Anarchist Century

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1*1*1900 - England: Emma Goldman attends a Russian New Year party in London where she meets notable Russian revolutionary exiles, including L. B. Goldenberg & V. N. Cherkezov.

1*21*1900 - England: Emma Goldman travels to Glasgow, Dundee, & Edinburgh, Scotland to lecture. Today in Dundee she speaks on "Authority versus Liberty" & "The Aim of Humanity." In Edinburgh, she meets the anarchist Thomas Bell.

2*25*1900 - France: Emma Goldman scheduled to deliver her lecture "The Basis of Morality" in German. On Feb. 26, she is honored at a farewell concert & ball where she speaks about the striking Bohemian miners; other speakers include fellow anarchists Peter Kropotkin & Louise Michel.

4*4*1900 - Prince of Wales escapes anarchist assassination attempt in Belgium

6*14*1900 - French intelligence notes presence of Hippolyte Havel & Emma Goldman at a women's congress in Paris

7*16*1900 - The tunnel being dug for Alexander Berkman's escape is discovered. Although prison officials cannot verify who is responsible, Berkman is placed in solitary confinement. Eric B. Morton, sick from the physical hardship of digging the tunnel, sails to France where he is nursed back to health by anarchist Emma Goldman.

7*29*1900 - King Umberto of Italy is assassinated by Gaetano Bresci, an Italian anarchist Emma Goldman had met in Paterson, N.J. This was in revenge for the army's crushing of the worker's insurrection in Milan, May 1998, which left hundreds of workers dead. The insolent Humbert had callously decorated the General Bava Beccaris (responsible for the dead in Milan).

4*7*1901 - Switzerland: Violent confrontations with the police & the army during demonstrations against the extradition of an Italian anarchist suspected of participation in the attack on King Umberto I on July 29, 1900.

9*6*1901 - US Emperor William McKinley is purported to have been shot by professed anarchist Leon Czolgosz who previously had been repudiated by numerous anarchist groups

9*10*1901 - US: Emma Goldman arrested in alleged link to McKinley assassin.

9*24*1901 - Emma Goldman released from jail due to lack of evidence

1*27*1903 - US: Police arrest Emma Goldman & Max Baginski in New York City for being "suspicious persons"; released after questioning. Why upstanding anarchists would be considered "suspicious" is beyond us. What is left to suspect?

3*5*1903 - Paul Roussenq (the "anarchist convict") throws a crouton at the head prosecutor during a trial, & this dastardly terrorist act leads to his being sent the disciplinary battalions of Biribi in Africa for 5 years...& this in turn spirals ridiculously out of control. Only after a press campaign, publication of Albert Londres' book on the prisons, & mobilization of the " S.R.I. " (International Red Help) on his behalf does Roussenq finally get released from prison, in 1932!

6*21*1903 - England: In London, anarchists organize a massive demonstration among the Jewish labor movement to protest the Russian pogrom in Kishineff.

10*23*1903 - US: First attempt to test anti-anarchist immigration act: At an event at Murray Hill Lyceum, where Emma Goldman is scheduled to speak, English anarchist John Turner is arrested & charged with promoting anarchism & violating alien labor laws. Turner was "detained" on Ellis Island until his deportation, with the words "Let freedom ring" burning in his ears.

1*3*1904 - US: During this month Emma Goldman, on behalf of the Free Speech League, undertakes a brief lecture tour to gain support for English anarchist John Turner; speaks before garment workers in Rochester & miners in Pennsylvania.

4*7*1904 - Spain: King Alfonso of Spain escapes anarchist assassination attempt

5*16*1904 - US Supreme Court rules on the John Turner case (Turner v. Williams, 194 U.S. 279) that Congress has unlimited power to exclude aliens & deport those who have entered in violation of the laws, including philosophical anarchists. Argued April 6 & 7, 1904. Decided May 16, 1904.

9*11*1904 - US: One of the largest reported New York City anarchist meetings in support of the Russian anarchist movement.

1*9*1905 - France: Popular French anarchist Louise Michel dies. A leader in the Paris Commune & co-founder of the Women's Battalion. Founder of the journal "Le libertaire" with Sebastian Faure. Her funeral was a huge occasion, with red flags & 2,000 mourners. Memorial services were held for her throughout France, & in London.

1*22*1905 - Russia: Bloody Sunday, massacre of demonstrators in St. Petersburg: Troops open fire on 100,000 workers, women & children, leaving over 1,000 demonstrators dead & 3,000 wounded. It is the beginning of the first Russian Revolution. Tomorrow, the anarchist Voline forms part of the first Soviet, created to assist the victims of repression.

5*31*1905 - France: In Paris a bomb is tossed into a procession headed by French President Loubet & the king of Spain, Alphonse XIII. They were not hurt, but several people were wounded. The Spanish anarchist Alexander Farras (or Avino) was purported to be responsible, but never caught. Four anarchists, including Charles Malato, were arrested November 27, tried & acquitted of complicity in the attack.

3*1*1906 - US: Emma Goldman publishes the first issue of her anarchist paper, Mother Earth.

10830*1906 - US: Scheduled to speak at a meeting to protest the Oct. 27 arrests of several anarchists for debating in "Land of Free Speech" whether Czolgosz was an anarchist, Emma Goldman is arrested for articles published in Mother Earth & for inciting to riot. Nine others also arrested. Goldman also devoted the October issue of Mother Earth to the commemoration of the fifth anniversary of Leon Czolgosz's death, despite the objection of many of her political associates. Released tomorrow on $1,000 bail, a NY City grand jury will dismiss the case on January 9.

11*2*1906 - Emma Goldman pleads not guilty to criminal anarchy charges before the NY City magistrate.

3*11*1907 - Bulgarian Premier Nicolas Petkov is slain by an anarchist

4*26*1908 - US: Emma Goldman ends her San Francisco lecture series with a speech on patriotism. In attendance is U.S. soldier William Buwalda, stationed at the Presidio, who is witnessed shaking hands with Goldman following her speech. Buwalda is subsequently court-martialed for this action.

12*1*1908 - Seattle police take Emma Goldman into custody after the lock on a closed hall is broken to allow Goldman entry to speak; released when she promises to leave the city.

10*13*1909 - Francisco Ferrer, founder of the "Modern School" movement, anarchist, murdered in Spain by the Catholic Monarchists.

10*13*1909 - In capitals throughout Europe demonstrations are held protesting the execution of Francisco Ferrer. Violent confrontations between protestors & the police occur in Paris, where over 500,000 people turned out. In Argentina, a meeting improvised by the F.O.R.A. (the anarchist Federation Obrera Regional Argentina) brings out 20,000 workers & results in a General Strike which begins tomorrow & lasts until October 17.

11*14*1909 - Argentina: Simon Radowitzky, legendary "martir de Ushuaia", a young Polish anarchist, kills police chief Ramon Falcon with a bomb in Buenos Aires. Falcon had ruthlessly suppressed a renters strike & the workers' May Day celebrations.

12*6*1909 - Moishe Tokar, a young Russian Jewish anarchist & exiled member of Judith Goodman's group in London before slipping back into Russia, attempts to assassinate Hershelman, the hated military commander of the Vilna Fortress.


1*13*1910 - Russia: Moishe Tokar, a young Russian Jewish anarchist who attempted to assassinate Hershelman, the hated military commander of the Vilna Fortress, is sentenced to death.

2*26*1910 - US: Emma Goldman speaks in Buffalo, late this month, despite residues of Czolgosz-inspired apprehension & disapproval of anarchism. Also holds three meetings in Rochester.

3*11*1910 - US: Emma Goldman speaks on "The General Strike [of Philadelphia]" in Pittsburgh. The "free" press does not announce her talks in fear that she will prompt a riot.

3*26*1910 - US: Amendment to the Immigration Act of 1907 is passed, forbidding entrance to the United States of criminals, paupers, anarchists, & persons carrying diseases.

4*11*1910 - US: Emma Goldman's lectures in early April in Denver, Colorado, are well attended. But Goldman & Dr. Ben Reitman are arrested in Cheyenne, Wyoming, while conducting an open-air meeting. The arrests spur further interest in Goldman.

5*24*1910 - US: Emma Goldman begins lecture tour, visits San Diego, Portland, Seattle, & Spokane.

5*31*1910 - US: Car in which Emma Goldman & Reitman are riding is struck by a freight train in Spokane, Washington. Goldman thrown from car & badly bruised. The anarchist continues her speaking engagements, in Butte, Bismarck, & Fargo; travels through Milwaukee & Chicago.

6*13*1910 - France: In Paris, confrontations take place at Faubourg Saint-Anthony between cabinetmakers & police. The anarchist Henri Cler is wounded & dies. Cler's funeral at the Pantin cemetery draws tens of thousands of people, & is the scene of new police violence.

10*1*1910 - US: Twenty-one killed when the Los Angeles Times building is dynamited while embroiled in labor strife. McNamara arrested. Anarchist involvement immediately suspected.

10*19*1910 - France: Death of Luigi Lucheni, found hung in his cell. Anarchist advocate of "propaganda by the deed," he killed the imp�ratrice Elisabeth of Austria, (September 10, 1878) & got, at age 25, life in prison.

11*1*1910 - At a public meeting in NY City, anarchists Dr. Ben Reitman & Emma Goldman question Anthony Comstock about his promotion of laws denying the use of mails for "obscene" materials (birth control information was classified "obscene").

11*22*1910 - US: Police authorities deny the anarchist-feminist Emma Goldman, during November-December lectures, the right to speak in Washington, D.C., & Indianapolis. She miraculously escapes police interference in Baltimore where she presents five lectures.

11*25*1910 - ules Durand, French anarchist & revolutionary trade unionist, is sentenced to death in Le Havre, a victim of corrupt witnesses & smears by the local press. In a reopening of his case 15 June 1918 he will be found totally innocent. Unfortunately, by this time he had gone insane from being kept subdued in a strait jacket for 40 days, & Jules Durand spends the rest of his life in an asylum.

1*3*1911 - England: Sidney Street Siege, East London: three anarchists suspected of killing three cops three weeks earlier shoot it out with over a thousand troops, including Scots Guards from the Tower of London & armed police.

2*5*1911 - Mexico: Guadalupe is captured by the revolutionary anarchist forces of Ricardo Flores Magon's Liberal Party.

3*6*1911 - US: Emma Goldman -- "the most dangerous woman in America" -- lectures in Belleville, Ill., Milwaukee, & Madison, March 6-12.

3*13*1911 - Ricardo Flores Mag�n appeals to Emma Goldman for support of the revolutionary movement in Mexico.

5*1*1911 - Climax of land revolt in Baja California led by the Partido Liberal Mexicano; Porfirio Diaz signs a peace treaty with Francisco Madero in Mexico.

5*8*1911 - Mexico: Tijuana is captured by the anarchist Magonistes of the Mexican Liberal Party. Lower California is now almost entirely in their hands. The Magonistes encouraged the people to take collective possession of the lands, to create co-operatives & refuse the establishment of any new government.

10*30*1911 - Italy: Augusto Masetti, a soldier in the Bologna barracks, shouting "Anarchy Lives!" as he floors the gas pedal, runs down Colonel Stroppa with a car as Stroppa exhorts his soldiers to depart for Libya. Stroppa is injured, & Masetti was committed to an asylum (to avoid trying him openly in court).

3*14*1912 - Italy: Antonio d' Alba shoots at Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader King Victor-Emmanuel III who was attending a mass funeral for Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Humbert I (killed on July 29, 1900 by Gaetano Bresci). The young anarchist d' Alba is sentenced to forced labor.

5*30*1912 - Two companies of Marines rushed to Nicaragua to "protect U.S. interests"

6*9*1912 - Emma Goldman's lecture series (June 9-20) in Seattle, Washington, threatened by US military veterans who, always ready to do combat to protect freedom, protest the her right to speak. The Mayor, slightly more liberal, orders a large police contingent to monitor, rather than bar, her lectures. Goldman speaks in public in defiance of an anonymous death threat; no attempts made on her life.

