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OLPOur Lady Peace (band)
OLPOrganisation de Libération de la Palestine (French: Palestine Liberation Organization)
OLPOrganizacion para la Liberacion de Palestina (Spanish: Palestine Liberation Organization)
OLPOpen License Program
OLPOpen License Product
OLPOutput Low Voltage Peak
OLPOffline Processing Pipeline
OLPon Line Publications
OLPOrigin Labelled Product
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OLPon Line Payment
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OLPOrix Leasing Pakistan (est. 1986)
OLPOral Lichen Planus (inflammatory disease)
OLPOverload Protection
OLPOnline Learning Program (various organizations)
OLPOnline Payment
OLPOrganization of Legal Professionals (Palm Desert, CA)
OLPOriginal List Price
OLPOntology Learning and Population
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OLPOld Loggers Path (Pennsylvania)
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OLPOff-Line Processor
OLPOpen Licence Programme (Microsoft UK)
OLPOne Liberty Plaza (building; various locations)
OLPOrdinal Linguistic Personification (form of synesthesia)
OLPOperating Limited Partnership
OLPOazowej Licencji Publicznej
OLPOn-Line Programming
OLPOptical Link Processor
OLPOptical Line Pair
OLPOffice of Labor Production (WW II)
OLPObservation Landplane
OLPOdyssey Launch Platform (band)
OLPOne Legged Pimp (rapper)
OLPOrigin-Labelled Product
OLPObservational Learning Processes
OLPOxygen Lance Process
OLPOnline Land Planning (Redondo Beach, California)

References in periodicals archive ?

Further, 85 (2.4%) were charts of patients who had some type of OLP. Only four patients presented skin lesions (4.7%).

COSCO bought 51 per cent of Piraeus Port (OLP) for 280.5 million euros, acquiring a block of 12.75 million shares in OLP.

Eventually, OLP has also special importance due to its malignant potential.

OLP is exiting this business segment as part of the companyA-A?A1/2s strategic objective of concentrating on its core business of Lease Financing.

"Gary Olp is a remarkable individual who has long been a leader in the green building movement," said Rick Fedrizzi, CEO, GBCI and CEO and founding chair, U.S.

30 to submit binding bids for a 51 percent stake in OLP.

They were age and gender matching to the included OLP patients.

Danish shipping group AP Moeller - Maersk A/S's (CPH:MAERSK-B) APM Terminals A/S, US port operator Ports America Group Holdings and Philippines-based International Container Terminal Services Inc (PSE:ICT) are other large bidders for OLP.

Furthermore, the diverse clinical presentation and the asymptomatic nature of the most common subtype of OLP make the disease an underdiagnosed health issue [16].

Although the etiology of OLP remains unclear, accumulating evidence supports a role of immune dysregulation in the pathogenesis of OLP, especially involving a T-cell-mediated immune response and the abnormal production of various inflammatory molecules [2, 4, 6].