Andrew Kliman -- Writings, Info - My CV
Department of Economics
Pace University
Pleasantville, NY 10570 USA
Phone: (914) 773-3968
Fax: (914) 773-3951
Ph.D., Economics, University of Utah, December 1988.
B.A., Economics, University of Maryland, December 1978. Summa Cum Laude.
Phi Beta Kappa, University of Maryland, 1979. GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS:
Sabbatical leave, Pace University, 2003-04 academic year, for work on book in the history of economic thought.
Scholarly Research Grant, Pace University, 2000, for translation of papers in a collection of scholarly papers.
NYIT/AAUP Research Grant, 1990-91, for research into Black youth joblessness. Awarded on competitive basis.
University Graduate Research Fellowship, University of Utah, 1986-87. Awarded on competitive basis.
Teaching/Research Fellowship, Department of Economics, University of Utah, 1983-86.
Sept. 2005– Professor, Economics, Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
2001-2005 Associate Professor, Economics, Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
1996-2001 Assistant Professor, Economics, Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
1989-1996 Assistant Professor, Economics, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, NY.
1988-1989 Instructor, Economics, Castleton State College, Castleton, VT.
1985-1988 Instructor, Economics, University of Utah.
1983-1984 Teaching Assistant, Economics, University of Utah.
History of Economic Thought, Labor Markets COURSES TAUGHT AT PACE:
Economic Growth and Development; Economics of Gender, Race, and Class; Intermediate Macroeconomics; Managerial Economics; Money and Banking; Principles of Economics I (Macro); Principles of Economics II (Micro); Public Finance. OTHER COURSES TAUGHT:
Basic Economics, Business Cycles & Forecasting, College Success Seminar, Economics as a Social Science, History of Economic Thought, Intermediate Microeconomics, International Economics, Labor Economics (undergraduate), Labor Economics (masters-level), Price Theory (masters-level), Statistics. SERVICE AT PACE:
Advisor, Pace University-Pleasantville chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon, international economics honors society, 1996–.
Member, Westchester Kenan/Scholarly Research Committee, Pace University, 1997-2001.
Member, Westchester Faculty Council Curriculum Committee, Pace University, 1997-2001.
Member and member of Steering Committee, Phi Beta Kappa Group, Pace University, 1997–.
Member, and member of Identity Subcommittee of, the Dyson Initiative Committee, Pace University, 1997-1998.
Member, departmental search committee for hiring of full-time sociologist, Department of Social Sciences, Pace University – Pleasantville, Spring 1998.
Organizer and convener, Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series, Pace University – Pleasantville, Fall 1999.
Faculty Representative on Middle States Response Committee, and member of subcommittee on Recruitment, Pace University, 1999-2000.
Member, Westchester Faculty Council Faculty Handbook Committee, Pace University, 2000–.
Member, departmental search committee for hiring of full-time economist, Department of Economics, Pace University – Pleasantville, Spring-Summer 2000.
Departmental Liason to Core Curriculum Task Force, Pace University, 2001-2002.
Member, Search Committee for Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Pace University, 2002-2003.
Co-organizer and -founder, International Working Group on Value Theory. (The IWGVT is a global network of about 200 researchers. Activities include annual mini-conferences since 1994 at the Eastern Economic Association Conventions; an e-mail discussion list; and website with archive of discussion papers.)
English-language Editor, Political Economy, 2000–2001.
Referee of papers submitted to the Cambridge Journal of Economics, Capital and Class, and Research in Political Economy (scholarly journals), 2001-2003.
Referee of book manuscript on the history of monetary theory for Routledge, an academic publisher, 2001.
Coordinator, Economics & Finance programs, New York Institute of Technology, 1993-95. (I performed many duties that are performed by department chairs at Pace, including scheduling and staffing of courses on two campuses, hiring and supervising adjunct instructors, and overseeing textbook selection.)
Planning Reviewer, Michael Parkin's Economics, 2nd edition (Addison-Wesley, 1993), a Principles of Economics textbook.
Eastern Economic Association (member), 1994–.
International Working Group on Value Theory (co-founder and co-organizer), 1993–.
Omicron Delta Epsilon (faculty member), 1989–.
“Rising Joblessness Among Black Male Youth, 1950-1980: A Regional Analysis,” University of Utah, December 1988.
