One Year in Ferguson

  • ️Fri Aug 07 2015

How it sounded. How it looked. How it felt.

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This project contains raw, uncensored audio. Some language may be considered offensive.

These voices and images are meant to represent a year of tragedy, reflection, action and change. They are not in strict chronological order.


With photos by St. Louis Public Radio Staff; Wiley Price, Lawrence Bryant and Maurice Meredith/St. Louis American; Bill Greenblatt/UPI and August Jennewein/UMSL

Part 1: Confusion

What just happened? A whirlwind and few answers followed in the days immediately after Michael Brown died, taking the world with it.

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This project contains raw, uncensored audio
Some language may be considered offensive

You have finished Part 1: Confusion

Continue to Part 2: Grief

Part 2: Grief

First, a funeral. But the region mourned in many other ways, too. Out of fear, out of anger, out of mistrust, out of chaos. For many, the mourning continues.

put on your headphones
This project contains raw, uncensored audio
Some language may be considered offensive

Robert Cohen, St. Louis Post-Dispatch/Pool

Robert Cohen, St. Louis Post-Dispatch/Pool

August Jennewein, courtesy UMSL

August Jennewein, courtesy UMSL

You have finished Part 2: Grief

Continue to Part 3: Waiting

Part 3: Waiting

The wait for the grand jury’s decision was upon us. Some hypothesized. Some bought guns and plywood. Some prayed. Some were silent. When would it happen? What would the decision be? The region was on edge with questions. It was a wait that would last for months.

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Some language may be considered offensive

You have finished Part 3: Waiting

Continue to Part 4: The Decision

Part 4: The Decision

The Monday before Thanksgiving the news was announced: No charges for Officer Darren Wilson. Though a decision was made, a strong sense of unresolved resolution lingered. There were fires set and businesses lost. Deep sadness came for some, and, for others, profound relief. The wait was over, but was justice served?

put on your headphones
This project contains raw, uncensored audio
Some language may be considered offensive

Cristina M. Fletes, St. Louis Post-Dispatch/Pool

You have finished Part 4: The Decision

Continue to Part 5: Organizing for Change

Part 5: Organizing for Change

In ways large and small, through difficult conversations and town hall meetings, formal conferences and casual gatherings, people started organizing for change. What happens next? Each day we’re finding out more.

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This project contains raw, uncensored audio
Some language may be considered offensive

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Project Credits

Audio by St. Louis Public Radio Staff
Photos by St. Louis Public Radio staff; Wiley Price, Lawrence Bryant and Maurice Meredith/St. Louis American; Bill Greenblatt/UPI; August Jennewein/UMSL
Editing by Stephanie Lecci, Bill Raack and Kelsey Proud
Production by Brent Jones
Thanks to NPR for open source template code