
Ancestry of Christopher III of Denmark

 34 Generations

1. CLOVIS I of the Franks
First Christian ruler of the Salian Franks of the Merovingian dynasty (481 AD – 511) He received baptism from St Remigius (Remi) (496 AD)
(Born 466 AD – Died Nov 27, 511 in Paris)
Buried within the Church of St Genevieve, Paris
Clovis was married firstly (c485 AD) to EVOCHILDE N (Born c467 – after 492 AD), who was probably related to Theodemir and Richomer, Frankish kings from the Rhine region. He repudiated her in order to marry his second wife.
Clovis was married secondly (492 AD at Soissons) to Clotilda of Burgundy (Born 475 AD – Died June 3, 545 at Tours) the daughter of Chilperic II, King of Burgundy (474 – 491 AD) and his wife Agrippina N.
King Clovis and Evochilde were the parents of,

2. THEUDERIC I of Austrasia
Merovingian King of Austrasia (511 – 533)
(Born c485 AD – Died 533)
Theuderic was married firstly (c499 – c500 AD) to EUSTERE of the Visigoths (Born c485 AD – Died before 511), probably the daughter of Euric, King of the Visigoths and his wife Ragnahilda N.
Theuderic was married secondly (511) to Suavegotha of Burgundy (Born c495 AD – Died after 549), the daughter of Sigismund, King of Burgundy and his first wife Ostrogotha Areagni, the daughter of Theodoric I of the Ostrogoths, King of Italy (493 AD – 526) and his first wife Theodora of Moesia.
Theuderic I and his first wife Eustere were the parents of,

3. THEUDEBERT I of Austrasia
Merovingian King of Austrasia (533 – 547)
(Born c501 – Died 547)
Theudebert I was married firstly (534) to DEOTERIA N (Born c503 – Died c548) the former wife of a nobleman from Cabrieres. Queen Deoteria was later repudiated (c540).
Theudebert I was married secondly (c540) to Visigarda of Lombardy (Born c520 – Died 542, and buried within Cologne Cathedral), the daughter of Vaccho, King of Lombardy (c510 – 540) and his first wife Ranicunda of Thuringia, the daughter of Fisud (Pisen), King of Thuringia.
Theudebert I and Queen Deoteria were the parents of,

4. THEUDEBALD I of Austrasia
Merovingian King of Austrasia (547 – 555)
(Born 534 – Died 555)
Theudebald was married (552) to VULDETRADA of Lombardy (Waldrada) (Born c537 – Died 573), the daughter of Vaccho, King of Lombardy (c510 – 540) and his second wife Austrigusa of the Gepidae (Ostrogotha), the daughter of Eliemund, King of the Gepidae. Queen Vuldetrada was then briefly the concubine (some say seventh and last wife) of her husband’s uncle Clotaire I of Neustria, who then gave Vuldetrada in marriage (c558) to Garivald I, Duke and later King (591) of Bavaria.
Theudebald I and Queen Vuldetrada were the parents of,

5. GRIMOALD of Austrasia
Merovingian prince – Duke of Aquitaine
(Born c553 – Died 599)
Prince Grimoald was married (c575) to ITTA of Gascony (Born c560 – Died 612), the daughter of Severus, Duke of Gascony.
Grimoald and Duchess Itta were the parents of,

6. IDUBERGA of Aquitaine
(Born 592 – Died May 8, 652 at Nivelles in Brabant)
Buried within the cloister of the Abbey of St Gertrude
Iduberga became the wife (610) of PEPIN I of Landen (Born 585 – Died 640), Duke (dux) of Austrasia, the son of Carloman, Duke of Austrasia and his wife Gertrude of Bavaria, the daughter of Garivald I, King of Bavaria (591 – 594) and his wife Vuldetrada of Lombardy, the widow of Theudebald I of Austrasia.
As a widow Duchess Iduberga became a nun and then abbess of her own foundation at Nivelles in Brabant. She was venerated as a saint (May 8) and was succeeded as second abbess by her daughter Gertrude after whom the abbey became popularly known.
Duchess Iduberga and Pepin I were the parents of,