Papers in Refereed Journals and Scholarly Collections:
“Screpanti vs. Marx on Exploitation: A comment,” Review of Political Economy, 18:2, pp. 265-69, April 2006. Please let me know if you would like a copy of this comment as it appears in the journal. The publisher has sent me an "e-print" (pdf file), which I can distribute to the 1st 50 people who ask.
“Replicating Marx: A Reply to Mohun” (with Alan Freeman), Capital and Class 88, Winter 2006.
“Reply to Cockshott and Cottrell,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 29:2, March 2005.
“Hermeneutics and the Value Theory Controversy: Lessons from Mainstream Historians of Economic Thought,” Beiträge zur Marx-Engels Forschung (Neue Folge), 2004.
“Spurious Value-Price Correlations: Some Additional Evidence and Arguments,” Research in Political Economy 21, 2004.
“Introduction” to The New Value Controversy and the Foundations of Economics (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), (with Alan Freeman and Julian Wells, co-editors), 2004.
“Marx vs. the ‘20th-century Marxists’: A reply to Laibman.” In Alan Freeman, Andrew Kliman, and Julian Wells (eds.), The New Value Controversy and the Foundations of Economics (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 2004.
“The Duality of Labor” (with Ted McGlone). In Alan Freeman, Andrew Kliman, and Julian Wells (eds.), The New Value Controversy and the Foundations of Economics (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 2004.
“Value Production and Economic Crisis: A temporal analysis.” In Richard Westra and Alan Zuege (eds.), Value and the World Economy Today (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan), 2003.
“The Law of Value and Laws of Statistics: Sectoral Values and Prices in the U.S. Economy, 1977-1997,” Cambridge Journal of Economics 26:3, May 2002.
“Simultaneous Valuation vs. the Exploitation Theory of Profit,” Capital and Class 73, Spring 2001.
“Produção de Valor, Finanças e Crise Econômica” [“Value Production, Finance, and Economic Crisis”]. In CES/RM (ed.), Os Trabalhos e os Dias, (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Universidade de Passo Fundo), 2000.
“Two Concepts of Value, Two Rates of Profit, Two Laws of Motion” (with Alan Freeman), Research in Political Economy 18, 2000.
“Rejoinder to Duncan Foley and David Laibman” (with Alan Freeman), Research in Political Economy 18, 2000.
“Marx’s Concept of Intrinsic Value,” Historical Materialism 6, Summer 2000.
“Endividamento, crise econômica e a tendência de queda na taxa de lucro ––uma perspectiva temporal” [Debt, Economic Crisis, and the Falling Tendency of the Rate of Profit: A temporal perspective], Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Política 6, June 2000.
“Determination of Value in Marx and in Bortkiewiczian Theory,” Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung (Neue Folge), 1999.
“Internal Inconsistencies of the Physical Quantities Approach,” Political Economy 4, Spring 1999.
“Sell Dear, Buy Cheap?: A reply to Laibman,” Research in Political Economy 17, 1999.
“A Temporal Single-system Interpretation of Marx's Value Theory” (with Ted McGlone). Review of Political Economy 11:1, Jan. 1999.
“Value, Exchange-Value, and the Internal Consistency of Volume III of Capital: A refutation of refutations." In Riccardo Bellofiore (ed.), Marxian Economics: A Reappraisal. Vol. II. Essays on Volume III of ‘Capital’: profits, prices and dynamics (London: Macmillan), 1998.
“The Okishio Theorem: An obituary,” Review of Radical Political Economics 29:3, Summer 1997.
“Technological Disemployment in the Neoclassical Model,” Review of Political Economy 9:1, Jan. 1997.
“One System or Two?: The transformation of values into prices of production vs the transformation problem” (with Ted McGlone). In Alan Freeman and Guglielmo Carchedi (eds.), Marx and Non-equilibrium Economics (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 1996.
"A Value-theoretic Critique of the Okishio Theorem." In Alan Freeman and Guglielmo Carchedi (eds.), Marx and Non-equilibrium Economics (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 1996.
“’Value in Process’: A reply to Naples,” Capital and Class 51, Autumn 1993.
“Economics, Dialectics and Humanism: Differences between Marx and Engels on the ‘transformation problem,’” Quarterly Journal of Ideology 13:4, Fall 1989.
“The Profit Rate Under Continuous Technological Change,” Review of Radical Political Economics 20:2, Summer 1988.
“The Trade-Off Between Inflation and Unemployment in an Unstable Environment: A Social Welfare Analysis” (with Bruce Elmslie), Kentucky Journal of Economics and Business 8, Sept. 1988.
