1 Samuel 4:16 Interlinear: And the man saith unto Eli, 'I am he who hath come out of the ranks, and I out of the ranks have fled to-day;' and he saith, 'What hath been the matter, my son?'

Parallel Strong's

Holman Christian Standard Bible
The man said to Eli, “I’m the one who came from the battle.  I fled from there today .” “What happened , my son? ”  Eli asked.New American Standard Bible
The man said to Eli, "I am the one who came from the battle line. Indeed, I escaped from the battle line today." And he said, "How did things go, my son?" King James Bible
And the man said unto Eli, I [am] he that came out of the army, and I fled to day out of the army. And he said, What is there done, my son?

Parallel Verses

International Standard Version
The man told Eli, "I've just come from the battle line, and I escaped from the battle today." He asked, "What happened, my son?"American Standard Version
And the man said unto Eli, I am he that came out of the army, and I fled to-day out of the army. And he said, How went the matter, my son?Young's Literal Translation
And the man saith unto Eli, 'I am he who hath come out of the ranks, and I out of the ranks have fled to-day;' and he saith, 'What hath been the matter, my son?'


1 Samuel 4:161 Samuel 4:16 NIV1 Samuel 4:16 NLT1 Samuel 4:16 ESV1 Samuel 4:16 NASB1 Samuel 4:16 KJV1 Samuel 4:16 Commentaries1 Samuel 4:16 Bible Apps1 Samuel 4:16 Biblia Paralela1 Samuel 4:16 Chinese Bible1 Samuel 4:16 French Bible1 Samuel 4:16 German BibleInterlinear BibleBible Hub