6*22*1912 - Mexico: A group formed by the Colombian anarchist Juan Francisco Moncaleano, takes the name of "Grupo Luz" (Light) & creates a school based on the Modern School model of the Spaniard, Francisco Ferrer, in Mexico City.

8*5*1912 - In Mexico, the Colombian anarchist Juan Francisco Moncaleano today comes out in support of Ricardo Flor�s Magon (imprisoned), by with an article in the libertarian newspaper " Luz!". For this, amonth from now he is expelled from the country by Francisco Madero.

5*19*1913 - US: Emma Goldman accompanies Dr. Ben Reitman, obsessed with returning to San Diego, to the place of his abduction by vigilantes the previous year.

5*20*1913 - US: Emma Goldman & Dr. Ben Reitman arrested on arrival in that bastion of "free speech," San Diego, California; vigilantes surround the police station. Police order Goldman & Reitman to board the afternoon train back to Los Angeles.

6*7*1914 - Italy: At the end of meeting where Errico Malatesta appears in Ancone, the police open fire, killing three people & wounds about 15.

6*28*1914 - Austria's Archduke Ferdinand assassinate, purportedly by the Serbian anarchist Gavrilo Princip, touching off World War I. But that was just an excuse...the bloodbath had been coming for many years as various nation-states jockeyed for power & wealth.

7*4*1914 - US: "Accidental" bomb explosion at Lexington Avenue in New York City kills four people, including Arthur Caron, Carl Hansen, & Charles Berg, anarchists who knew Alexander Berkman from the protests at John D. Rockefeller's estate in Tarrytown, N.Y.

7*11*1914 - US: A NY City rally & public funeral as 6,000 mourn the deaths of those killed in the Lexington Avenue explosion.

12*6*1914 - Mexico: The troops of Pancho Villa & the anarchist Emiliano Zapata enter Mexico City.

1*24*1915 - Italy: In Pisa, the Italian anarchists, faithful to their convictions, declare themselves against the war. Errico Malatesta earlier vigorously protested, in the English newspaper "Freedom", December 1914, against the interventionist's "Manifesto of the 16" issued by Kropotkin & Jean Grave.

2*15*1915 - Publication of "Manifesto Against the War", signed by 35 anarchists, including Errico Malatesta, Domela Nieuwenhuis, Louis Lecoin, Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman, Alexander Schapiro, etc. A number of others had issued a manifesto, the "Manifeste des Seize" (Manifesto of the Sixteen) in support of the allies.

3*2*1915 - US: Frank Abarno & Carmine Carbone, members of the Italian anarchist Gruppo Gaetano Bresci, are arrested.

3*3*1915 - US: During this month Emma Goldman helps raise money for the defense fund of Frank Abarno & Carmine Carbone, members of the Italian anarchist Gruppo Gaetano Bresci, arrested on March 2 for conspiracy to bomb St. Patrick's Cathedral. On April 9, Abarno & Carbone are convicted & sentenced to six to twelve years in prison.

5*2*1915 - England: This month the "International Anarchist Manifesto on the War" issued from London; Emma Goldman is among over thirty anarchist signatories from the United States, Italy, France, Spain, the Netherlands, & Russia.

9*16*1915 - US: Emma Goldman scheduled to speak at meeting to rally support for David Caplan & Matthew Schmidt prior to the opening of their trials.

2*18*1916 - US: The anarchist brothers Enrique & Ricardo Flora Magon arrested at their Community Farm near Los Angeles, California. Enrique is beat by the police & hospitalized. The Magon brothers are charged with mailing articles inciting "murder, arson & treason," & go on trial May 21 & are both convicted & given prison sentences & fines.

5*21*1916 - US: The brothers Enrique & Ricardo Flora Magon go on trial. Arrested at their Community Farm near Los Angeles, California. Enrique was beat by police & hospitalized. The anarchist Magon brothers are said to have mailed articles inciting "murder, arson & treason".

7*22*1916 - Bomb explodes during a "Preparedness Day" parade in San Francisco, killing 10 & injuring 40. Tom Mooney, a labor organizer, & Warren K. Billings, a shoe worker, were framed & convicted by business & government interests (both pardoned by Roosevelt in 1939).

11*14*1916 - US: The anarchist Margaret Sanger arrested for operating a birth control clinic.

6*15*1917 - Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman arrested & charged with conspiring to "induce persons not to register" for World War I military service. Both were sent to prison, then deported & banned from the land of the free.

6*16*1917 - Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman plead not guilty on conspiracy charges; bail set at $25,000 each. Emma Goldman disappointed by Ben Reitman's failure to return to New York to support their pending trial.

6*21*1917 - Emma Goldman freed on $25,000 bail for her anti-war agitation; the press spreads charges that the anarchist's bail was provided by the German Kaiser. Alexander Berkman will be released on bail June 25.

6*27*1917 - US: Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman act as independent counsel in their conspiracy trial for anti-war activities; Goldman denies charge that she stated, "We believe in violence & we will use violence" at a May 18 meeting.

7*9*1917 - When Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman, charged with conspiracy to defeat military registration under the conscription law, were sentenced today to serve two years in prison, to pay fines of $10,000 each, & to be probably deported to Russia at the expiration of their prison terms, US Marshal McCarthy said: "This marks the beginning of the end of Anarchism in New York."

7*9*1917 - Brazil: Antonio Martinez, shoe-maker & anarchist, killed by the S�o Paulo cops at a demonstration during a textile strike. His killing sets off a 3-day General Strike on the 13th.

7*13*1917 - Brazil: A 3-day General Strike erupts in S�o Paulo following the killing of the anarchist shoemaker, Antonio Martinez, three days ago.

9*5*1917 - US: Palmer raids. Federal agents attack Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) halls & offices in 48 cities across the nation

9*9*1917 - Anarchist Antonio Fornasier is killed by Milwaukee police after heckling a priest.

12*14*1917 - US: Police authorities prevent Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman from speaking at a meeting at the Harlem River Casino in New York organized by labor for the San Francisco defense.

1*14*1918 - US: Anarchist/feminist Emma Goldman fined & sentenced to 2 years prison for obstruction of justice (opposing the draft). She will soon be deported from the Land of the Free.

1*14*1918 - US: Supreme Court upholds constitutionality of the selective service law, affirms all criminal charges arising from non-compliance with the draft.

1*28*1918 - Germany: General Strike in the large cities.

2*22*1918 - US: At the height of the Red Scare, the office of the "Cronaca Sovversiva", an anarchist newspaper both Sacco & Vanzetti had written for & donated money to, is raided. The names Sacco & Vanzetti are for the first time linked by officials to anarchist activities.

2*25*1918 - US: Newspapers report on government charges that Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman had worked with German spies in foreign countries, an allegation based on correspondence from Indian nationalist Har Dayal to Berkman found among the papers seized from the Mother Earth office.

3*1*1918 - US: Emma Goldman receives visit from Prince Hopkins, who reports on the activities of the League for the Amnesty of Political Prisoners.

3*4*1918 - US: The Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice orders copies of all correspondence to & from Emma Goldman sent to its office in Washington, D.C.

3*7*1918 - US: Harry Weinberger submits motion to the US District Court, Southern District of New York, that the bail money provided for Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman should not be used to pay their fines. Motion granted by Judge Augustus N. Hand on Mar. 11.

3*18*1918 - US: Mexican anarchist Ricardo Flores Mag�n is arrested for the final time on March 18, 1918 under the Espionage Act. He is charged with hindering the American war effort with his ideas, & imprisoned in the federal penitentiary of Leavenworth, causing outrage at the time among both Mexicans & even US liberals. Ricardo Flores Magon died in prison under highly suspicious circumstances, supposedly of a "heart attack" but at the hands of prison guards, according to Chicano inmates who rioted & killed his principal "murderer"

3*18*1918 - US: Dr. Ben Reitman begins his six-month prison sentence in Cleveland for his Jan. 1917 conviction for distributing birth control information. Just one of many visits to jail he endures over the years for practicing "free speech" in America

3*26*1918 - US: As anarchist draft resister Philip Grosser reports from Alcatraz Prison that he & other opponents of World War I are being tortured. Meanwhile Minneapolis is the scene of the first so-called "Slacker Raid," a dragnet of men without draft cards. During WWI, the raids will seize more than 40,000 non-registrants across the country ( On July 15th, 1919, the U.S. War Department announces it has classified more than 337,000 American men as "draft dodgers.")

4*12*1918 - Russia: Moscow headquarters of the anarchists surrounded & attacked by Bolshevik troops. For the past two days Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police has carried out raids on Moscow anarchist groups & making arrests. Under false pretenses & absurd pretexts, the quarters of all anarchist organizations & groups in Moscow are attacked & sacked by troops & cops. Very similar to what happens to anarchists, radical & labor activists in the US during this period.

4*16*1918 - US: Prince Hopkins arrested, indicted by federal grand jury in Los Angeles for violating the Espionage Act; released on $25,000 bail. On Aug. 30, he pleads guilty, fined $27,000.

5*16*1918 - US Congress passes Sedition Act against radicals, penalizing anyone judged to be hindering the war effort by making false statements, obstructing enlistment, or speaking against production of war materials, the American government, its constitution, or flag. Signed into law by Emperor Wilson on May 21

6*15*1918 - Jules Durand, sentenced to death in November 1910, is found innocent in a new trial, a victim of corrupt witnesses & vilification by the local press for a crime he did not commit.

6*27*1918 - US: Emma Goldman spends her birthday in agonizing pain, induced by strain from her prison work.

6*29*1918 - US: Because of Emma Goldman's anti-war activities, Federal agents raid the apartment of Emma Goldman's associate M. Eleanor Fitzgerald, seizing mailing lists & other relevant material. Goldman's associates, Carl Newlander & William Bales, are arrested for draft evasion following the raid.

8*23*1918 - Mollie Steimer arrested for distributing leaflets against the landing of American troops in Soviet Russia, along with several other members of her group.

9*14*1918 - US: Anarchist Dr. Ben Reitman is released from prison.

11*7*1918 - Germany: Revolt in shipyards in Kiel & Hamburg & the creation of Workers' Councils. In three days, Berlin follows suit, then all Germany, marking the beginning of the Sparticist Revolution, involving anarchists, socialists, communists & people in all walks of life.

11*7*1918 - "Red Bavaria" Revolution. Workers revolt. The Bavarian monarchy is overthrown & a Republic is declared by the Socialist Kurt Eisner, who becomes its president.

11*15*1918 - Gabriella Segata Antolini, a 19-year-old anarchist arrested & convicted for transporting dynamite in Chicago, is imprisoned in the Jefferson City, Mo., penitentiary; she & fellow prisoner Emma Goldman become good friends.

6*5*1919 - US: 67 anarchists are arrested & face deportation in the wake of a bomb explosion marking the beginning of the famous "Palmer raids."

6*14*1918 - Russia: Trotsky, chief of the Red Army, (aka The "Red Butcher" of Kronstadt) drafts an order banning the Makhnovist (anarchist) Congress, accusing them of opposing Soviet power in the Ukraine. Trotsky calls for the arrest of the delegates.

6*24*1919 - US: Following an attack on the house of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Attorney General Palmer on June 2, 1919, the Italian anarchist Luigi Galleani & collaborators on the newspaper "Cronaca Sovversiva" are expelled from the country.

6*27*1919 - Emma Goldman celebrates her 50th birthday in prison. Especially touched that William Shatoff sends her a bouquet of flowers from Russia.

7*12*1919 - Germany: Erich M�hsam, on trial in Munich since July 7 for High Treason, is sentenced to 15 years in prison for his involvement in Bavarian Workers' Councils uprising.

8*28*1919 - Seattle mayor demands "hang or incarcerate all anarchists for life."

