2 Corinthians 2 Literal Emphasis Translation
1For I judged this within myself, not to come to you again in heavy sadness (heavy heart-sorrow, heaviness, grief, distress, vexation). 2For if I sadden you, then who is the one gladdening (good state of mind, to cheer one’s perspective, merry outlook) me, except the one being saddened from out of me? 3And I wrote this same, that having come, I may not have sadness from those of whom I ought to be glad (rejoice, favorably disposed, delighting in grace), having confidence in you all that my gladness (joy) is of you all. 4For I wrote to you through many tears and from out of much tribulation and distress (something held together in close hard tension, tightly pressed with feeling locked in) of heart, not that you might be saddened but rather that you might know the love that I have exceedingly (greatly, abundantly) unto you.
5Now if anyone has caused sadness, he has not saddened me, but rather from a part, so that I might not become heavy (burdensome) on you all. 6Sufficient to such a one is this punishment, which is by (under) the majority (greater part), 7So that on the contrary you are rather to forgive (freely show favor that cancels) him and comfort (entreat, console) him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed down (overwhelmed, latin-absorbeatur) with exceeding sadness. 8Therefore I entreat you to validate (latin-confirmetis) love unto him. 9For unto this I did write that you may know the proof of your genuineness, whether you are compliant (giving ear, listening) unto everything. 10To whomever you forgive anything I also do: for if I have forgiven anything to whom I have forgiven it, it is on account of you in the face of Christ, 11That we may not be taken advantage of (defrauded, to have more, latin-circumventiamur) by (under) Satan: for we are not ignorant (unknowing) of his thoughts (mental efforts, designs, purposes, the final output of the mind, latin-cogitationes).
12And having come to Troas for the gospel of Christ and a door having been opened to me in the Lord, 13I had no rest (loosening, relaxation, relief) to my spirit, when I did not find Titus, my brother, but rather having taken leave of them I went out unto Macedonia.
14But thanks be unto God, who in Christ is always leading us around in triumph (making a spectacle of us, displaying triumph openly) and making apparent the aroma (smell) of the knowledge of Him through us in every place. 15For we are the sweet aroma of Christ to God among those being saved and among those perishing, 16To one, a smell from out of death unto death, to one a smell from out of life unto life. And who is sufficient (competent, worthy) for these things? 17For we are not like many peddling (marketing for fast gain, huckster, making a trade of, hawking, latin-adulterantes) the word of God, but rather as from out of clearness (transparent sincerity), but rather as from out of God in front of God, we speak in Christ.