Top 25 Metal Albums - IGN
- ️Spence D. and Ed T.
- ️Sat Jan 20 2007
Those with strong literary ties will no doubt proffer up the indomitable William S. Burroughs who named a character in his cult classic The Soft Machine "Uranian Willy, the Heavy Metal Kid." He furthered the term in Nova Express. Both books came out in the early '60s.
Steppenwolf dropped the term in their 1968 classic "Born To Be Wild"; likewise Iron Butterfly named their 1968 debut album Heavy and the band's name incorporated a popular (and obvious) form of metal in its moniker. And while legend has it that producer Sandy Pearlman (best known for his pioneering early work with Blue Oyster Cult) may have been the first person to actually utter the term "heavy metal" in direct reference to the style of music a band was playing, most modern music historians site the township of Birmingham, England as the birthplace of the music, if nothing else.
Known as an industrialized, blue collar, hard working community, Birmingham gave the world Black Sabbath, unquestionably the earliest and most popular proponents of Heavy Metal. Sabbath would lay the groundwork by which all subsequent Metal outfits would adhere to. Period.
We can argue the roots of Heavy Metal all we want, but the real nut here is that the style has persevered through the ages. It has weathered and outlasted Disco, New Wave, and even the Boy Band/Pretty Girl infestation that seemed to capture the vapid imaginations of the multitudes in the '90s.
Which is exactly why we decided to tackle a Top 25 Metal Albums list.
We could continue to expound upon the merits of the genre, instead, without further adieu, we bring you IGN Music's Top 25 Metal Albums list.
One more thing before we let loose. Feel free to slag us, praise us, or better yet send in your own list of Top 25 Metal Albums. You can do that here.
For the record, the list was compiled by Spence D. with input from various IGN Editors as well as loyal freelancer Ed Thompson with special thanks to reader Ryan and Ed's homey Steve. Both Spence and Ed penned the blurbs for the various inclusions and their script is denoted by either "SD" or "ET."
That said, in the semi-immortal words of Quiet Riot: " Bang your head!
Metal health will drive you mad!"
IGN Music's Top 25 Metal Albums
25. Scorpions - Lovedrive (Mercury Records, 1979)
For the most part the Heavy Metal genre has been dominated by the Brits and the Yanks (the former inventing it, the latter turning it on its head). But there were a few other folks staking a claim at the throne. Chief amongst them was this German outfit and this is the album that marked a turning point for the group known for triple guitar bravado thanks to six string warriors Rudolf Schenker, Michael Schenker, and Mattias Jabs. Sure, the album has its share of milky ballads ("Always Somewhere") but the band more than makes up for that on such grinding blitzkriegs as "Loving You Sunday Morning," "Coast To Coast," "Can't Get Enough," Okay, the reggae metal of "Is Anybody There" is atrocious, but the band makes up for that with the banned bubblegum-on-the-breasts cover. Besides frontman Klaus Meine has one of the most distinctive caterwauls in all of metaldom, screeching and preening with ear splitting cacophony. While the band would soon go on to greater, more pop oriented success (laying out more ballads and more accessible pop tinged metal), this album was one of the last that maintained a strong tie to their more metal oriented roots. SD
24. Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime (EMI, 1988)
A shocker in the top 25? For some, sure. This concept album from the Seattle-based band is the standard by which concept albums should be measured in the heavy metal genre. "Speak" has some of the most blistering guitar sounds in progressive metal today. This album has no flaws. ET
23. Sepultura - Roots (Roadrunner Records, 1996)
By melding traditional Latin rhythms to their already scathing metal melee, Brazilian bred Sepultura crafted their own unique sub-genre of metal, one which judiciously mixed world music groove with turgid metal thunder. The result was a one-of-a-kind maelstrom that only former member Max Cavalera has been able to replicate via his offshoot outfit Soulfly. Formed in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Sepultura churned out five impressive albums before landing upon this, their signature sound. The blend of crazy rhythms and crunching guitars that saturated Roots without a doubt brought invigorated creativity to the '90s metal scene. SD
22. Ozzy - Diary of a Madman (Jet Records, 1981)
Ozzy's sophomore album is easily on par with Blizzard of Ozz. Tracks like "Over The Mountain," "Flying High Again," and the title track show why Randy Rhoads was one of the genre's greats. The album has something of a bittersweet legacy, as well, since Rhoads died in a plane crash shortly after the album's release while the band was on tour. SD
21. Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind (Capitol Records, 1983)
One of the true innovators of heavy metal, Iron Maiden is a true giant of the genre. Piece of Mind is a landmark release that showed the best of the band's classic line-up and gave the world some of the best technical metal ever recorded. ET
20. Deep Purple - Machine Head (Warner Bros., 1972)
One of the true testaments of a band is if one of their album titles or song titles is eventually scooped up by some youngsters and used as a band name. In the case of Deep Purple, Machine Head was given such honors by Robert Flynn. But more importantly than the homage that Flynn and his bandmates have bestowed upon DP, is the fact that the band's sixth studio effort (they had two live albums tossed into the mix prior to this release, as well) is the album that basically put them on the map for all heavy metal eternity. How so? Due to the oft mimicked, never repeated glory of the riff that is "Smoke On The Water." That song alone was enough to place Deep Purple in the metal hall of fame, alongside Sabbath. SD
19. Pantera - Cowboys from Hell (Atlantic Records, 1990)
Along with Vulgar Display of Power (see #11 on this list) Pantera's fifth album is not only considered one of the band's best, but is also one of the defining albums of early '90s metal. The band's chemistry really begins to gel with collective symmetry here, as a pre-Dimebag Darrell (he was known as Diamond Darrell back then) rips the strings of his axe like a rabid weasel, frontman Phil Anselmo following in kind with chaotic vocal utterances, and the rhythm section of Vinnie Paul and Rex Brown keeping the rhythms in check and the whole mess glued together with low end prowess. SD
18. Opeth - Blackwater Park (Koch, 2001)
When you think of death metal, you think of Sweden. When you think of Sweden's death metal scene, you must always start with Opeth. They are the Metallica of the genre and Blackwater Park is the Ride the Lightning of the Opeth library. The song "The Drapery Falls" is a nearly 12-minute epic and is the highlight of a unique and genre-changing album. ET
17. Mastodon - Blood Mountain (Reprise Records, 2006)
I know this album was only released last year. But the scary part is that it is already good enough to be on this list. Not only is the album on the list, but it deserves to be high on the list. Mastodon has redefined metal for the 21st century and Blood Mountain is the album by which all metal albums will be measured for some time now. ET
16. Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil (Elektra Records, 1983)
As much as Los Angeles' "hair metal" scene took a swift kick in the ass from critics and hardcore metalheads alike, it was still a viable sub-genre of metal and for every pop oriented, ballad swinging bunch of sissies who sported make-up and enough hairspray to start a wildfire, there were one or two real bands lurking underneath the glitter, face paint, and teased coifs. The Crue were such a band. The quartet of Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Mick Mars, and Nikki Sixx were like the evil stepsisters of the glam scene, kicking down doors and busting out wicked licks like nobody's business. Featuring such Crue epics as the title track, "Looks That Kill" and their bastardized cover of the Beatle's hard rock classic "Helter Skelter" Shout At The Devil rose above the rouge and fingernail polish fa¿ade of the day. SD
15. Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance (Columbia Records, 1982)
A lot has been said about Priest over the years, specifically in reference to frontman Rob Halford's sexuality and how he was able to keep it under wraps and influence a legion of heavy metal fans with gay S&M fashion without any of them knowing about it. In hindsight, Halford's penchant for leather chaps and Greek fisherman's hats seems a dead giveaway, but in the early '70s it was viewed as macho metal outerwear. But focusing on Halford's sexual orientation is a moot point. The man could sing. And sing wicked. The band was on par, dishing out scathing metal licks and terminal rhythms with equal aplomb. Screaming For Vengeance was just another entry in what had already become a legendary string of albums (starting with 1976's Sad Wings of Destiny and continuing on through 1984's Defenders of the Faith). While they had already become arena rock stars, SFV put them over the top with such memorable numbers as "You've Got Another Thing Coming." SD
14. Fate's Warning - No Exit (Metal Blade, 1988)
Prog metal gods. Period. Dream Theater may get most of the headlines and write the most radio-friendly songs, but Fate's Warning do it better than anyone else. No Exit is the bridge album that allowed progressive metal to enter into the mainstream of the metal genre. Although there are newer releases with better songwriting, No Exit takes the honors here for its impact on the prog scene. Plus, let's be honest, "Anarchy Divine" is a brilliant song. ET
13. Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (Warner Bros., 1970)
While the exact origins of the term "Heavy Metal" have long been disputed (some claim it was first used in reference to the music of Iron Butterfly, others Led Zeppelin, still others Blue Oyster Cult), but for all intents and purposes the industrialized township of Birmingham, England is often considered the birthplace of Heavy Metal. Sabbath, along with the all-but-forgotten Move, established the earliest known elements of metal, taking the basic tenets of the Blues and mutating them as only a bunch of white hooligans from the "metal midlands" could. Their self-titled debut is a masterpiece of unbridled mayhem and free jamming (how else to explain 14+minute tracks like "A Bit of Finger/Sleeping Village/Warning"?). SD
12. Anthrax - Among the Living (Megaforce, 1987)
Mosh it up! Anthrax may not have invented speed metal, but none has done it better for longer than these New York boys. Plus, and let's be honest here, how many bands can create classic metal songs taking ideas from a comic book ("I am the Law") a Steven King novel ("Skeleton in the Closet") and a sad chapter of American history ("Indians)? On the SAME album? ET
11. Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power (East/West, 1992)
This album makes the list because it took heavy metal and made it heavier. It took
darkness and made it darker. It took anger and made it angrier. Never before had a band
tuned down its guitars and crunched a heavier riff than on this album. "Mouth for War"
and "A New Level" and "No Good (Attack the Radical)" stand out on an album where
every track is a classic track. Dimebag Darrell was an innovator and a true godsend for
heavy metal. One of the most underrated players in the genre. And this may sound corny,
but the way the band was able to turn seemingly negative aspects of the genre - hate,
anger, violence and despair - into positive thoughts is somewhat akin to De La Soul
dropping a positive message into rap. ET
10. Motorhead - Ace of Spades (Castle Music, 1980)
Easily the most underappreciated band in all of heavy metal, maybe because the guys play speed metal, which has never really received the acclaim it deserves. Ace of Spades is the band's defining album and the lead single is the best song they have ever written. The entire album is chock full of classics like "The Chase if Better Than the Catch" "(We are) the Road Crew" and "Jailbait". This album is the classic Motorhead lineup at its best: Lemmy, Fast Eddie Clarke and Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor. ET
9. Metallica - ...And Justice for All (Elektra Records, 1988)
While Metallica's three previous albums are all bona fide Heavy Metal classics and seminal entries in the genre, it was this, their fourth studio effort that launched them into the arena rock-meets-MTV big time. Thanks to the edgy and disturbing video for "One," --a massive metal ditty based on Dalton Trumbo's antiwar novel Johnny Got His Gun--the band cracked the MTV rotation and drove a serious spike into the heart of the dying New Wave scene that had formerly ruled the music television outlet. SD
8. Dio - Holy Diver (Reprise Records, 1983)
In all his bands, in all his roles, in all his musical vagabond choices, Ronnie James Dio has been fortunate enough to be associated with some of heavy metal's best. Sabbath, Rainbow, and his own band Dio. To best represent his tenure in the genre, one must look no farther than Holy Diver. His first album with his new band was also his best. It is one of metal's best albums and it spawned two of the greatest metal songs of the 80s - "Holy Diver" and "Rainbow in the Dark". Featuring the underrated Vivian Campbell on guitar, this album showed that Dio could do it on his own. ET
7. Slayer - Reign in Blood (American Records, 1986)
This album was, at the time, the fastest metal album ever. It was so groundbreaking and so unique that it took metal to a realm that most others still have not reached. While an entire genre of speed metal has emerged, there's not a single band that can even touch this masterpiece. ET
6. Ozzy Osbourne - Blizzard of Ozz (Jet Records, 1980)
Ozzy at his best. "Crazy Train" is the best-known song from the Prince of Darkness. Of course, being able to collaborate and write with Randy Rhoads probably helped just a bit. Besides, you don't play more metal than when you write a song about legendary occultist Aleister Crowley. And let's not forget that the song "Suicide Solution" was the first song to ever spawn a lawsuit after a mother claimed the song's subliminal message forced her son to commit suicide. ET
5. Metallica - Ride the Lightning (Megaforce Records, 1984)