“The Transformation Non-Problem and the Non-Transformation Problem” (with Ted McGlone), Capital and Class 35, Autumn 1988.
Paper in Research Institute Journal:
“Se è corretto, non correggetelo” [“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Correct It”], Proteo 2/01, Sept. 2001 (Centro Studi Trasformazioni Economico-Sociali, Rome).
Republished Papers:
“Se è corretto, non correggetelo.” In Luciano Vasapollo (ed.) Un Vecchio Falso Problema/An Old Myth (Rome: Laboratorio per la Critique Sociale), 2002.
“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Correct It.” In Luciano Vasapollo (ed.) Un Vecchio Falso Problema/An Old Myth (Rome: Laboratorio per la Critique Sociale), 2002. (English translation of “Se è corretto, non correggetelo.”)
“Il non problema della trasformazione e il problema della non trasformazione” (with Ted McGlone), Plusvalore 7, 1990. (Italian translation of “The Transformation Non-Problem and the Non-Transformation Problem.”)
Encyclopedia Entries:
“Exploitation.” In George Ritzer (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (forthcoming).
“Falling Rate of Profit Tendency: Temporal approach” (with Alan Freeman). In Phillip Anthony O’Hara (ed.), Encyclopedia of Political Economy (London: Routledge), 1999.
Book Reviews:
Review of Raya Dunayevskaya, The Power of Negativity. Rethinking Marxism 16:3, Summer 2004.
Review of Fred Moseley (ed.), Marx's Method in ‘Capital’: A Reexamination. Rethinking Marxism 8:4, Fall 1996.
Review of Stephen Cullenberg, The Falling Rate of Profit: Recasting the Marxian Debate. Review of Political Economy 8:2, April 1996.
Review of M. C. Howard and J. E. King, A History of Marxian Economics, Volume II: 1929-1990. History of Economic Ideas 1:2, Autumn 1993.
Review of Raya Dunayevskaya, The Marxist-Humanist Theory of State-Capitalism and Alex Calinicos, Trotskyism. Rethinking Marxism 6:2, Summer 1993.
Review of Thomas Sowell, Marxism: Philosophy and Economics. Economic Forum 15:2, Winter 1985-86.
Review of Norman Geras, Marx and Human Nature: Refutation of a Legend. Review of Radical Political Economics 16:2-3, Summer/Fall 1984.
Editor of Scholarly Collection:
Co-editor (with Julian Wells and Alan Freeman), The New Value Controversy and the Foundations of Economics. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 2004.
Works in Progress:
Book manuscript: Reclaiming Marx’s “Capital”: Beyond the "Transformation Problem” and Other Myths of Inconsistency. (Draft completed in Aug. 2005; manuscript is at publisher.)
Reply to Roberto Veneziani’s critique in Metroeconomica.
“The Physicalist Approach to, and Critique of, Marx: A conceptual history.”
“The Reproduction Schemes as an Unbalanced Growth Model.”
“Stigler and Barkai on Ricardo’s Profit Rate Theory.”
Conference Papers and Presentations:
“Marx’s Corn Models.” Association for Heterodox Economics conference, Leeds, UK, July 2004.
“Screpanti vs. Marx on Exploitation.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, Boston, Feb. 2004.
“Marx Beyond Empire: On Value, Immaterial Labor, and Real Subsumption“ (with Joshua Howard). Conference of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, November 2003.
“Marxian Economics vs. Marx on Profit and Exploitation.” Conference of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, November 2003.
Anti-Pluralism in Radical Economics: The Case of the ‘Transformation Problem’.” Conference of International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics, Kansas City, MO, June 2003.
“Spurious Value-Price Correlations: Some Additional Evidence and Arguments.” Eastern Economic Association conference, New York, February 2003.
“Brenner and His ‘Value-Theoretic Critics.” Eastern Economic Association conference, New York, February 2003.
“The Production of Internal Inconsistencies by Means of Simultaneous Valuation” and “The Four Questions and the Problem of Interpretation.” Presented at conference on Un Vecchio Falso Problema, University of Rome “La Sapienza,” May 2002.
“Stigler and Barkai on Ricardo’s Profit Rate Theory: Some methodological considerations 35 years later.” Eastern Economic Association conference, Boston, March 2002.
“Value in Process” (with Ted McGlone). American Philosophical Association meetings, Atlanta, December 2001.