9*25*1919 - Russian Revolution: After brutal repression at the hands of the Bolsheviks, Cheka raids on anarchist groups & the banning of the Anarchist Congress by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Trotsky in June, underground anarchists retaliate by bombing the Communist headquarters in Moscow.

9*27*1919 - US: Emma Goldman's term of imprisonment at Jefferson City penitentiary expires; released on bail with orders for deportation pending. Greeted in Jefferson City by mobs of reporters, friends, & niece Stella Ballantine, who accompanies her to Rochester. Stops in Chicago to visit Ben Reitman; meets his wife & child. Alexander Berkman's release from the Atlanta penitentiary follows in a few days, on Oct. 1.

10*8*1919 - US: General strike called to demand Tom Mooney's release & amnesty for all political prisoners.

10*16*1919 - Alexander Berkman & Emma Goldman spend a few days in the country to recuperate from harsh prison conditions before they begin work to oppose their deportations. Goldman is to appear before immigration authorities at Ellis Island on the 27th & 28th to appeal her deportation order. Goldman claims US citizenship from her marriage to Jacob A. Kersner. On the 31st a benefit theater performance in New York City raises $500 for Goldman & Berkman's deportation fight.

11*7*1919 - US: "Palmer's Reign of Terror" begins: 3,000 anarchists imprisoned without bail, Ellis Island in NY harbor. We Americans speak proudly of being a "Freedom-loving" country -- just don't try to practice it.

11*17*1919 - US: Violent raids of the homes of hundreds of "suspected radicals" take place in NY City.

11*25*1919 - US: Amid a strike for union recognition by 395,000 steelworkers (ultimately unsuccessful), approximately 250 "anarchists," "communists," & "labor agitators" were deported to Russia yesterday, marking the onset of the so-called "Red Scare."

12*1*1919 - US: Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman & other anarchists & radicals are forced to leave the "Land of the Free", deported to Russia.

12*5*1919 - Representative Isaac Siegel, after a trip to Ellis Island yesterday, declares he has discovered how anarchists are made.


9*1*1920 - Italy: Between the 1st & 4th of September metal workers occupy factories throughout the Italian peninsula

4*16*1920 - US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, Ferruccio Coacci, an Italian anarchist who was to be in East Boston to be deported the day before, tells Bureau of Immigration Inspector O. L. Root that he did not report as scheduled because his wife was sick and he needed a few days to take care of her.

4*20*1920 - US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, Stewart goes to Coacci�s former home and talks to Mario Buda. Buda claims he is a salesman and that his car is being repaired at the Elm Square Garage. April 22, 1920 Stewart talks to Simon Johnson, owner of the Elm Square Garage, and sets a trap for Buda by instructing Johnson to call him when anyone comes for the car.

9*11*1920 - US: The anarchists Sacco & Vanzetti indicted for South Braintree crimes.

9*16*1920 - US: Bomb explosion outside the J.P. Morgan Company on NY's Wall Street kills 30, injures over 100, & does $2 million worth of damage in the ensuing fire which destroyed Morgan's offices. Authorities blame "anarchists," many who subsequently flee to Russia.

9*20*1920 - Russian Expedition stops in Odessa; advancement of Polish troops prevents them from traveling further.

10*14*1920 - Italy: Demonstrations held in support of the Russian Revolution & to demand the release of the political prisoners. In Bologna, where the anarchist Errico Malatesta appears, police open fire on demonstrators, killing several.

10*21*1920 - Italy: About 25 delegates of the Unione Sindicale Italiana (USI, a syndicalist union 300,000 strong), meeting at Bologna, are all arrested in a body.

10*21*1920 - Emma Goldman postpones her return trip to Petrograd to attend John Reed's funeral in Moscow today.

11*26*1920 - Russia: Red Army led by "Snowball" (Trotsky's name in Orwell's Animal Farm) & Kamenov murders Makhnovist anarchist delegation under a flag of truce & attacks agrarian commune federation.

11*27*1920 - Leon Trotsky (aka "The Red Butcher") orders an attack on Makhno's headquarters. Yesterday Makhno's anarchist commanders were executed after being lured to a meeting with Trotsky under a flag of truce. The Cheka simultaneously arrests members of the Nabat Confederation in Kharkov & raids anarchist clubs & organizations throughout Russia.

2*8*1921 - The "Anarchist Prince," geographer Pete Kropotkin dies, Dmitrov, USSR.

2*8*1921 - Russia: Emma Goldman arrives in Dmitrov shortly after Kropotkin's death.

2*13*1921 - Russia: Peter Kropotkin's funeral held in Moscow � the last public anarchist gathering & the last non-state-sponsored mass assembly in Russia for 70 years, as Lenin, Trotsky & the Bolsheviks begin crackdown. On passing Butyrki jail, incarcerated political prisoners strike up an anarchist hymn to the dead.

2*13*1921 - Russia: Emma Goldman, among others, delivers a public remembrance at Kropotkin's funeral in Moscow.

Russia: Kronstadt Revolt. It is here Trotsky utters his famous line, "Shoot them down like partridges."

2*28*1921 - Kronstadt Revolt begins, in sympathy with the resistance in Petrograd & critical of Bolshevism. As opposed to the Bolshevik Party dictatorship they demand workers' rule.

3*4*1921 - Russia: During Krondstadt uprising (March 1-17) in support of striking Petrograd factory workers; sailors demand democratic election of Soviet representatives. Emma Goldman attends March 4 meeting of the Petrograd Soviet, which votes to accept Zinoviev's proposal to force the surrender of Krondstadt sailors upon penalty of death.

3*5*1921 - Russia: Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, & several others send a letter of protest to Zinoviev, proposing a commission to settle the dispute with the Krondstadt sailors peacefully; no response received. In two days Leon Trotsky orders the artillery bombardment of Krondstadt, counter-revolutionary vs. revolutionaries.

3*7*1921 - Russia: As Trotsky orders the artillery bombardment of Krondstadt, Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman, feeling that their last tie to the Bolsheviks has been broken, decide to leave Russia & alert the world to what they have witnessed. Berkman writes The Bolshevik Myth & help Emma with her book, My Disillusionment in Russia (1923).

3*18*1921 - Russia: Kronstadt fell yesterday. Thousands of sailors & workers lie dead in the streets.

5*4*1922 - US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, The Gould and Pelser motions are made. The Gould motion is based on affidavit by Gould, an eyewitness, stating that during the shootout a man who did not look like Sacco or Vanzetti fired at him from the car.

11*21*1922 - Ricardo Flores Mag�n, Mexican anarchist, author, dies at Leavenworth Penitentiary in Kansas, USA. Possibly murdered by prison guards. His remains were returned to Mexico, where they rest at the Rotunda of Illustrious Men in Mexico City & he has a city named after him.

12*18*1922 - Italy: In Turin, the fascists attack the "Chambre du Travail", set fire to the Circle of the Railwaymen, the Circle Karl Marx & the seat of Ordine Nuova.

12*22*1922 - Germany: Founding of the anarcho-syndicalist International Workers Association (AIT or IWA), Berlin, on the initiative of Rudolf Rocker.

1*23*1923 - France: The young individualist Germaine Berton attempts to kill Leon Daudet, the extreme rightwing propagandist of l'Action Fran�aise. A solidarity campaign by "Libertaire" rallied Severine (Caroline Remy), Louis Lecoin, & other anarchists & militants to her defense; she was acquitted.

2*5*1923 - Italy: Mass arrests of socialists, anarchists & communists.

2*14*1923 - US: American-Italian anarchist Nicola Sacco goes on prison hunger strike.

2*27*1923 - US: Formation in New York of the Mohegan Colony Association, based on anarchist principles.

3*10*1923 - Spain: Salvador Segui Rubinat, "El noi del sucre", assassinated with another trade unionist, Francesc Comes (murders financed by the governor of Catalonia). Born in 1890, Salvador Segui was an anarcho-syndicalist in the very active & popular CNT in Catalonia. Fundacion Salvador Segui now exist in Barcelona, Valencia & Madrid.

3*26*1923 - Bulgaria: In Yambol, during an anarchist protest against the governments decision to disarm the people, the army shoots into the crowd, wounding the speaker Atanas Stoitchev & massacre others. About 30 are murdered here, including others executed at the Yambol barracks tomorrow.

4*24*1923 - Bulgaria: In Sliven, the anarchists Nicolai Dragnev, the brothers Panayot & Ilia Kratounkov are shot by soldiers under the pretext of "attempting to escape". They are the final victims of the tragedy of Yambol, of March 26, when the army opened fire into a crowd attending an anarchist meeting, leaving 30 dead. Nicolai Dragnev was an important figure in the Bulgarian anarchist movement, a propagandist & esteemed popular speaker. As it happened, he was not at the meeting of March 26, & so failed to hide during the repression following the massacre. That failure cost him his life.

6*16*1923 - Argentina: In Buenos-Aires the anarchist Kurt Gustav Wilckens is shot in his cell by a prison guard, a rightwing fanatic. He dies tomorrow & despite government attempts to cover up the crime, a nation-wide General Strike will be called in protest.

6*18*1923 - Argentina: In Buenos-Aires the anarchist Kurt Gustav Wilckens is shot in his cell by a prison guard, a rightwing fanatic. He dies tomorrow & despite government attempts to cover up the crime, a nation-wide General Strike will be called in protest.

7*21*1923 - Prince Caetani was naturally called upon to make a speech. He made one bitterly denouncing the opponents of Fascismo among the American Italians, & argued "a certain Italian paper in New York ought to be suppressed."

8*10*1923 - US: Carlo Tresca, Italian-American anarchist, suddenly arrested. The charge was that he had printed an article, three months before, attacking the Italian monarchy & the Fascists. No such crime, of course, is known to American law, but Tresca was nevertheless arrested.

1*3*1925 - Italy: Mussolini puts an end to the parliamentary system & issues a decree ordering the dissolution of the USI (Unione Sindacala Italiana) anarcho-syndicalist union.

11*9*1925 - Argentina: Perez Millan (who killed the anarchist Kurt Gustav Wilckens in his prison cell), is killed in an asylum in Buenos Aires. Boris Vladimirovitch, a doctor & biologist doing time for an "expropriation", feigned madness so as to be transferred to Millan's asylum. Vladimirovitch was unable to get close enough (Millan was "protected"), so another internee killed him.

5*12*1926 - US: Massachusetts Supreme Court upholds the death sentences of "those anarchist bastards" Sacco & Vanzetti & denies their motion for a new trial.

5*25*1926 - France: Simon Petliura (Petlyura) assassinated in Paris by Samuel Schwartzbard, a young Jewish anarchist poet & watchmaker, to avenge pogroms against Jews (directed by Petliura, a rightwing nationalist & former Hetman of Ukrainian armies) & the murder of his own family members. Schwartzbard was set free by a sympathetic jury.

5*26*1926 - US: A motion is filed for a new trial Sacco & Vanzetti case based upon Medeiros� confession & information about the Morelli gang, an Italian gang that robbed freight cars in Providence, R.I. & New Bedford, Mass.

5*28*1926 - Portugal: A military coup today forces Portuguese anarchists to move their planned congress & relocate it to Valencia, Spain, where it proceeds surreptitiously on 25 July 1927.

10*23*1926 - US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, Judge Thayer denies the Medeiros motion, presented before him on Sept 13-17. Jan. 27-28, 1927 Appeal from the denial of Medeiros motion is argued before the Supreme Judicial Court, but on April 7, 1927 the denial of the Medeiros motion is affirmed.

10*31*1926 - Italy: Mussolini (a former anarchist-syndicalist) escapes an assassination attempt by the 15-year-old anarchist Anteo Zamboni (son of anarchist Mammolo Zamboni). Lynched by the black-shirted fascistes. His parents were then sentenced to 30-year terms of imprisonment.

11*8*1926 - Italy: Dictator Mussolini issues the laws of exceptions. It sets up special tribunals for the "defense" of the state, allowing the arrests & imprisonment of many anarchists without trials.

