
Guides - Avisynth wiki

Please be aware that some of the following links may have information that is outdated.


Some guides explaining the basics of AviSynth:

  • Analog Capture guide. The AviSynth part of the capture guide is about what filters can be used to enhance the quality of the capture. It discusses things like deinterlacing, denoising, cropping and resizing and color adjustment. Which makes it really useful to learn about some of the capabilities of AviSynth in a schematic way.
  • AviSynth 101 mirror – A guide by l33tmeatwad, it includes mostly current information on software setup, video basics, importing videos, handling audio, using filters and other useful information.
  • AviSynth Basics – another guide for beginners.
  • Introduction AviSynth from AnimeMusicVideos.org. A basic guide about deinterlacing, resizing and some other basic stuff.
  • Introduction basic AviSynth filters from AnimeMusicVideos.org. A basic guide about smoothers, rainbow removal, sharpeners, color adjustment and some other basic stuff.

AviSynth Usage


Outdated Guides

Only here for historical purposes!