7. BEGA of Landen
(Born c624 at Landen in Liege – Died Dec, 693, at Andenne)
Buried within the cloister of the Abbey of Andenne
Bega was married (c638) to ANISEGAL of Austrasia (Born 602 – Died 662, being accidentally killed whilst hunting), the son of Arnulf of Scheldt, Duke of Austrasia and his wife Doda of Austrasia the daughter of Bodesgesil II, Duke of Austrasia and his wife Oda of Alemannia.
As a widow Bega founded the Abbey of Andenne in Austrasia and served as first Abbess of that house. She was venerated as a saint.
Bega and Anisegal were the parents of,

8. CLOTILDA of Austrasia
(Born c655 – Died June 3, 692)
Coltilda became the first wife (c670) of THEUDERIC III (Born 651 – Died Jan, 690), King of Neustria (675 – 690), the son of Clovis II, King of Neustria and his wife St Balthilde, a high-born Anglo-Saxon captive.
Queen Clotilda and Theuderic III were the parents of,

9. CHRODELINDE of Neustria
Merovingian princess – (Born c672 – Died before 741)
Chrodelinde became the wife (c687) of LANTBERT II (Lambert) (Born c665 – Died before 741), Count of Haspengau (Hesbaye in Liege), the son of Robert II of Haspengau (Chrodebert), Lord Chancellor to Clotaire III of Neustria, and his wife Theodora of Bavaria (Doda), the daughter of Theodo IV, Duke of Bavaria.
Chrodelinde and Count Lantbert were the parents of,

10. ROTRUDE of Haspengau (Hesbaye)
(Born c690 – Died 724) – Also called Chrothrudis
Rotrude became the first wife (c705) of CHARLES MARTEL (Born 690 at Heristal in Liege – Died Oct 22, 741 at the Palace of Quierzy, Aisne), Duke of Austrasia (724 – 737), the illegitimate son of Pepin II of Heristal, Duke of Austrasia and his concubine Alphaida (Alpais), the daughter of Childebrand, a Merovingian councilor and  his wife Emma N.
Duchess Rotrude and Charles were the parents of,

11. CARLOMAN I of Austrasia
Duke (dux) of Austrasia and Mayor of the Palace (740 – 747)
Born (c707 – Died 754 in Rome)
He retired in 747 to become a monk at Montecassino in Italy.
Carloman I was married (c730) to NN, the unnamed daughter of Alard, a Merovingian nobleman.
Carloman and his unnamed wife were the parents of,

12. ROTRUDE of Austrasia
(Born c735 – Died before 779)
Rotrude was married (c750 – c755) to GERARD I (Born c725 – Died 779), Count of Paris (775 – 779) whose parentage remains unknown, but he may have been related to the family of his predecessor Count Godfrey (Geoffrey) of Paris (c750 – 775) whom he succeeded as count (comes) during the reign of Charlemagne.
Rotrude and Gerard were the parents of,

13. LEUTHARD of Paris
Count of Fezensac
(Born c761 – Died Jan 3, 813)
He was the younger brother of Stephen and Bego I both successively Counts of Paris
Leuthard was married (c780 – c785) to GRIMHILDIS of Damm (Born c765 – Died before 813), the daughter of Baldwin, Count of Damm.
Leuthard and Grimhildis were the parents of,

14. GERARD II of Paris
Count of Paris (870 – 874)
Also called Gerard de Rousillon or Gerard de Vienne
(Born c800 – Died March 4, 874)
Buried at Avignon in Provence
Gerard was married (819) to BERTHA of Tours (Born c810 – Died Nov 6, 877), the daughter of Hugh II of Alsace, Count of Tours and Orleans and his wife Ava of Hamelant, the daughter of Eberhard I, Count of Hamelant.
Gerard II and Countess Bertha were the parents of,