2*22*1927 - NESTER MAKHNO and PIOTR ARSHINOV with other exiled Russian and Ukrainian anarchists in Paris, launched the excellent bimonthly Dielo Trouda in 1925. It was an anarchist communist theoretical review of a high quality. Years before, when they had both been imprisoned in the Butirky prison in Moscow, they had hatched the idea of such a review. Now it was to be put into practice. Makhno wrote an article for nearly every issue during the course of three years. In 1926 the group was joined by IDA METT (author of the expose of Bolshevism, "The Kronstadt Commune"), who had recently fled from Russia. That year also saw the publication of the 'Organisational Platform'.

4*7*1927 - US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, The denial of the Medeiros motion is affirmed.

6*10*1927 - Italy: The trial (June 8-10) of the anarchist Gino Lucetti concludes. He attempted to assassinate Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Mussolini, September 11, 1926. He is sentenced to 30 years in prison; two others receive 12 years.

7*25*1927 - Spain: Portuguese anarchist conference, relocated from Portugal, meets surreptitiously today & tomorrow, in Valencia.

7*28*1927 - US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, after being interviewed for several hours by Governor Fuller, Vanzetti writes a letter to him providing more complete answers to the Governor's questions & asking him to stop the scheduled executions. Fuller announces his refusal to intervene on Aug. 3rd.

8*3*1927 - US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Gov. Fuller announces he will not intervene to stop the scheduled executions.

8*27*1927 - Paris: Thousands turn out in violent protests over deaths of Sacco & Vanzetti.

8*28*1927 - US: Sacco-Vanzetti funeral from North End to Forest Hills Cemetery. The anarchists are cremated. In September all Hollywood newsreels on Sacco & Vanzetti are ordered destroyed by Will Hayes, movie czar.

12*25*1927 - Argentina: In Buenos Aires, the National City Bank is bombed, killing two & wounding 23 American & Argentinean customers: it is the work of anarchist (Giovanni & the brothers Scarfo) proponents of violent action.

1*29*1928 - Family members visit Canada from the US to see Emma Goldman before she departs for France; a farewell banquet is held in her honor today. As she anticipates writing her autobiography, Goldman asks a wider circle of friends to loan her her past correspondence to refresh her memory.

3*5*1928 - France: During March-May, in Paris, Emma Goldman is reunited with old friends & comrades, including Alex Berkman, Mollie Steimer, & Senya Fleshin.

5*3*1928 - Argentina: In Buenos Aires, to protest against the Italian dictatorship, the anarchist Severino Di Giovanni bombs the Italian consulate (which was being used to eliminate Italian antifascists in exiles). Nine killed, 34 wounded.

7*17*1928 - General Alvaro Obreg�n president of Mexico, assassinated. Obregon was responsible for the crushing of Zapatistan autonomous initiatives ten years previously. His assassin is not an anarchist, but rather an activist Catholic.

6*1*1929 - Manchuria: The Korean anarchist general Kim Jwa-Jin is assassinated while doing repair work on a rice mill. The killer escaped but his handler was caught & executed.

6*27*1929 - Emma Goldman takes time out of a busy writing schedule to celebrate her 60th birthday with Alex Berkman & visiting American friends Ben & Ida Capes.

9*30*1929 - Publisher Alfred Knopf signs a book contract with Emma Goldman's representatives, lawyer Arthur Leonard Ross & Saxe Commins; she receives an advance of $7,000.


2*22*1930 - Italy: Camillo Berneri sentenced to six months in prison.

3*6*1930 - France (?): During this month Emma Goldman is presented with an expulsion order dating from March 1901. Red Emma is taken immediately to police headquarters. She demands & receives a stay of 10 days; lawyer Henri Torres ultimately succeeds in overturning the expulsion order.

3*6*1930 - US: 100,000 demonstrate for jobs in New York City. No Welfare Bums them. Welfare doesn't exist yet.

8*24*1930 - Indochina: Two killed in riots on third anniversary of Sacco & Vanzetti execution

11*8*1930 - France: Alexander Berkman, denied renewal of his visa once again, is given 15 days to leave the country; by mid-month he receives another three-month extension.

2*1*1931 - Severino Di Giovanni dies in a shoot-out with the police.

2*2*1931 - Argentinean anarchist Paulino Scarfo dies in a shoot out with police.

2*10*1931 - US: Karl Yoneda attends a demonstration in Los Angeles, where the Red Squad severely beat him & threw him into a cell.

3*27*1931 - Uruguay: Arrest of Miguel Arcangel Roscigna, anarchist Argentinean expropriator who, after being a wrought iron craftsman, went from anarcho-syndicalism to violent action. Initiated by Durruti in bank robberies to finance propaganda & to help prisoners escape.

4*1*1931 - February-April Fall of the monarchy in Spain. Many anarchists, including some of Goldman's closest associates, are enthusiastic about the prospects for anarchism there, while Goldman remains skeptical. May Goldman learns that, despite the dreadful economic situation, Knopf intends to publish Living My Life in two volumes at what she considers an exorbitant price.

4*14*1931 - Spain: A Republic is proclaimed. Alfonso XIII crosses paths on his way out of Spain with hundreds of returning exiles, among them the anarchists Buenaventura Durruti & Francisco Ascaso.

5*21*1931 - Italy: In Rome, 32-year-old anarchist Michele Schirru is executed (shot) by a fascist firing squad. Schirru had emigrated to the US. A committed antifascist, he then returned to Italy, where he was arrested, tried & found guilty by a "special tribunal" of one notorious thug, of wanting to make an attempt on Mussolini life. No judge, no jury, no witnesses & no lawyers were allowed. Schirru was shot 8 1/2 hours after sentencing.

6*28*1931 - Alexander Berkman is presented with another expulsion order, the third in 15 months; he rushes to Paris to try to get an extension of his papers.

12*31*1931 - US: John Haynes Holmes lectures on Emma Goldman's Living My Life to an overflow audience at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.

1*1*1932 - US: "The Nation" magazine includes anarchist feminist Emma Goldman's Living My Life among its list of most notable books of 1931.

1*18*1932 - Spain: Libertarian Communism is proclaimed in the Catalonia mine fields of High Llobregat, in Berga, Cardona, Fijols, Sallent, & Suria.

1*19*1932 - Spain: Armed miners' uprising in Barcelona region in response to anarchist uprisings in Catalonia. "Libertarian communism" declared, including the abolition of money & property, followed by general strikes & armed uprisings throughout Spain over the next five days.

2*13*1932 - Spain: Anarcho-syndicalist CNT proclaims General Strike; insurrections follow.

2*16*1932 - Spain: The anarchists take the city Terrassa & proclaim libertarian communism. But their action is of short duration.

3*7*1932 - Germany: During this month, at its last regional Congress, held in Erfurt, the FAUD (Freie Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands, anarchosyndicalist union) decides that, in the event of the Nazis taking power, its federal bureau in Berlin would be shut down & replaced by an underground directorate (based in Erfurt) & that there would have to be a general strike by way of reply. The latter decision proved impracticable: for one thing ' the FAUD all across Germany was decimated by a wave of arrests.

3*28*1932 - Madrid: Spanish Anarchists begin burning monasteries.

4*22*1932 - Germany: Emma Goldman arrives back in Berlin, where she learns that CBS has canceled her planned radio broadcast, fearing that it will be interpreted as an effort on her part to reenter the "Land of the Free". Can't have that.

9*12*1932 - US: Unemployed march on grocery stores & seize food, Toledo, Ohio

9*27*1932 - US: Judge Thayer�s house is bombed (presumably for his role in the Sacco & Vanzetti case).

11*11*1932 - Spain: Founding of F.I.J.L (F�d�ration des Jeunesses Ib�rique Libertaire).

1*8*1933 - Spain: "Anarchist uprisings began in Barcelona, Madrid & Valencia. The insurrection was quickly beaten back; but three days later, on January 11, fighting unexpectedly broke out in the small Andalusian town of Casas Viejas. .in an exchange of shots at the barracks of the Civil Gaurds, two guards were mortally wounded... They then exacted a terrible vengeance on the town. The incident at Casas Viejas symbolized the fury and the martyrdom of the landless workers of Andalusia."

1*10*1933 - Spain: Rioting, bombings & gunfighting continue throughout the country as the Revolution spreads to the southern cities. Anarchists & Syndicalists besiege Barcelona.

1*12*1933 - Spain: The anarchist uprisings which began on 8 January are brutally suppressed. Their greatest successes were in Andalusia. Police & army buildings were attacked, & the anarcho-trade unionists seized public buildings & proclaimed Libertarian Communism there. In the small village of Casas Viejas, the government "Gardes d'assaut" demonstrate their cruelty by assassinating many of the the villagers, burning alive others gathered in a thatched cottage.

2*16*1933 - Germany: "Arbeiter-Echo" (Worker Echo), the unofficial organ of the German AnarchosyndikalistInnen published by the FAUD in Dresden, is banned by the Nazis.

5*9*1933 - Spain: Bombings & shooting mark a general strike.

5*16*1933 - The first blacklist of 'unacceptable' books is declared by German National Socialists of the Berlin Librarian Commission. Among the banned titles are B. Traven's 'The Carreta' & 'Government': "I wish to do my share so that authority figures & authority worship vanish".

8*12*1933 - Cuba: Machado's tyranny is brought down by a general strike fermented & maintained by anarchist elements of the Transport Union, first, & then by the Streetcar Worker's Union, & finally by the masses of people.

10*15*1933 - US: American liberal Mabel Carver Crouch, during this month, begins working furiously for Emma Goldman's readmission to the US, organizing a committee & soliciting the help of lawyers & others with contacts in the new administration in Washington, D.C.

11*17*1933 - Netherlands: Emma Goldman's lecture tour meets with mixed success: Goldman lectures in Hilversum & Amsterdam on "Living My Life", but her lecture in Rotterdam on dictatorship is prohibited. Under surveillance throughout the trip, she is arrested at Appeldorn on Nov. 23 & expelled from the country the following day.

12*13*1933 - Spain: From 8th-13th, some provinces (Andalusia, Aragon, Estremadure) experience uprisings, initiated by the anarchists. In several villages, they declare anarchist-communism, destroy property files, & abolish the currency. But these movements remain insulated & on December 10 the Republican government declares a State of Emergency & sends in the army. As in Casas Viejas, repression is severe: 87 dead, many arrests, tortures, & more than 700 imprisoned.

1*15*1934 - Canada: Emma Goldman gives a well-attended series of lectures, January 15-31, at Hygeia Hall in Toronto

5*28*1934 - Canada: Emma Goldman's recent lectures in Montreal drew audiences of 300-400: she spoke on Hitler & Nazism, "The Collapse of German Culture," & "Living My Life", as well as lecturing in Yiddish on May 21. Now back in Toronto, Goldman finds an apartment; after a disappointing lecture on the New Deal today she determines to curtail her public speaking & concentrate on writing.

6*27*1934 - Canada: Emma Goldman celebrates her 65th birthday in Toronto with a party attended by 40 friends

7*10*1934 - Erich M�hsam, German anarchist poet, murdered on the night of July 9/10, by the Nazis at the Orianenburg concentration camp

7*18*1934 - The American Mercury accepts Emma Goldman's article, "Communism: Bolshevist & Anarchist, A Comparison," which it publishes � to Emma's disgust � in a truncated form as "There is No Communism in Russia" in April 1935, violating the spirit of the original article.

7*24*1934 - Nestor Makhno, Ukrainian anarchist guerilla leader who fought reactionaries on the left & the right (both the Bolshevik Red Army & the rightwing White armies, dies, the evening of July 24-25, in exile in Paris, age 44, from tuberculosis.

8*10*1934 - US: Anarchist conference at Stelton, N.J., August 10-11, organized to discuss the creation of an English-language anarchist weekly; Emma Goldman contributes in writing her ideas on anarchists building alliances with other groups.

9*25*1934 - Emma Goldman lectures to a Jewish women's organization in Toronto, Canada, on "The New Approach to the Child."

