
Warden's House - More on Alcatraz

Juha, this gives you an incentive to come back & visit SF again.

Runee, I guess all guard towers look the same. I think the warden had a better time. During the tour, they actually showed visitors 3 cells which were the most desirable because it would get sunshine during a sunny day through the windows across the hall.

Dot, good point. It would just be another house if it wasn't in ruins.

Lina, it was a close knit community for the 200 residents. I wonder if they allowed visitors to come visit the families.

Thanks HappyOne. There are so many photo ops that I would have to go back several times to capture everything to my satisfaction.

You said it, Isadora. No tv or internet. What kind of life is that although they probably had b&w tv in the 50's & 60's.