15. AVA of Paris
(Born c830 – Died before 901) – Also called Eve de Rousillon
Ava became the wife (before 850) of GUERRI I (Werri), Count of Morvois in the province of Sens (Born c820 – Died unknown), whose parentage remains unknown.
Ava and Guerri were the parents of,

16. BERTHA of Morvois
(Born c855 – Died 901) – Also called Hersinde
Bertha was married (c870) to HERBERT I (Born c850 – Murdered Nov 6, 907)), Count of Vermandois (896 – 907), the son of Pepin I, Count of Senlis and his wife NN, the daughter of Theodoric, Count of Vermandois.
Bertha and Herbert were the parents of,

17. BEATRIX of Vermandois
(Born c880 – Died after March, 931)
Beatrix became the second wife (c894) of ROBERT I (Born 860 – Died June 15, 923 at Soissons, being killed in battle), King of France (922 – 923), the son of Robert the Strong, Count of Paris and his wife Agane of Neustria, the daughter of the Carolingian emperor Louis I the Pious (816 – 840) and his second wife Judith of Altdorf, the daughter of Welf II, Count of Altdorf.
Queen Beatrix and King Robert I were the parents of,

18. HUGH Magnus (the Great)
Duke of Paris and Count of Paris, Orleans and the Vexin
(Born 897 – Died June 17, 956 at Deurdan)
Buried within the Abbey of St Denis at Rheims, near Paris
Hugh was married firstly (c915) to Judith of Maine (Born c897 – Died 925), the daughter of Roger I, Count of Maine and his wife Rothilda of Neustria, the daughter of the Carolingian emperor Charles II the Bald (875 – 877).
Hugh was married secondly (926) to Eadhild of England (Edhilda) (Born c910 – Died Sept 14, 937), the daughter of Edward the Elder, King of England (899 – 924) and his second wife Aelfflaed of Wiltshire, the daughter of Prince Aethelhelm of Wessex, Earl of Wiltshire.
Hugh was married thirdly (938) to HEDWIG of Saxony (Born 922 – Died after May 10, 965), the daughter of Henry I the Fowler, Emperor of Germany (919 – 936) and his second wife Mathilda of Westphalia, the daughter of Theodoric, Count of Westphalia and Ringelheim.
Hugh and his third wife Duchess Hedwig were the parents of,

19. HUGH Capet
Count of Paris, Tours, Poitou and Orleans
King of France (987 – 996)
(Born 941 – Died Oct 24, 996 at Les Juifs near Chartres)
Buried within the Abbey of St Denis at Rheims, near Paris
Hugh was married (968) to ADELAIDE of Poitou (Born c950 – Died 1004), the daughter of William III of Poitou, Duke of Aquitaine and his wife Adela of Normandy, the daughter of Rollo, the first Duke of Normandy (911 – 927)
King Hugh and Queen Adelaide were the parents of,

20. ROBERT II of France
King of France (987 – 1031)
(Born March 27, 972 at Orleans – Died July 20, 1031 at Meulan in Normandy)
Buried within the Abbey of St Denis at Rheims, near Paris
King Robert was married firstly (987) to Rosala of Ivrea (Rosella, Suzanne) (Born c954 – Died Jan 26, 1003 at Ghent in Flanders), the widow of Arnulf II the Young, Count of Flanders, and the daughter of Berengar II of Ivrea, King of Italy and his wife Willa of Arles. They were divorced (992)
King Robert was married secondly (996) to Bertha of Burgundy (Born 967 – Died after 1018), the widow of Eudes I, Count of Blois-Chartres, and the daughter of Conrad I the Peaceful, King of Burgundy (937 – 993) and his second wife Matilda of France, the daughter of Louis IV d’ Outremer, King of France (936 – 954). They were divorced (1002).
King Robert was married thirdly (1003) to CONSTANCE of Provence (Born c986 – Died July 25, 1032), the daughter of William I, Count of Provence and Arles and Adelaide Blanche of Anjou, the widow of Louis V of France (986 – 987) and later the second wife of Otto William I of Burgundy, King of Lombardy (976 – 1026), the daughter of Fulk II, Count of Anjou and his first wife Gerberga of Vienne.
Robert II and Queen Constance were the parents of,