10*5*1934 - Spain: 40,000 miners & iron workers strike, seizing towns around Gijon. 3,000 killed. The uprising in the mining districts of Asturias, Spain, October 5-18, is followed by severe repression; thousands of miners are executed, thousands more tortured, & thirty to forty thousand are imprisoned.

12*12*1934 - US: During this month Harper's publishes Emma Goldman's "Was My Life Worth Living?" & Roger Baldwin advises Goldman that in the current atmosphere of hostility toward alien radicals she is unlikely to be granted a US visa. Today her brother Herman dies.

1*17*1935 - Canada: After a disappointing turnout for her Jan. 17 lecture on moral censorship of current films Emma Goldman cancels further lectures.

3*4*1935 - Canada: Emma Goldman delivers two further lectures to Jewish groups--on "Crime & Punishment" on March 4 & birth control on March 15--& the last in her drama series conclude Goldman's lectures in Montreal; she returns to Toronto on March 17. 4*11*1935 - Canada: In her last month in this country Emma Goldman speaks in Hamilton, Ontario, under the auspices of the National Council of Jewish Women.

4*22*1935 - Canada: Emma Goldman returns to Montreal where her niece Stella Ballantine visits her on April 26.

5*2*1935 - Canada: Telegrams of tribute greet Emma Goldman at a farewell event hosted by Rabbi Stern of Montreal. On May 4-14 Goldman sails from Canada to Le Havre, France; she reaches Paris on May 15. On May 18 Goldman arrives back in St. Tropez in time to celebrate the anniversary of Berkman's release from prison in 1906; she finds him in better health than she expected.

10*11*1935 - Argentina: Founding of F�d�ration Anarcho-Communiste Argentine. (F.A.C.A).

11*21*1935 - England: In June of this year Emma Goldman began mobilizing anarchist writers & editors of the movement's press - for example, Rudolf Rocker, Max Nettlau, & Albert de Jong � to publish articles to mark Berkman's 65th birthday today.

1*16*1936 - Spain: Socialists / communists / anarchists form Unidad Popular.

1*31*1936 - Several delegates from the Portuguese Anarchist Federation & from exile attend FAI meeting on 31 January & 1 February 1936.

2*16*1936 - Spain: Election & formation of the Popular Front government against the fascist Franco. Anarchists, socialists, communists, republicans & labor groups for a republic.

3*7*1936 - Germany remilitarizes the Rhineland in direct contravention of the Treaty of Versailles.

3*25*1936 - Wales: Emma Goldman delivers three lectures (March 25-27) to miners in South Wales--at Mountain Ash, Ystradgynlais, & Aberdare--sponsored by the National Council of Labour Colleges. Her lectures on "Mussolini & Hitler" & on "The Two Communisms" are surprisingly well received, as it is the first time that the Labour Colleges had provided a hearing for anarchism & a critique of Soviet Russia.

5*2*1936 - The "Sterilizers of Bordeaux" trial in France. In April 1935 France, lacking specific laws against voluntary vasectomies, charged Dr. Norbert Bartosek, an anarchist Austrian, & others (among them Aristide Lapeyre & both Andr�e & Andr� Pr�votel) with the "crime of castration" & "aggravated assault". Bartosek received three years in prison & the others 16 months.

5*27*1936 - Alexander Berkman, in declining health, is released from a hospital & returns to his domestic life with companion Emmy Eckstein & his old anarchist pal Emma Goldman in Nice

6*26*1936 - Death of R�gis Meunier, French militant syndicalist, anarchist propagandist. Sentenced to seven years in a penal colony during the anti-anarchist hysteria, May 30, 1894 for "criminal conspiracy". He became friends with Clement Duval, whom he helped escape. Meunier was pardoned June 18, 1901.

6*28*1936 - In the early hours of the day, unable to continue enduring the physical pain of a longstanding ailment, Alexander Berkman shoots himself; the bullet lodges in his spinal column, paralysing him. Emma Goldman rushes to Nice to be at his side. He sinks into a coma in the afternoon & dies at 10pm.

6*30*1936 - Alexander Berkman is buried in Nice. Lifelong anarchist pal Emma Goldman is in attendance.

7*9*1936 - US: Alexander Berkman Memorial Meeting sponsored by the Jewish Anarchist Federation in NY City. 7*16*1936 - Spain: In Barcelona, the anarcho-trade unionists of the powerful C.N.T (Confederaci�n Nacional del Trabajo) apply, without success, to Luis Companys, president of the "Generalitat" (self government of Catalonia), to organize a weapons distribution to the workers, to counter the imminent threat of a rightwing military coup d'etat.

7*17*1936 - Military uprising against Republican government led by fascist Francisco Franco, triggering the Spanish Revolution & Civil War. Barcelona workers of the largest & most powerful trade union, the anarchist C.N.T., seize 200 rifles & distribute them. Where the workers offer armed resistance, the fascists are defeated. Federico Arcos recalls:
"I woke up to the factory sirens. & it was as if the whole of Barcelona was pulsing to a single heartbeat, the sort of thing that only happens maybe once in a century¨ &, if I may say so, it has left its mark on my life & I can still feel that emotion."

7*19*1936 - Spain: The fascists, under Franco, attempt to overthrow the elected government in Spain, triggering the Spanish Civil War & Revolution. Today the rebellious military officers hold most of the garrisons in Barcelona. The workers of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT & socialist POUM attack the barracks, joined by soldiers, civil guards & policemen faithful to the republic.

7*20*1936 - Spain: In Barcelona, following the fascist uprising by Franco & the military against the Republic yesterday, the workers of the CNT & POUM counterattacked & today only Atarazanas barracks remains in fascist hands. During the assault the anarchist Francisco Ascaso is killed

7*21*1936 - Spain: Establishment in Catalonia of the Central Anti-Fascist Militias Committee (CAMC). No workers' organization takes power.

7*23*1936 - Spain: Two militia columns leave Barcelona to liberate Zaragoza, safeguarding & extending the establishment of anarchist communism in Aragon.

7*25*1936 - Spain: Camillo Berneri arrives in Catalonia with a cargo of rifles & ammunition.

8*19*1936 - Spain: Camillo Berneri, after organizing an Italian anarchist column within the Francisco Ascaso formation in the Pedralbes barracks (renamed "Bakunin"), with Angeloni & de Santill�n (from the CNT-FAI), leaves Barcelona for the Aragonese front.

9*16*1936 - Spain: Based in Barcelona, the anarchist stronghold in Catalonia, from September 16-December 10, Emma Goldman helps write the English-language edition of the CNT-FAI's information bulletin, visits collectivized farms & factories, & travels to the Aragon front, Valencia, & Madrid. Works closely with anarchist Martin Gudell of the CNT-FAI's Foreign Propaganda Department & broadcasts two English-language radio addresses; Goldman hopes to conduct publicity from Barcelona, not wanting to leave Spain.

9*26*1936 - Spain: Three anarchists -- Dom�nech, F�bregas & Garcia Birlan -- join the Generalidad government in Catalonia.

10*2*1936 - Spain: The CAMC (Central Anti-Fascist Militias Committee, founded July 21, 1936 in Catalonia) is wound up.

10*17*1936 - Spain: In Perdiguera (Aragon), the International Group of the Durruti Column, composed of 250 anarchists, engage in a battle against the fascists.

10*18*1936 - Spain: Emma Goldman addresses a mass meeting of 16,000 people organized by the FAI (Iberian Anarchist Federation), youth in Barcelona. Also during the month she visits the Aragon front for two days where she is honored to meet Buenaventura Durruti, a leading FAI activist & militia commander. From the 20th to the 26th, in Valencia, with German exiles Anita & Hanns-Erich Kaminski, Goldman tours collectivized villages & farms.

11*4*1936 - Spain: Four leaders of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT, the largest union in the country, bag their principles during the Spanish Revolution & join the new Republican "Popular Front" government as Cabinet Ministers: Juan Garcia Oliver (Justice), Juan Peiro (Industry) Juan Lopez Sanchez (Trade), Federica Montseny (Health). Actions such as these undermine the Social Revolution, turning it into just another "Civil War".

11*4*1936 - Spain: Juan Peiro Belis appointed Minister of Industry in the Republican government under Caballero Largo.

11*5*1936 - Spain: Anarchist Buenaventura Durruti makes a radio broadcast from the Madrid front, in which he opposes the decree issued by the Generalidad militarizing the militias, & calls for greater commitment & sacrifice from the rearguard if the war is to be won.

11*6*1936 - Spain: The Republic's government (along with the four new anarcho-syndicalist ministers) flees Madrid for the safety of Valencia. The populace of Madrid's response is the cry of "Long live Madrid without government!"

11*7*1936 - Spain: Increasingly aware of her inability to speak Spanish hindering her work in Spain, Emma Goldman plans to shift to publicity work & fund raising in Great Britain or the United States, where she could make a greater contribution.

11*15*1936 - Spain: Today 1,800 militiamen from the best of Durruti's anarchist column enter into combat at University City (Madrid).

11*19*1936 - Spain: This afternoon, Buenaventura Durruti is mortally wounded under uncertain circumstances while helping to defend Madrid. Earlier this month he was persuaded by Garc�a Oliver & Federica Montseny to bring his anarchist column (composed of about 3,000 men) to the city to defend it against Franco's fascist army.

11*20*1936 - Spain: Buenaventura Durruti y Domingo, the famous & beloved Spanish anarchist, shot in the lung yesterday, dies at this morning at 6a.m.

11*30*1936 - Spain: Over 500,000 attend the funeral of the anarchist Buenaventura Durruti in Barcelona.

12*17*1936 - USSR: In Moscow, Pravda announces that in Catalonia (Spain), the "cleaning" out of Trotskyites & the anarcho-syndicalists has already started. Stalin's agents will carry out these purges:
"As for Catalonia, the purging of Trotskyist & anarcho-syndicalist elements has begun; this work will be carried out with the same energy with which it was done in the USSR."

12*23*1936 - Emma Goldman arrives in London & finds the propaganda bureau of the Generalitat in a shambles.

1*2*1937 - England: Emma Goldman begins organizing publicity campaign about the Spanish revolution, including planning mass meetings in London & the provinces, but is hampered by poor communication with & lack of urgency among key anarchist leaders in Barcelona.

1*18*1937 - England: Emma Goldman speaks on "The Spanish Revolution & the CNT-FAI" at a large meeting chaired by novelist Ethel Mannin in London.

2*5*1937 - Spain: Plenary assembly of the confederal & anarchist militias meeting in Valencia, February 5-8, to consider the militarization issue.

2*8*1937 - Spain: Malaga falls to Franco's forces.

2*13*1937 - Scotland: In Glasgow, Emma Goldman meets with local anarchists at the home of Frank Leech, secretary of the Anti-Parliamentary Communist Federation.

2*14*1937 - Scotland: Emma Goldman speaks in Glasgow to an audience of 600 on "The Part of the CNT-FAI in the Spanish Revolution" in the afternoon; & in Paisley on "The CNT-FAI & Collectivisation" in the evening.

3*4*1937 - Spain: The newspaper "La Noche" carries an announcement introducing the aims, characteristics & membership conditions of the anarchist Friends of Durruti Group. Also, the Generalidad issues a decree winding up the Control Patrols. In La Batalla , Nin passes favorable & hopeful comment on an article by Balius carried in the March 2nd edition of La Noche.

3*11*1937 - notifies Emma Goldman (in England) of the establishment of a new committee composed of members from the CNT & the FAI to handle all foreign propaganda matters, in order to alleviate inefficiency caused by the personal & political rivalry between Augustin Souchy & Helmut Rudiger over propaganda

3*18*1937 - Spain: Battles in Guadalajara (March 8 through 18) end in victory for the Republican forces (the International Brigades & a division controlled by the anarchist Cipriano Mera) over the fascist nationalist camp composed of Italian, Moroccan troops & strongly armed & motorized Carlists attempting to seize Madrid.