When it comes down to it, Ride the Lightning is, beginning to end, one of Metallica's best recorded endeavors. If there is such thing as a near perfect metal album, this is pretty close to it. ET
4. Megadeth - Rust in Peace (Capitol Records, 1990)
I know that most of you reading this are screaming for Peace Sells…But Who's Buying, but Rust in Peace easily displays Dave Mustaine's finest writing ever. Sure, Peace Sells… had some catchier riffs, but it was far from a complete album. From start to finish Rust in Peace is the whole package, beginning with a heavy, bone-shattering barrage of riffs and never EVER letting up. ET
3. Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast (Capitol Records, 1982)
The album that unquestionably made Iron Maiden one of the godheads of modern metal. Even though Number of the Beast was Maiden's third studio effort, it marked the debut of vocalist Bruce Dickinson, the man who would become as synonymous with the band as their album cover mascot Eddie. While both the album artwork and the title track raised the ire of right wing Christian groups, the band wasn't just some hack Satanic standby. On the contrary, Dickinson and crew would showcase their penchant for epic historical sagas that touched upon various socio-political issues. In this instance said track was their breakthrough hit "Run To The Hills" which revisited the plight of the Native Americans. SD
2. Black Sabbath - Paranoid (Warner Bros., 1971)
Sabbath's sophomore release is not only one of the seminal band's greatest efforts, it's also one of the greatest rock albums of all time. The album was a #1 record in its homeland of the United Kingdom (this of course during a time when prefab girl and boy bands were virtually non-existent and heavy metal ruled supreme). The album's title track and "Iron Man" have become signature anthems not only for Sabbath, but for air guitarist and karaoke masters alike the world over. But the heavy metal hits didn't stop there. The album also boasts "War Pigs" (good enough to be covered by Faith No More, no less) and the wonderfully titled "Fairies Wear Boots." Hell, the album cover art alone is pure classic as it conjures up a Dungeons & Dragons-meets-Star Wars visual pastiche long before the game or film were even part of the pop culture zeitgeist. How's that for prescience? SD
1. Metallica - Master of Puppets (Elektra Records, 1986)
Say what you will about the Metallica of post-2000, but in their hey day the quartet from the San Francisco Bay Area were the kings of all things metal. Six string shredding? Check. Machine gun drumming? Check. Thundering sh!t-in-your-pants-bass? Check. It was all there in spades. Heavy metal fans no doubt have argued till blue in the balls about which Metallica album is the greatest. It's a tough argument, to be true, but after kicking all naysayer's in the gonads, we came to the conclusion that the band's third magnum opus was easily their best. Why? Because it built upon and perfected everything they had experimented with prior. It's the album where all the pieces come together in glorious cohesion and it's the album that finally woke the general public up to the power and the glory that Metallica was born to spread. SD
Honorable Mentions
Angra - Fireworks
The Black Dahlia Murder - Miasma
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
Black Sabbath - Sabotage
Black Sabbath - Volume 4
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle-Earth
Blue Oyster Cult - Blue Oyster Cult
Corrosion of Conformity - Deliverance
Death Angel - Act III
Death- Symbolic
Danzig - Danzig
Dream Theater- Images and Words
Exodus - Bonded by Blood
Fates Warning- Parallels
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
Flotsam and Jetsam- Quatro
Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part I
Helloween- Better than Raw
Helmet - Meantime
In Flames - Colony.
In Flames - Come Clarity
Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Iron Maiden- Somewhere in Time
Isis - Oceanic
Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Judas Priest - British Steel
Judas Priest - Killing Machine
Killswitch Engage - Alive or Just Breathing
Kyuss - Blues for the Red Sun
Lamb of God - Sacrament
Manowar - Kings of Metal
Megadeth - Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
Metallica - Kill 'Em All
Metallica Black album
Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick
Nightwish - Oceanborn
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Queensryche- Rage for Order
Queensryche- The Warning
Queensryche- Empire
Rush - Permanent Waves
Savatage- Hall of the Mountain King
Sepultura - Arise
Sepultura - Chaos A.D.
Shadow Gallery- Tyranny
Sir Lord Baltimore - Kingdom Come
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Slayer - South of Heaven
Stratovarius- Episode
Stormtroopers Of Death (S.O.D.) - Speak English Or Die
Tenacious D - Tenacious D
Testament - The Ritual
Testament - The Legacy
Vicious Rumors- Welcome to the Ball
voivod - Nothingface
X-Japan - Art of Life