21. ADELA Capet
Princess of France
(Born 1009 – Died Jan 8, 1079 at Messines)
Adela married firstly (1026) to Richard III the Good (Born 1003 – Died 1027), Duke of Normandy (1026 – 1027), the son of Richard II, Duke of Normandy (996 – 1026) and his first wife Judith of Brittany, the daughter of Conan I the Red, Duke of Brittany.
Adela married secondly (1028) to BALDWIN V (Born 1010 – Died Sept 1, 1067 at Lille), Count of Flanders (1036 – 1067), the son of Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders (987 – 1036) and his first wife Ogiva of Luxemburg, the daughter of Frederick I, Count of Luxemburg and the Moselgau and his wife Ermentrude of Gleiberg.
Princess Adela and Count Baldwin were the parents of,

22. MATILDA of Flanders
(Born 1032 at Lille – Died Nov 2, 1083 at Caen in Normandy)
Buried within the Abbey of the Holy Trinity at Caen, her own foundation
Matilda was married (1050 at the Cathedral of Notre Dame d’Eu in Normandy) to WILLIAM I the Conqueror (Born Oct 14, 1027 – Died Sept 9, 1087 at Hermenbraville, Rouen, and was buried within the Abbey of St Stephen at Caen, his own foundation), the illegitimate son of Robert I the Devil, Duke of Normandy (1027 – 1035) and his mistress Arletta of Falaise (Herleve), the daughter of Fulbert, a tanner of Falaise and his wife Duxia N.
Queen Matilda and William were the parents of,

23. HENRY I of England
King of England (1100 – 1135) – Nicknamed ‘Beauclerk’ and ‘the Lion of Justice’
(Born Sept, 1068 at Selby in Yorkshire – Died Dec 1, 1135 at St Denis le Fermont at Angers, near Rouen in Normandy)
He died of food poisoning and was buried within the Abbey of Reading in Berkshire.
Henry was married firstly (Nov 11, 1100 at Westminster Abbey in London) to MATILDA of Scotland (originally named Edith – Born 1079 at Dunfermline – Died May 1, 1118 at Westminster Palace, London, and was buried within Westminster Abbey), the daughter of Malcolm III Canmore, King of Scotland and his second wife St Margaret, the daughter of Edward the Exile, Prince of England, and the granddaughter of King Edmund II Ironside (1014 – 1016).
Henry married secondly (Jan 29, 1121 at the Royal Chapel in Windsor Castle in Berkshire) to Adeliza of Louvain (Born 1102 at Louvain in Brabant – Died April 23, 1151 at the Abbey of Afflighem, near Alost in Brabant, and was buried there), the daughter of Godfrey II of Louvain, Duke of Lower Lorraine and of Brabant and his first wife Countess Ida of Namur, the daughter and heiress of Adalbert III (Albert), Count of Namur. This marriage remained childless. Queen Adeliza remarried (1136) to William d’Albini (Born c1100 – Died 1176), Earl of Arundel, to whom she bore children.
Henry I and Matilda of Scotland were the parents of,

