition by FMP, Akademie der Künste, Berlin.
         Seoul Drawing Club: The Depth of my Drawing is insurmountable, group exhibition,                    175 gallery, Seoul.


18 Years Creativeness in Corea, yogiga pal.gallery, Seoul

2017  Sengak Gagae III, in the context of Seongbukdong Art Commons. Seoul
          LP and CD covers group exhibition by FMP, Haus der Kunst, München
          어둠song/Im Dunkeln singensound art homage to Yun Isang (100th birthday), solo                        exhibition, Drawing Space Saalgoo, Seoul.

2016  Songs From Knee To Chin, with/for Kim Sora,
          National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Korea.
          Sengak Gagae II, Seongbuk Little Gallery and Seongbuk Young Art Museum, 
          group exhibitions, Seoul.
          Campanula, installation + performance with John Bell, Drawing Space Saalgoo, Seoul.

2015  Camellia tour, installation & video, SALT gallery, Gwangju.  
          Seongbuk Art Village Mayfest, group exhibition, Seoul.
          Head Pieces, Happyi Mistake 6, group exhibition, Seoul.

2014  Universal Studios, Seoul Museum of Art (SEMA), group exhibition in Seoul.
          pre-al@rm!, Galerie Isola-Art Brut, group exhibition in Frankfurt/Main.

2013  The Name Is Burroughs - Expanded Media, Deichtorhallen/Sammlung        
           Falckenberg, group exhibition in Hamburg-Harburg.
           Real DMZ, Artsonje Center, group exhibition in Seoul.
           A4 Hysteria, Too Much Hysteric, group exhibition in Seoul.

2012  The Name Is Burroughs - Expanded Media, Zentrum für Kunst und
          Medientechnologie (ZKM) group exhibition in Karlsruhe.
          LP and CD covers group exhibition by ECM, Haus der Kunst, München

2011  The Sound Of Nowhere, group exhibition in Beijing.

2010  Online Project Room at Dinter Fine Art, New York.

2009  Art Postcards, group exhibition at Kunst Archiv Darmstadt.

2007  Kabuki Elvis vs. Hulk Sushi, Hotelroom exhibition, Tokyo.

2006  Videos at Atelier Yitronik, Seoul.

Wake Up Andy Warhol, Gallery Ssamzie-Gil, collaboration with Yi Soonjoo.

2005  DVD T_error.
          Photo exhibition & concert at Morishita Culture Center, Tokyo.

2004  Digital photos at Studio Boeffgen, Frankfurt/Main.
          625 multimedia solo at Space T, Seoul.
          Alf in Aghfanistan frame-rec-videos & numarkCDX at synthetic lab, Seoul.

Hotelroom exhibition, Paris.

2003  Performances at Bulgasari, Seoul.
          Where are you? group exhibition at Marronnier Art Center, Seoul.

2002  Installations & 900 photos of Seoul, Ssamzie-Space, Seoul.
          Terror Milk and Provisional Government, multimedia performances with Gim Hyung Tae, Ssamzie-Space Baram Theatre and Sal, Seoul.

2001  Selbstorganisation und Marktsituation, group exhibition at Kunsthalle Baden-Baden.


AHIB performance with Indulis Bilzens, river Main shore, Frankfurt/M, Xerox book.
          Residency at Art Ssamzie-Space, Seoul, Korea.

2000  art & music OMI - residency in the State of New York,USA.
          al@rm, mixed media with Hermann Feuchter and H.P.Boeffgen at Tonfilmstudio Boeffgen,

          tattoo, group exhibition with Carmen Berr and Petra Scheibe-Teplitz, Galerie ART form, 


1999  Video-Bar, group exhibition at Galerie Voges+Deisen, Frankfurt.
          Michelangelo is Shopping, group exhibition Kunstverein Rastatt.
          SLOW - Sogenannte Laecherliche Ohnmachts Weltwache, Street-action
          against the war in Kosovo.
          Alles über Robert Mayer, at Tonfilmstudio Boeffgen, Frankfurt.

1997  Gedankenhotel, solo exhibition at Galerie ART form, Frankfurt.
          ear as eye, group exhibition at LACE, Los Angeles.

1996  Die Geheimnisse des Hauses Cajeth, photo-exhibition with Dietrich Harth, Heidelberg.
          Midia-Bilder, solo exhibition at Klosterpresse, Frankfurt.

1995  Offene Ateliers, group exhibition at IWKA Karlsruhe.

1994  Delikatesy Avantgarde, with Robert Knuth, Vollrad Kutscher a.o., Academy G'dansk/Danzig, 

          Wilhelm Leuschner zum Gedenken, street-installation, Frankfurt.
          Timezoneyes, Cine-pictures of tours of my bands in foreign cities.
          Tensides, solo exhibition at Deutsches Filmmusem, Frankfurt.
          Talisman of Karl V, Videoperformance with Ginteras Seputis, Schloss Solitude.

1993 - 1995 Gedankenhotel in Frankfurt am Main.

1993  Tango - 11 Jahre danach, group exhibition in Frankfurt.
          Balance Action, 39.Oberhausener Kurzfilmtage and Filmfest Frankfurt.
          Gedankensmog, solo exhibition at Blinder Koenig, Frankfurt.
          19.Alfabet, Performance with Dmitri Prigov and Vladimir Tarasov, HfbK, Hamburg.
          Planetarische Faktoten der Weltwache, solo exhibition lithography &amp etchings, 

Klosterpresse, Frankfurt.

1991 Block & Manifest, Aktion at Disco Cookys, Frankfurt.

1990 Avantiere V, group exhibition in Aachen.
         Performance with Dmitri Prigov, 1.Kasseler Videosalon, Documenta-Archiv.

1989 Performance-Party, Kunstmuseum Bern.
         Kommt der Koerper wieder zu sich, solo exhibition Kulturzentrum Gütersloh.
         Wenn Gott tot ist, dann ist er im Himmel, audioperformance at Atelier Kutscher, Frankfurt.

1988  Zeichnungen 78/88, solo exhibition and performance at Galerie Endart, Berlin.
          Manifest Instant City Happiness-Factory.

1987  Telephone-concert, group performance at Schirn Frankfurt.
          Red Art, solo performance at Stadtgalerie Saarbruecken.

1986  Art and Music, Maurfestival near Zuerich, Switzerland.
          Mount Just Da and Ein Feste Burg performances by PSI TO LEN with Indulis Bilzens,


Amphibisches Match, together with Ole Schmidt at the Under Water Concert Stadtbad Mitte, 


1985  Sam Lang, Video-Installation, MTV, Frankfurt.

1984  Marry the World By Conference Call, at waschSalon Galerie, Frankfurt.

1983  Bilder & Musik, solo exhibition with concert (Populäre Mechanik), Galerie A.Vant, Berlin.
          Schamanistische Materialbilder, Offenbach.

1982  Lenin, group exhibition Frankfurt.

1981  Mein Trip mit Adolf Hit, solo exhibition at exo-galerie, Berlin.

1978  Arbeiten 1963 -78, at Atelier Hanussek, ehemalige Schuhfabrik Bonames, Frankfurt.

1968  Aktion Büdingen

1966 - 1968  centrum freier cunst Frankfurt/Main.

art studies:
1966 - 1968 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Gymnasium, Frankfurt/Main.
1970 - 1973 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main.

1975 - 1978 art teacher.

Since 2005 Open Letter A23H flickr image site (art pictures & majority of photos may only be  visible if you contact A23H for it).

Since 2006 Little Souvenirs Diverse  A23H videaudios on YouTube.

Alfred 23 Harth's website