“The Reproduction Schema as an Unbalanced Growth Model.” Association for Heterodox Economics conference, London, June 2001.
“Simultaneous Valuation vs. the Exploitation Theory of Profit.” Presented at two-day seminar on value theory sponsored by the International Working Group on Value Theory, Greenwich, UK, July 2001.
“The New Value Theory Controversy.” Presentation to Marxist Theory Colloquium, New York University, April 27, 2001.
“Debt, Productivity, and Economic Crisis.” Presentation to New York University Economics Club, April 19, 2001.
“How to Decide among Interpretations.” Eastern Economic Association conference, New York, February 2001.
“Notes on the Brenner Debate.” Association for Economic and Social Analysis conference, Amherst, MA, Sept. 2000.
“The IMF, Debt, and Economic Crisis.” Capital and Class conference, London, July 2000.
“The Physicalist Approach to, and Critique of, Marx: A conceptual history.” Presented at two-day seminar on value theory co-sponsored by the International Working Group on Value Theory, Capital and Class, and Historical Materialism, Greenwich, UK, June 2000.
“Raya Dunayevskaya’s Concept of ‘Marx’s Marxism” and the Value Theory Debate” (with Anne Jaclard). Association for Heterodox Economics conference, London, June 2000.
“Technological Change, Debt-Deflation, and Financial Instability.” Allied Social Sciences Associations conference, Boston, Jan. 2000.
“Debt, Economic Crisis, and the Tendential Fall in the Profit Rate.” Invited paper presented at IV Encontro Nacional, Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Política, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, June 1999.
“Debt, Economic Crisis, and the Tendential Fall in the Profit Rate.” Invited paper presented at I Seminario Internacional Complutense, University of Madrid, May 1999.
“Physical Quantities, Value, and Dynamics.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, Boston, March 1999.
“Simultaneous Valuation vs. the Exploitation Theory of Profit.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, Boston, March 1999.
“Capitalist Macrodynamics Without Capitalist Value?” Eastern Economic Association Convention, New York, Feb. 1998.
“Significance of the Internal Inconsistency Allegations. Eastern Economic Association Convention, New York, Feb. 1998.
“Simultaneous Valuation vs. the Exploitation Theory of Profit.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, New York, Feb. 1998.
“The Okishio Theorem.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, Washington, DC, March 1997.
“The State of Debate over the Okishio Theorem.” Allied Social Sciences Associations conference, New Orleans, Jan. 1997.
“Simultaneity and Temporality in Value Theory.” Association for Economic and Social Analysis conference, Amherst, MA, Dec. 1996.
“Simultaneity and Temporality in Value Theory.” Capital and Class conference, Newcastle, UK, July 1996.
“Marx vs. the ‘20th-century Marxists’: A reply to Laibman.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, Boston, March 1996.
“Marx's Development of the Concept of Intrinsic Value, 1859-1872.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, New York, March 1995.
“Value, Exchange-Value, and the Internal Consistency of Capital, Vol. III.” Invited paper; for conference on “Karl Marx's third volume of Capital: 1894-1994,” University of Bergamo (Italy), Dec. 1994.
Editorial Conference towards publication of edited collection, Department of Economics, University of Amsterdam, May 1994. Presented “One System or Two?” and “A Value-theoretic Critique of the Okishio Theorem.”
“Where Does the Time Go?: Value as a Self-Moving Substance.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, Boston, March 1994.
“Permanent Technological Disemployment in the Neoclassical Model.” Atlantic Economic Conference, Philadelphia, Oct. 1993.
“Both Heat and Light: Mirowski's Critique of Marx's Value Theory.” Association for Economic and Social Analysis conference, Amherst, MA, Nov. 1992.
“The Continuing Relevance of State-Capitalist Theory.” Association for Economic and Social Analysis conference, Amherst, MA, Nov. 1992.
“The ‘Transformation Problem’ and State-Capitalist Theory in the 1990s.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, New York, March 1992.
“Frederick Engels and the Origin of the ‘Transformation Problem.’” Eastern Economic Association Convention, Baltimore, March 1989.
“Regional Differences in the Effect of the Minimum Wage on Black Youth Employment, 1950-1980.” Eastern Economic Association Convention, Baltimore, March 1989.
“The Profit Rate Under Continuous Technological Change.” Allied Social Sciences Associations conference, New York, Dec. 1988.