24. MATILDA of England
Queen regnant of England (April 7 – Nov 1, 1141 as ‘Lady of the English’
(Born (Feb 7, 1102, probably at Winchester Castle, near Southampton in Hampshire – Died Sept 10, 1167 at the Abbey of Notre Dame des Pres, near Rouen in Normandy)
Buried within Rouen Cathedral
Originally christened Adelaide she adopted the name of Matilda at the time of her first marriage (Jan 7, 1114 at Mainz in Germany) with Henry V (Born Jan 8, 1081 – Died May 23, 1125 at Utrecht, and buried within Speyer Cathedral), the son of Henry IV, Emperor of Germany (1056 – 1106) and his first wife Bertha of Maurienne, the daughter of Odo I, Count of Maurienne. This marriage remained childless.
Empress Matilda was married secondly (June 17, 1128 at Le Mans Cathedral in Anjou) to GEOFFREY V (surnamed Plantagenet), Count of Anjou and Duke of Normandy (Born Nov 13, 1113 at Anjou – Died Sept 17, 1151 at the Castle of Eure at Le Mans, and was buried within Le Mans Cathedral), the son of Fulk V of Anjou, King of Jerusalem (1131 – 1143) and his first wife Eremburga of Maine, the daughter of Elie I (Helias), Count of Maine and his wife Matilda de Chateau-du-Loir.
Though she was acclaimed as queen in England Matilda was never crowned and after seven months she was deposed in favour of her cousin Stephen of Blois.
Empress Matilda and her second husband Geoffrey were the parents of,

25. HENRY II of England
King of England (1154 – 1189) as successor of King Stephen who had displaced his mother on the English throne (1141) – Nicknamed FitzEmpress and Curtmantle
(Born March 5, 1133 at Le Mans in Sarthe, Anjou – Died July 6, 1189 at Chinon Castle in Normandy)
Buried within the Abbey of St Marie at Fontevrault in Maine
Henry was married (May 18, 1152 at Bordeaux Cathedral in Gascony) to and ELEANOR of Aquitaine (Born 1122 at the Ombriere Palace, Bordeaux or at Belin Castle in Guienne – Died April 1, 1204 at the Abbey of Fontevrault in Maine, and was buried there), sovereign Duchess of Aquitaine (1137 – 1204), the divorced first wife of Louis VII, King of France (1137 – 1180), and the elder daughter and heiress of William X, Duke of Aquitaine (1127 – 1137) and his first wife Aenor of Chatellerault, the daughter of Aimery I, Viscount of Chatellerault.
Henry II and Queen Eleanor were the parents of,

26. JOHN of England
King of England (1199 – 1216) as successor to his elder brother Richard I the Lionheart, formerly Count of Mortain – Nicknamed ‘John Lackland’
(Born Dec 24, 1167 at Beaumont Palace, Oxford – Died Oct 19, 1216 at Newark Castle, Lincolnshire)
Buried within Worcester Cathedral
John was married firstly (Aug 29, 1189 at Marlborough Castle in Wiltshire) to Countess Isabella of Gloucester (Also called Avisa and Hawise – Born 1168 – Died Nov 18, 1217, and was buried within Canterbury Cathedral in Kent, the daughter of William FitzHenry, second Earl of Gloucester and his wife Hawise de Beaumont, the daughter of Robert de Beaumont, second Earl of Leicester.
Isabella was divorced at the time of her husband’s accession (1199) and was never styled queen. There were no children of this marriage. Isabella succeeded her father as the third Countess of Gloucester and was remarried twice more, firstly to Geoffrey de Mandeville, fifth Earl of Essex, and thirdly to Hubert de Burgh, first Earl of Kent.
King John married secondly (Aug 26, 1200 at Chinon Castle in Normandy) to ISABELLA of Angouleme (Born 1188 – Died May 31, 1246, and buried within the Abbey of St Marie at Fontevrault in Maine), sovereign Countess of Angouleme (1202 – 1246), the daughter and heiress of Aymer I, Count of Angouleme and his wife Alice of Courtenay, the divorced wife of William I, Count of Joigny, and the daughter of Pierre I Capet, Count of Courtenay, the son of Louis VI, King of France (1108 – 1137). Queen Isabella remarried secondly (1220) to Hugh X of Lusignan (Born 1182 – Died 1249), Count of La Marche (1219 – 1249) to whom she bore a large family of children.
King John and Isabella of Angouleme were the parents of,