3*21*1937 - Spain: The anarchist Iron Column meets in assembly to vote on militarization or disbandment: it agrees to militarization.

3*28*1937 - Spain: Late March-early April: A flyer bearing the endorsement of the anarchist Friends of Durruti Group is issued.

4*1*1937 - US: Abe Bluestein & Selma Cohen head to Spain to aid the anarchists.

4*14*1937 - Spain: "Friends of Durruti Group," (former anarchists in the Durruti Column) issues a Manifesto opposing commemoration of the anniversary of the Republic, arguing it is merely a pretext for reinforcing bourgeois institutions & the counterrevolution.

4*18*1937 - Spain: "Friends of Durruti Group," (former anarchists in the Durruti Column) hold their first public meeting at a theatre with about 1000 workers present & four speakers.

4*27*1937 - Spain: April 27 & 28, 1937: Armed conflict between anarchists & Generalidad forces in Bellver de Cerda�a. Antonio Martin, the anarchist mayor of Puigcerd�, is shot dead.

4*29*1937 - Spain: Late this month a poster from Friends of Durruti Group is pinned up on trees & walls throughout the city of Barcelona. In it, they set out their program: "All power to the working class. All economic power to the unions. Instead of the Generalidad, the Revolutionary Junta."

5*1*1937 - Spain: The only meetings in Barcelona on May Day were an indoor, small meeting by the 'Those of Yesterday & Those of Today' adhering to the Friends of Durruti Group, & an Anarchist nudist group meeting on the value of music. The Friends of Durruti meeting was Sunday 2 May.

5*2*1937 - Spain: The only meetings in Barcelona on May Day were an indoor, small meeting by the 'Those of Yesterday & Those of Today' adhering to the Friends of Durruti Group, & an Anarchist nudist group meeting on the value of music. The Friends of Durruti meeting was Sunday 2 May.

5*3*1937 - Spain: Republican government attacks workers; beginning of open resistance to both the Republican & Communist authorities by radical workers, anarchists, & others, opposing the regional government takeover of the worker-run telephone company in Barcelona. Fighting spread to all parts of the city, lasting for four days. Stalinists denounce Trotskyite P.O.U.M. as "Franco's Fifth Column" in preparation for its own liquidation (assassinations, etc) of independent radicals & anarchists (similar to purges in Russia as well).

5*4*1937 - Spain: (Tuesday): Gun-battles throughout the night in Barcelona. Many barricades & violent clashes throughout the city.

5*5*1937 - Barcelona: "May Days" erupt in Spain, as Communists attack anarchist strongholds

5*5*1937 - Spain: This evening, in Barcelona, the Italian anarchist theorist/activist Camillo Berneri & Francesco Barbieri are seized by the Communists, presumably on Moscow's orders. Taken from their homes, their bodies are found tomorrow, riddled with bullets. Camillo's eldest daughter, Marie-Louise Berneri, who fought on the front in Aragon, returned to Barcelona for his funeral.

5*5*1937 - Spain: (Wednesday) May 5, 1937: A handbill is distributed by the Friends of Durruti. Over the radio, the CNT disowns the Friends of Durruti Group. Fighting is now confined to the city center: the rest of the city being in the hands of the confederal Defense Committees.

5*7*1937 - Spain: Return to "normalization" in Barcelona. The Republican government had sent troops to take over the telephone exchange on May 3, pitting the anarchists & Poumists on one side against the Republican government & the Stalinist Communist Party on the other, in pitched street battles, resulting in 500 anarchists killed. Squads of Communist Party members took to the streets on May 6 to assassinate leading anarchists. Today, among those found murdered, was the Italian anarchist Camillo Berneri, an outspoken anti-communist.

5*7*1937 - Spain: (Friday): "La Batalla" reiterates its appeal, making it conditional upon withdrawal of the security forces & retention of weapons. Transport services are restored & a degree of normality returns. Assault Guards sent by the Valencia government reach Barcelona around 9:00 P.M. Companys surrenders control of public order. The Control Patrols place themselves at the disposal of the special delegate in charge of public order sent down by the Republican government.

5*8*1937 - Spain: (Saturday): Barricades are dismantled, except for the PSUC barricades, which persist into June. The Friends of Durruti distribute a manifesto reviewing the events of May. In that manifesto there is talk of "treachery" by the CNT leadership.

5*9*1937 - Spain: (Sunday): "Solidaridad Obrera" dismisses the manifesto issued yesterday by the Friends of Durruti as demagoguery and the Group's members as provocateurs. Their manifesto had spoken of "treachery" by the CNT leadership.

5*17*1937 - Spain: Negrin takes over from Largo Caballero as premier. The UGT Regional Committee for Catalonia demands that all POUM militants be expelled from its ranks & presses the CNT to mete out the same treatment to the Friends of Durruti.

5*20*1937 - Spain: Author & one-time used book seller George Orwell, sympathetic to the anarchists, & fighting for the Republic, is shot on the front lines. His Homage to Catalonia is based on his experiences during the Spanish Revolution.

5*22*1937 - Spain: A plenary session of the CNT's Local & Comarcal Federations hears a proposal that the Friends of Durruti be expelled. A session of the Sabadell city council agrees that councilor Bruno Llad� Roca (also the Generalidad's comarcal delegate for Economy) be stood down for having displayed a Friends of Durruti anarchist poster in his office.

5*23*1937 - England: Emma Goldman speaks on the Spanish revolution in Norwich at a well-attended meeting sponsored by the Norwich Freedom Group, the ILP, & the Labour League of Youth.

5*28*1937 - Spain: La Batalla is shut down as is the POUM's radio station. The Friends of Durruti's social premises in the Ramblas are shut down.

6*4*1937 - England: Emma Goldman & Fenner Brockway (a former pacifist & CO) speak on "Conditions in Spain" in London. Goldman formed the CNT-FAI London Committee in 1936 & was made representative of CNT-FAI Exterior Propaganda London bureau.

6*6*1937 - Spain: The Control Patrols are disbanded.

6*16*1937 - Spain: Members of the POUM Executive Committee & foreign activists are rounded up. The POUM is proscribed & its militants persecuted by the Stalinists & the Republic's police.

6*22*1937 - Spain: Between June 22-24, Andr�s Nin is kidnapped & murdered by the Soviet secret police who are on a campaign to destroy Republican forces they cannot control.

6*23*1937 - Following the Communist suppression of the anarchists & the P.O.U.M., in which he served during the Spanish Civil War & Revolution, George Orwell flees Spain with his wife.

6*26*1937 - Spain: Showing solidarity with the POUM militants persecuted by the Stalinists & the Republic's police, the Bolshevik-Leninist Section calls for concerted action by the Section, the left of the POUM & the anarchist Friends of Durruti.

7*4*1937 - Portugal: The anarcho-syndicalist Emidio Santana attempts to kill Dictator Salazar. Emidio is sent to prison for 14 years.

8*8*1937 - In Paris, Emma Goldman is troubled by the violent opposition among her closest anarchist comrades to the CNT-FAI's unwillingness to confront the Communists' assault on its opponents on the Left & its undermining of the revolution. Obtains Spanish & French visas that will enable her to travel to Spain after all.

9*16*1937 - Spain: Emma Goldman visits until November 5, primarily in Barcelona.

11*5*1937 - Germany: Julius Nolden, a car plant worker from Duisburg is sentenced by the "The People's Court" in Berlin to a 10 year prison term for "preparing an act of high treason with aggravating circumstances."

1*4*1938 - Spain: During this month the pamphlet Towards a Fresh Revolution is drafted by Balius & published by the anarchist militant group Friends of Durruti.

2*20*1938 - Goldman speaks at a small meeting arranged by the ILP in Eastbourne at which Communists in the audience attack her.

3*9*1938 - Spain: Franco's forces, with overwhelming air superiority, launch a major assault on the Aragon front; the Republican forces, torn by internal disputes, collapse; & by Apr. 15 the Nationalists reach the coast, splitting Republican territory in two.

3*19*1938 - England: March 19-20, Emma Goldman speaks at a well-attended fund-raising meeting in Leicester for the SIA; also shows the Louis Frank film, "Fury over Spain."

4*10*1938 - England: In Liverpool, Emma Goldman speaks on Spain at two meetings today & tomorrow: on the first day to a 1,000 people at an ILP-sponsored event; on the second to a small gathering of the Workmen's Circle. Communists disrupt both meetings.

4*13*1938 - England: "Fascism Is Destroying European Civilisation" is the theme of a protest meeting in London sponsored by the CNT-FAI; Emma Goldman makes an appeal for money for arms--illegal under the terms of the Non-Intervention Pact.

4*23*1938 - England: As a delegate, Emma Goldman attends an all-day National Conference on Spain in London, which she is convinced is contrived by the Communist party.

4*29*193* - England: A literary & musical evening in London for the SIA (Solidarit� internationale antifasciste) draws a small audience & is a financial flop; Ethel Mannin finds Emma Goldman's militant speech inappropriate to the occasion, organized to promote humanitarian ends.

5*2*1938 - At the beginning of the month, Emma Goldman is reading Orwell's Homage to Catalonia & writing "Trotsky Protests Too Much," a reply to two articles on the Kronstadt rebellion that appeared in the New York Trotskyist journal "New International". Also Herrera announces his intention to leave his position as secretary of the General Council of the SIA; his replacement is Lucia Sanchez Saornil, the Spanish poet & artist, & founder of "Mujeres Libres".

6*8*1938 - Emma Goldman attends Writers Against Fascism meeting organized by the Association of Writers for Intellectual Liberty; she describes it as "almost entirely C.P." (Communist Party).

7*30*1938 - At the anarchist Whiteway Colony in Gloucestershire, Emma Goldman examines the late Thomas H. Keell's papers on behalf of IISH, which hopes to acquire part of his collection.

8*9*1938 - Emma Goldman offers IISH (International Institute of Social History) her unpublished sketches & large collection of newspaper clippings as well as Alex Berkman's diary. She agrees to help IISH obtain other collections of personal papers from her circle of anarchist friends. Several hundred dollars from anarchists in New York & Chicago were sent to her to pay for travel expenses

9*15*1938 - Spain: Many leading anarchists express to Emma Goldman, who is here for the next 6 weeks, their strong opposition to the policies of the CNT's National Committee & its conciliation of the Negrin government. They are especially critical of V�zquez, who now acknowledges the destructive actions of the Communists but still wants them treated gently.

9*25*1938 - Spain: Emma Goldman, accompanied by Gudell & Herrera, visits the 28th division headed by Gregorio Jover & the 26th division headed by Ricardo Sanz at the battlefront.

11*7*1938 - Ethel Mannin, novelist & anarchist, successfully assumes Emma Goldman's role as SIA representative in London; raises significantly more financial support for the SIA than Goldman had. Goldman advises Gudell that the next propaganda campaign undertaken by the CNT-FAI should be aimed at the release of the political prisoners in Spain.

11*16*1938 - The Republican army of Catalonia, made up of anarchist & communist forces, is defeated after three months by pro-Franco forces, leaving tens of thousands of casualties & dead. The Republican forces had held for three months during the great battle on the front at the Ebre River.

12*22*1938 - Emma Goldman travels to Amsterdam to organize Alexander Berkman's & her papers at the International Institute of Social History.

1*4*1939 - George Orwell signs Breton/Rivera manifesto, "Towards a Free Revolutionary Art."

2*2*1939 - England: This month Emma Goldman is frantic with worry until she receives firm news of the whereabouts of anarchists who have escaped from Catalonia after the collapse of the resistance in Spain. Most find sanctuary in France but face harsh conditions in internment camps; others reach Paris without permits.

2*7*1939 - Emma Goldman's letter protesting Zenzl M�hsam's second disappearance in the Soviet Union appears in the Manchester Guardian.

2*24*1939 - Spain: V�zquez & Herrera's circular letter announces that the CNT-FAI will cease activities abroad & thanks the international community for its efforts on behalf of the Spanish anarchists.

