Jeremiah 17:11 Interlinear: A partridge hatching, and not bringing forth, Is one making wealth, and not by right, In the midst of his days he doth forsake it, And in his latter end -- he is a fool.

Parallel Strong's

Holman Christian Standard Bible
He who makes a fortune  unjustly is like a partridge that hatches eggs it didn’t  lay. In the middle of his  days his riches will abandon  him, so in the end he will be a fool. New American Standard Bible
"As a partridge that hatches eggs which it has not laid, [So] is he who makes a fortune, but unjustly; In the midst of his days it will forsake him, And in the end he will be a fool." King James Bible
[As] the partridge sitteth [on eggs], and hatcheth [them] not; [so] he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.

Parallel Verses

International Standard Version
As a partridge gathers together eggs that it didn't lay, so is a person who amasses wealth unjustly. In the middle of his life it will leave him, and in the end he will prove to be a fool.American Standard Version
As the partridge that sitteth on eggs which she hath not laid, so is he that getteth riches, and not by right; in the midst of his days they shall leave him, and at his end he shall be a fool.Young's Literal Translation
A partridge hatching, and not bringing forth, Is one making wealth, and not by right, In the midst of his days he doth forsake it, And in his latter end -- he is a fool.


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