27. ISABELLA Plantagenet
Princess of England
(Born 1214 – Died Dec 1, 1241 at Foggia, near Naples, Italy)
Isabella became the third wife (July 20, 1235 at Worms in Germany) of  FREDERICK II (Born Dec 26, 1194 at Jesi, near Ancona – Died Dec 30, 1250 at Fiorentino), Emperor of Germany (1220 – 1250), the son of Henry VI, Emperor of Germany (1190 – 1197) and his wife Constance of Hauteville, the daughter of Roger II, King of Sicily. Empress Isabella and Frederick II were the parents of,

28. MARGARET of Hohenstaufen
Imperial Princess of Germany
(Born 1237 – Died Aug 8, 1270 at Frankfurt-am-Main)
Margaret became the first wife (1254) of ALBERT I the Froward of Meissen (Born 1240 – Died Nov 13, 1314), Landgrave of Thuringia, the son of Henry the Illustrious, Margrave of Meissen and his first wife Constance of Austria, the daughter of Leopold VI, Duke of Austria. Landgravine Margaret and Albert were the parents of,

29. AGNES of Meissen
(Born 1262 – Died 1333)
Agnes was married (1282) to HENRY I (Born 1267 – Died Sept 7, 1322), Duke of Brunswick-Grubenhagen, the son of Albert I, Duke of Brunswick-Luneberg and his second wife Alessina of Montferrat (later second wife of Gerhard I, Count of Holstein-Itzehoe), the daughter of Boniface III, Marquis of Montferrat and his wife Margaret of Savoy, the daughter of Amadeus IV, Count of Savoy. Duchess Agnes and Henry I of Brunswick were the parents of,

30. ERNEST of Brunswick-Osterode
Duke of Brunswick-Osterode
(Born c1299 – Died March 11, 1361)
Ernest was married (1335 – 1336) to ADELAIDE of Everstein (Born c1318 – Died after Sept 29, 1373), the daughter of Herman II, Count of Everstein-Polle and his wife Adelaide of Lippe, the daughter of Simon I, Count of Lippe. Ernest and Duchess Adelaide were the parents of,

31. ADELAIDE of Brunswick-Osterode
Princess of Brunswick-Osterode
(Born 1341 – Died May 8, 1406)
Adelaide became the second wife (1362) of BOGISLAV  V (Born 1316 – Died Dec 7, 1373), Duke of Pomerania-Wolgast, the son of Vratislav IV, Duke of Pomerania-Wolgast and his wife Elisabeth of Silesia-Leignitz, the daughter of Henry V, Duke of Silesia-Leignitz. Duchess Adelaide and Bogislav V were the parents of,

32. VRATISLAV VII of Pomerania-Wolgast
Duke of Pomerania-Wolgast
(Born 1363 – Died 1395)
Vratislav was married (1380) to MARIA of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Born 1363 – Died 1402), the daughter of Henry I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and his wife Ingeborge Valdemarsdotter of Denmark, the daughter of Valdemar IV, King of Denmark. Duke Vratislav and Maria were the parents of,

33. CATHERINE of Pomerania-Wolgast
(Born 1390 – Died March 4, 1426)
Catherine became the first wife (Aug 15, 1407) of JOHANN of Bavaria (Born 1383 – Died March 14, 1443), Count Palatine of Neumarkt (born 1383, died March 14, 1443), the son of Rupert III, King of Germany and his wife Elisabeth of Hohenzollern, the daughter of Frederick V of Hohenzollern, Burgrave of Nuremburg. Countess Catherine and Johann were the parents of,

34. CHRISTOPHER III of Denmark
King of Denmark (1440 – 1448)
(Born Feb 16, 1416 – Died Jan 6, 1448)
Christopher III was married (Sept 12, 1445) to DOROTHEA of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (Born 1430 – Died Nov 10, 1495), later the wife of Christian I, King of Denmark, by whom she left issue, the daughter of Johann the Alchemist, Elector of Brandenburg-Kulmbach and his wife Barbara of SaxeWittenberg, the daughter of Rudolph III, Duke of Saxe-Wittenberg. This marriage remained childless.