3*5*1939 - Spain: The Negr�n government is overthrown in an overnight coup (March 5-6) in Madrid; members of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT trade union in the south-central zone are involved in the coup & occupy posts in the new National Council of Defense.

3*9*1939 - Spain: In Madrid, the anarchist Cipriano Mera (1896-1975), heading the IV army corps, routs the communist troops which besieged the national Council of Defense.

3*26*1939 - France: Emma Goldman travels to Paris to meet refugee Spanish anarchists who are demoralized & fraught with misery & internal recriminations & suspicion.

4*1*1939 - April 1 Franco declares the Spanish civil war at an end.

6827*1939 - Canada: Emma Goldman's 70th birthday is marked in Toronto with a celebration that elicits cables from friends, comrades, & labor organizations around the world.

8*15*1939 - The fiftieth anniversary of Goldman's entry into anarchist ranks; she organizes a celebration for September to mark the occasion & to create a long-term Spanish Relief Fund.

9*19*1939 - Canada: Anarchist Emma Goldman delivers a lecture in Toronto on the Nazi-Soviet Pact to an audience of 800.

9*4*1939 - Canada: Under provisions of Canada's War Measures Act, three Italian immigrant anarchists, Arthur Bortolotti, Ruggero Benvenuti, Ernest Gava, & a Cuban, Marco Joachim, are arrested for possession of antifascist "subversive literature," including anarchist classics.

12*10*1939 - Canada: Emma Goldman spends the first two weeks of this month in Winnipeg & speaks five times, reaching 1,400 people in two weeks: once in Yiddish to a women's organization on Living My Life; to a large audience on the Nazi-Soviet Pact; a lecture on Hitler & Stalin; a talk to the IWW; & a lecture on "The Jew in Literature in England until the End of the 19th Century" to the Jewish Woman's Cultural Club.


1*12*1940 - Nation & the New Republic by Goldman.

4*1*1940 - Emma Goldman returns home to her Toronto apartment on April 1 after regaining consciousness but not the ability to speak.

5*14*1940 - Feminist anarchist Emma Goldman (1869-1940) dies while in Toronto, Canada raising money for anti-Franco forces in Spain. (See also Dec 21). Outspoken birth control advocate & champion of women's rights. Wrote My Disillusionment in Russia; Living My Life; Anarchism & Other Essays; The Place of the Individual in Society.

"If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution."

5*31*1940 - A memorial meeting for Emma Goldman is held at New York's Town Hall, presided over by Leonard Abbott; films of Goldman in Spain, Canada, & of her funeral are shown; speakers include Norman Thomas, Rudolf Rocker, Roger Baldwin, Harry Kelly, Carlo Tresca, Eliot White, Rose Pesotta labor organizer & anarchist in the ILGWU, Martin Gudell, Dorothy Rogers, & Harry Weinberger.

9*19*1940 - US: A Journalist 'discovers' Jay Fox, the "sole surviving anarchist" farming at Home Colony, Washington.

3*7*1942 - US: IWW founder, anarchist labor organizer Lucy Parsons dies, Chicago, Illinois

6*21*1942 - Spain: Agustin Remiro Manero (1904-1942) killed during an attempted prison escape. Remiro, a Spanish anarchist, joined the Durruti column in July 1936, commanding a battalion of machine-guns.

1*11*1943 - US: Assassination of anarchist militant Carlo Tresca, New York City.

3*29*1943 - Spain: Nine members of the "Juventudes libertarias" (anarchist youths) an underground group opposing the fascist military takeover, are arrested & garroted at the "Modelo" prison. They are just a few of the tens of thousands who met, or will meet, a similar fate in the first years of the Franco dictatorship

8*21*1944 - France: Over 4,000 Spaniards take part in the Maquis uprising in Paris that begins today.

8*22*1944 - France: A group of 32 Spaniards & 4 Frenchmen tackle a German column (consisting of 1,300 men in 60 lorries, with 6 tanks & 2 self propelled guns), at La Madeiline. The Maquis blow up the road & rail bridges & position themselves on surrounding hills with machine guns. The battle rages from 3:00pm till noon tomorrow. Three Maquis were wounded, 110 Germans killed, 200 wounded & the rest surrendered. The German commander committed suicide!

8*25*1944 - French divisions march into Paris followed by the U.S. 4th Infantry Division. Nazi resistance was light & a quick surrender is negotiated, ignoring Hitler's orders to burn the city to the ground.

10*3*1944 - Spain: Spanish guerillas, previously fighting the Nazis in France, make their first incursions into Spain, striking in Navarre.

12*1*1944 - France: The anarchist paper "Libertaire," originally published by S�bastien Faure & Louise Michel, resumes publishing once again following the defeat of the Nazis.

1*4*1945 - Italy: In Raguse, Sicily, Maria Occhipinti, lies down in front of army trucks which come to find new young conscripts to incorporate into the new Italian army. Within minutes, a crowd surrounds the soldiers, forcing them to release their recruits, but kill a demonstrator & set off a major revolt.

3*10*1945 - Bulgaria: 90 members of the Bulgarian Anarchist Federation meet (or attempt to meet?) in an extraordinary session, seeking ways of resisting the new communist regime (which has closed all meeting places & prohibited the anarchist newspapers), are stopped by the communist militia & sent in concentration camps, where they are tortured & compelled to do forced labor.

4*27*1945 - England: Three anarchist editors jailed for nine months for "incitement to disaffection", London.

10*17*1945 - Juan Peron's popularity increased after he introduced liberal workplace policies to the point where he was considered a threat by the Junta. In early 1945 he was arrested & detained.

Public discontent was great and the main trade union federation, the Confederacion General de Trabajo (CGT), organised the first major public action for democracy on October 17, 1945. Its call for Juan Peron to be freed was supported by the Union Sindical Argentina (USA), but not the anarchist union, the Federacion Obrera Regional Argentina (FORA). Eva Peron played a large part in this demonstration.

12*2*1945 - France: First congress, of the post-war period, of the F�d�ration Anarchiste Fran�aise.

4*23*1946 - Korean Anarchist Congress concludes (April 20-23), in Anwui. Establishes the considerable influence of Peter Kropotkin's ideas in post-war Asia. Shin Chae-H0 (1880-1936), a Korean historian, was one of the precursors of anarchism in this country. Then, later, the brothers Li Jung-Kyu (1897-1983) & Li Eul Kyu (1894-1972) -- called the "Korean Kropotkin -- are the architects of this congress, along with another outstanding figure in modern Korean anarchism: Ha Ki Rak, who takes part, in 1987, in the congress of the Korean Anarchist Federation.

5*12*1946 - Founding Congress of the Anarchist Federation of Japan held in Tokyo.

12*19*1946 - US: Reenactment of Boston Tea Party in Boston. (Fashionably late?) Glorifies the destruction of property by vandals -- who inspire "Eugene anarchists" during WTO protests in Seattle 1999.

5*22*1947 - The manifesto "Freedom is a Vietnamese Word", published in the anarchist paper "Le Libertaire", signed by the surrealists Bonnefoy, Bousquet, Breton, Peret, Tanguy & 10 others, condemning the French imperialistic adventure in Indochina.

6*26*1948 - Spain: Raul Carbeillera, an Argentinian anarchist who led the action groups of the CNT against Franco's fascist state, being surrounded police & the Guardia Civil in Montjuich, kills himself. Carbeillera had several times slipped into Spain to fight with the Resistance ... but no more.

9*12*1948 - Antonio Ortiz, takes part with Primitivo Gomez & Jos� Perez in an attempt to bomb (using a small private plane) the official platform where Franco is speechifying, in San Sebastien, Spain.

12*25*1948 - Bulgaria: The Bulgarian Communist Party declares as "outlaws" the anarchist founders of the FACB (Federation Bulgare Anarcho-Communist) & its newspaper "Rabotnitche Skamisal".

11*8*1949 - Italy: Group of anarchists attack the Spanish consulate with grenades in G�nes. Eugenio de Luchhi, Gaetano Busico, & Gaspare Mancuso arrested


2*24*1950 - Spain: Manuel Sabate Llopart is garrotted in Barcelona prison. An anarchist militant, he was accused of having secretly crossed the frontier to take part in the Resistance. One of the main reasons for his harsh sentence of death sentence is that he is the brother of Francisco Sabate, a famous & legendary member of the anarchist action groups.

3*11*1950 - Cuba: Beginning of the The Third National Libertarian Congress "to reorganize the libertarian labor movement & adopt concrete practical measures, enabling its militants to reorient themselves & to play a decisive part in the regeneration of the Cuban labor movement."

4*8*1950 - Spain: Jos� Lluis Facerias, anti-fascist, anarchist guerilla, blows up the Lonja police station in Barcelona.

12*10*1950 - Italy: 42nd national Congress of the Italian Anarchist Federation held (8th-10th), Anc�ne.

6*5*1951 - Japan: The Japanese Anarchist Federation reconstituted this month, but the organisation which continued under this name was largely composed of those sympathetic to syndicalism.

7*19*1951 - Spain: In Barcelona, C�sar Saborit Carrelero, anarchist guerilla & member of the action group of action of Jos� Lluis Facieras, is killed by two police officers of the "Brigada politico-social".

8*14*1951 - Spain: Jos� Luis Facerias is assassinated by the police in Barcelona.

11*14*1951 - Spain: 75 members of the CNT (anarcho-syndicalist union) are tried in Seville prison, accused of reorganizing their union & aiding guerrillas, particularly for their attempt to evacuate a group of guerrillas by sea in 1949. Two death sentences were handed down, against Antonio Nu�ez & Dionisio Rueda, & the others are sentenced to terms ranging from eight to thirty years� imprisonment, most of them over fifteen years.

6*30*1952 - Congress passes McCarran-Walter Immigration Act, to screen out "subversive" aliens & deport them, even if they have become US citizens. Follows up on the McCarran Act (Internal Security Act of 1950) - one of the more bucolic provisions being its authorization of concentration camps "for emergency situations."

7*5*1952 - Early in July 1952, John Cage performed a series of his sonatas & interludes in a large tent. Charlip had printed programs on tiny pieces of toilet paper & placed these programs on a table next to the entrance. Also on the table was a large bowl of tobacco. During the concert, the audience was invited to roll cigarettes with this tobacco, using their programs as cigarette papers...

12*25*1953 - France: Anarchist Federation & the Libertarian Communist Federation founded by the FAF (French Anarchist Federation).

3*25*1955 - US Customs confiscate 520 copies of Allen Ginsberg's Howl as they enter the US. It will then be published by City Lights publishers in San Francisco, leading to the arrest of anarchist/poet/publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Customs also seized & destroyed another shipment of Ginsberg's poetry sent from Canada in the 60s.

10*13*1955 - American poet Allen Ginsberg organizes poetry reading at Six Gallery, SF (featuring also Michael McClure, Philip Lamantia, Gary Snyder, Philip Whalen, Kenneth Rexroth) & brings down the house by reading "Howl" publicly for the first time.

3825*1957 - US Customs again seizes Allen Ginsberg's book of poetry, Howl, this time the second printing published by City Lights Books in Frisco; US District Attorney decides not to pursue, & the printing is released. But in August Officer Friendlies from the Frisco Juvenile Dept raid City Lights Bookstore & charge the owner, anarchist & poet Larry Ferlinghetti with obscenity for selling copies of Howl.

8*30*1957 - Spain: Jos� Luis Facerias is assassinated by the police in Barcelona. He was a veteran leader of the anarchist action groups, which had been operating since the end of the civil war. The �implacable fighter� died riddled with bullets in an ambush laid by the police at the intersection of Urrutia and Verdun Streets.

3*12*1958 - Bulgaria: Manol Vassev (1898-1958), true name Yordan Sotirov, dies. Poisoned by prison guards one day before his scheduled release. A popular Bulgarian militant anarcho-trade unionist & a living symbol of resistance of both fascism & Bolshevism. He also spent several years in Stalinist concentration camps before his prison years.

