Song of Solomon 4 Smith's Literal Translation

Solomon Admires His Bride

1Behold thee beautiful, my friend, behold thee beautiful; thine eyes doves from behind to thy veil: thy hair as a herd of goats which lay down from mount Gilead.

2Thy teeth as a herd of the shorn which came up from the washing; all of them bearing twins, and none barren among them.

3As a scarlet thread thy lips, and thy speech becoming: as a piece of pomegranate, thy temples from behind thy veil.

4As the tower of David thy neck, built for the weapons; a thousand shields hung upon it, all shields of the powerful.

5Thy two breasts as two fawns, twins of the roe deer feeding among the lilies.

6Till the day shall breathe, and the shadows fled away, I will go for myself to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of Lebanon.

7All of thee beautiful, my friend, and no blemish in thee.

8Thou shalt come with me from Lebanon, O bride, with me from Lebanon: thou shalt go round about from the head of faith, from the head of Shenir and Hermon, from the dwellings of lions, from the mountains of panthers.

9Thou didst rob me of the heart, my sister, O bride; thou didst rob me of the heart with one of thine eyes, with one necklace of thy neck.

10How beautiful were thy breasts, my sister, O bride! how good were thy breasts above wine, and the odor of thine ointments above all spices.

11Thy lips will drop honey droppings, O bride: honey and milk under thy tongue, and the odor of thy garments as the odor of Lebanon.

12A garden shut up, my sister, O bride; a reservoir shut up, a fountain sealed.

13Thy sendings forth a park of pomegranates, with most precious fruits, cypresses with spikenards,

14Spikenard and saffron; the reed and cinnamon, with all the woods of Lebanon; myrrh and aloes, with all the heads of spices.

15A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters and flowings from Lebanon.

16Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south, blow upon my garden; its spices shall flow out. My beloved shall come to his garden, and he shall eat his most precious fruits.