5*28*1958 - US: Catholic anarchist Ammon Hennacy ends 40-day fast against U.S. nuclear weapons tests

7*25*1958 - England: In London, an International Anarchist Congress meets, July 25 until August1 8*1*1958 - England: In London, the International Anarchist Congress, held July 25, ends.

10*29*1958 - Boris Pasternak, under intense pressure from the Soviet government & press, wires the Swedish Royal Academy his "voluntary refusal" of the Nobel Prize for Literature. One of his crimes is to have written -- in his novel, Dr. Zhivago -- too sympathetically of the anarchists, & not kindly enough of the Bolsheviks

11*29*1959 - Kenneth Rexroth in his New York Times Book Review article on Mexico City Blues attacks Jack Kerouac & his writing.


1*4*1960 - Spain: Spanish anarchist guerilla Francisco Sabater (Sabate; El Quico) wounded as his group has a shoot-out with the Guardia Civil.

1*5*1960 - Spain: Anarchist guerilla Francisco Sabate dies after a shoot-out with fasciste garde civile. Wounded yesterday, he escaped & was killed today in San Celoni by a somet�n (Catalan militia).

3*20*1960 - Anarchist-syndicalist workers' papers -- including Solidaridad Gastronomico -- forced to cease publishing.

5*26*1960 - The Italian political tendency of Bordiga whose arguments we combat here (IL Programma Communista, May 26, 1960) defends the conservative union tactic from the most revolutionary point of view. But many Trotskyist and anarchist groups (if not all) fall into the same error with an opportunist flavor. Even those who claim to be against the unions, like "Socialisme ou Barbarie," in fact fall into the same old routine practices.

3*13*1961 - US: Labor organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is elected chair of the National Committee of the Communist Party, U.S.A. One-time IWW & anarchist in her youth.

3*4*1962 - Discovered today in the Family Planning Association archives: Guy Aldred, 4 Mar 1962 to John Peel (who was writing a history of FP) re: Sanger: 'Her work was very important but I believed that she liked to be patronised too much by the great & the rich. I had no time for that sort of thing.'

8*16*192 - Anarchist publications & public activities banned in Cuba.

3*9*1963 - In a "New Yorker" review of Oscar Wilde's letters W. H. Auden writes: "From the beginning Wilde performed his life & continued to do so even after fate had taken the plot out of his hands."

7*29*1963 - Spain: Franco regime wrongly executes the anarchists Francisco Granados & Joaqu�n Delgado in the Carabanchel prison, for crimes they did not commit.

2*19*1964 - On February 19, the five libertarians still imprisoned out of the twenty-one arrested in September 1963 began a hunger strike at Fresnes prison to draw attention to their situation. A few days later they were all released.

8*11*1964 - Spain: Stuart Christie & Carballo Blanco arrested in Madrid.

12*12*1964 - US: Solidarity Bookstore opens, Chicago, Illinois, distributing anarchist, surrealist, Wobbly & libertarian socialist literature to the nation for the next 10 years or so.

1*2*1965 - Italy: Bomb explodes in Naples at the Spanish Consulate. The attack is claimed by the Spanish anarchists of the CNT, FAI & FIJL which declare:

"As long as the Iberian people continue to be oppressed by the fascist dictatorship, dynamite will recall that the voice of freedom cannot be choked. Long live anarchy".

4*2*1965 - Ken Kesey busted for marijuana first time. We are sure it is the last time, given its addictive qualities -- or Kesey would be a heroin junkie or Mall Rat by now.

4*30*1965 - Rome: Spanish eclesiatic advisor to the Vatican, the prelate Marcos Ussia, is kidnapped by the anarchist group "May 1". The action was explained by Luis A. Edo, demanding the release of all political prisoners of Franco's jails. This action was mainly symbolic, designed to bring international attention to the plight of Spanish anarchists & other victims of the repression in fascist Spain. Ussia was released on May 11, in good health.

11*9*1965 - US: Roger Allen La Porte, Catholic Worker, immolates himself in front of UN.

11*27*1965 - Ken Kesey's first acid test takes place

2*24*1966 - US: Barry Bondhus dumps 10 pounds of his own s*** on draft files

6*13*1966 - Holland: Provo riots in Amsterdam. (Pre-situ street activists, the Provos this month elect first representative to Amsterdam Municipal Council.)

10*6*1966 - First big free concert in Golden Gate Park Panhandle. Several thousand show up for the "Love Pageant" & those anarchist Diggers start handing out free food. Big Brother, Wildflower, The Dead & the Electric Chamber Orkustra entertained.

10*17*1966 - Anarchist collective, "The Diggers," holds its first free street feed in San Francisco.

10*19*1966 - US: Ken Kesey, novelist & anarchist, back from Mexico, arrested.

11*5*1966 - US: Walk for Love & Peace & Freedom: 10,000+ show up, including poets Allen Ginsberg, & Gary Snyder, Paul Krassner, & the Fugs (Tuli Kupferberg, Ed Sanders, et al). The "first hippie style demo in NYC".

11*29*1966 - US: In Frisco, Municipal Court Judge Elton C. Lawless (!) reluctantly drops charges against members of The Diggers. Their heinous act was staging a Halloween puppet show at Haight & Ashbury streets. Released from custody were the anarchists Emmett Grogan, Peter Berg, Brooks Bucher, Peter Minnault & Robert Morticello.

1814*1967 - US: Gathering of the Tribes for the First Human Be-In (first hippie "be-in") at Golden Gate Park in Frisco, California. Probably 20,000 come to play, though Emmett Grogan says as many as 300,000 in Ringolevio. Familiar names include Michael McClure, Gary Snyder, & Lenore Kandel. Sponsored by Haight Independent Proprietors (H.I.P.) & the Communication Co. Among the performers are The Grateful Dead & The Jefferson Airplane.

3*23*1967 - Bolivia: Che Guevara starts guerrilla warfare. Che's group experiences their first battle of the Bolivian campaign -- the successful ambush of troops at �acahuaz�.

4*9*1967 - US: Digger Emmett Grogan arrives in NY (6 week trip, having left someplace about March 1).

7*2*1967 - US: Floyd Turner is convicted of flag desecration & sentenced to six months in jail & a $500 fine in Seattle, Wa.

10*21*1967 - US: Yippies, Diggers, anarchists & other high priests meet in Washington DC for "Exorcism of the Pentagon" to rid the world of the global evil spirit virus infecting all who work there. Psychedelic face paint & flowers stuck in barrels of guns scare the shit out of US goblins & results in 647 arrested.

1*1*1968 - US: Yippies founded & announces plans to conduct demonstrations the following summer at Democratic convention in Chicago. Whoever called these anarchists "yuppies" yesterday will be beheaded at midnight.

1*16*1968 - US: Youth International Party (Y.I.P.) founded -- Country Joe & Fish, Fugs (includes Tuli Kupferberg, "one of the leading Anarchist theorists of our time" & Ed Sanders, poet, editor, owner of the fabled Peace Eye Book Store), Allen Ginsberg, Arlo Guthrie, Abbie Hoffman, Paul Krassner, Phil Ochs, Jerry Rubin (25 artists, writers & revolutionaries). No anarchist Yuppies allowed; BleedMeister has been beheaded for certain licentious transgressions.

1*26*1968 - France: 40 members of the Nanterre University anarchist group march into the faculty hall with comical posters ridiculing the police. The porters attack the anarchists but are defeated. The authorities call in the police; one thousand students fight back & attend a protest meeting. The movement thus launched has grown ever since. The students are determined to get rid of the uniformed & plainclothes police haunting the faculties. Antecedent of May events in Paris-France.

3*22*1968 - France: Students occupy the school at Nanterre & the March 22nd Movement emerges � an organization with no hierarchy & no ideological program. Includes members of various groups & also unorganized students.

4*11*1968 - Germany: In Berlin, the attempted assassination of Rudi Dutschke, a well known student anarchist activist, unleashes solidarity demonstrations in his behalf in Paris, Rome, Vienna & London.

5*1*1968 - France: During the traditional May Day demonstrations fights break out around a black flag as Communists try to exclude the anarchists from the procession.

5*7*1968 - France: (Tuesday) Ten thousand students had taken possession of a vast circle round the Arc de Triomphe, their red & black flags massed on either side of the unknown soldier's tomb, singing the 'International'. The flics kept out of the way. General de Gaulle declared that he would not tolerate any further student violence.

The students declared that they were ready for a dialogue on three conditions: withdrawal of the police forces from the Latin Quarter; release & immediate amnesty for the imprisoned students; reopening the Sorbonne & Nanterre. Four hundred and thirty-four demonstrators are today arrested. The police also restore the anarchist Danny Cohn-Bendit's residence permit (but only for a short period).

5*10*1968 - Paris, France: During this night of the barricades, L�o Ferr� creates his famous song " The Anarchists ". This verse translates to a certain extent the surprise of close observers of the rebirth of the black flag at the time of the demonstrations & the processions of May.

5*14*1968 - Paris '68: Sorbonne students occupy & open the University to the population, inviting "the workers to come & discuss with them the problems of the University". All demonstrators who were arrested have been released. Between May 13-30 similar events & demonstrations are inspired, bringing daily life in the modern industrial countries & authority itself into question -- in Madrid, Rome, Berlin, NY, & Czechoslovakia (during "Prague Spring").

5*14*1968 - France '68: Workplace occupations start. A significant aspect of the May Upheaval. By the end of this month over 10,000,000 workers are involved in occupations. In Nantes, the workmen of South-Aviation, begin the first occupations of factories.

5*15*1968 - The French Prime Minister appealed to the population to resist 'anarchy'. Occupation of the th��tre de l'Od�on.

5817*1968 - France: Today the Occupations Committee, including members of the Situationist International (SI) & the enrag�s from Nanterre University, sent the following telegram to the Communist Party of the USSR:



5*17*1968 - France: Several thousand students march for the second time in 24 hours from the Sorbonne to the Renault works in spite of the opposition of the trade unions which are afraid of revolutionary contamination.

5*21*1968 - : At a protest demonstration in Peking the group Sheng Wu Lian calls for the people to govern themselves directly, as in the Paris Commune. The Red Guards accuse them of being anarchists!

5*23*1968 - Paris Uprising '68: New confrontations with the Latin Quarter, between students & CRS with government attempts to shut down or muzzle radio stations.

5*30*1968 - France: Trains don't run, airports closed; millions of workers have barricaded themselves within their factories & offices; soccer players have occupied their stadiums; there is no mail & it is almost impossible to make a phone call; Universities are closed; France is in the middle of a massive General Strike! Leading politicians warn of a civil war/revolution.

10*15*1968 - England: Alan Barlow & Phil Carver arrested for participating in a "First of May Group" attack on Banco de Bilbao in Covent Garden. International Anarchist Conference at Carrara (Italy), Stuart Christie & Daniel Cohn-Bendit are chosen as British delegates.

1*7*1969 - US: Governor & FBI snitch Ronald Reagan asks California legislature to "drive criminal anarchists & latter-day Fascists off the campuses".

4*1*1969 - First collective anarchist pizza made as Morningtown Pizza & Subs opens in Seattle, Washington.

5*14*1969 - US: Police build fence around People's Park in Berkeley, California, tonight

10*6*1969 - US: Weathermen blow up statue commemorating police involved in the Haymarket bombings which resulted in the execution of innocent anarchists. It will be replaced & blown up again in 1970.

11*2*1969 - Italy: Two-day Congress of the F.A.I, in Carrare. Not surprisingly, differences develop between anarchists & situationists. What seems to have happened (see the account in the last part of Veritable Split in the International) is that some FAI members were enthused by the SI & were kicked out by the orthodox majority, who paranoically fantasized a situationist plot to undermine the FAI.

12*12*1969 - Bomb explodes, Banque Nationale d'Agriculture, Milan, Italy. 18 die, many injured.