Topical Bible: Law-giving
Topical Encyclopedia
The concept of law-giving in the Bible is foundational to understanding the relationship between God and His people. It encompasses the divine instructions and commandments given by God to guide the moral, spiritual, and social conduct of His people. The law serves as a covenantal framework, establishing the terms of the relationship between God and humanity.
The Mosaic Law
The most significant instance of law-giving in the Bible is the Mosaic Law, delivered to the Israelites through Moses. This law is primarily recorded in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The Mosaic Law includes the Ten Commandments, which are central to the ethical and moral teachings of the Bible.
In Exodus 20:1-17, God delivers the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. These commandments form the core of the covenant between God and Israel, emphasizing the worship of God alone, the sanctity of life, and the importance of truth and justice. The BSB states, "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me.'" (Exodus 20:1-3).
The Purpose of the Law
The law serves multiple purposes in the biblical narrative. It reveals the holiness and righteousness of God, setting a standard for His people to follow. Leviticus 19:2 states, "Speak to the entire congregation of the Israelites and tell them: ‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.’" The law also exposes human sinfulness, highlighting the need for atonement and redemption.
Furthermore, the law functions as a tutor, guiding the Israelites in their daily lives and pointing them toward the coming Messiah. Galatians 3:24 explains, "So the law became our guardian to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith."
The Role of the Prophets
Throughout the Old Testament, the prophets played a crucial role in law-giving by calling the people back to obedience and faithfulness to God's commandments. They reminded Israel of the blessings associated with obedience and the consequences of disobedience. For instance, the prophet Jeremiah emphasized the importance of internalizing the law: "But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD. I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people." (Jeremiah 31:33).
The Fulfillment of the Law in Christ
In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is presented as the fulfillment of the law. He embodies the perfect obedience to God's commandments and provides the ultimate sacrifice for sin. In Matthew 5:17 , Jesus declares, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them."
Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus establishes a new covenant, offering salvation to all who believe. The Apostle Paul explains in Romans 10:4 , "Christ is the end of the law, in order to bring righteousness to everyone who believes."
The Law in the Life of Believers
For Christians, the law remains significant as it reflects God's character and moral will. Believers are called to uphold the spirit of the law through love and obedience, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Romans 13:8-10 summarizes this principle: "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments... are summed up in this one command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Love does no wrong to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."
The concept of law-giving in the Bible is a profound expression of God's desire for a holy and righteous people. It underscores the importance of obedience, the need for redemption, and the ultimate fulfillment of the law in Jesus Christ. Through the law, believers are called to live lives that reflect God's holiness and love.
3548. nomothesia -- legislation, lawgiving
... legislation, lawgiving. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: nomothesia
Phonetic Spelling: (nom-oth-es-ee'-ah) Short Definition: lawgiving ...
// - 6k
Matt. xix. 1
... But now both by the manner of the creation, and by the manner of lawgiving, He showed
that one man must dwell with one woman continually, and never break off ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily lxii matt xix 1.htm
Seventh Day. Holiness and Obedience.
... The law-giving of Sinai on tables of stone has been succeeded by the law-giving
of the Spirit on the table of the heart: the Holy Spirit is the power of ...
/.../murray/holy in christ/seventh day holiness and obedience.htm
Attributes of Love.
... That is, the mind is free to choose in accordance with the demands of the intellect,
which is the law-giving faculty, or with the desires and impulses of the ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xii attributes of love.htm
Whether a Species of Prudence is Regnative?
... Objection 3: Further, lawgiving belongs not only to kings, but also to certain others
placed in authority, and even to the people, according to Isidore (Etym. ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether a species of prudence.htm
Whether the virtues Annexed to Justice are Suitably Enumerated?
... "liberality, kindliness, revenge, commonsense, [*{eugnomosyne}] piety, gratitude,
holiness, just exchange" and "just lawgiving"; and of all these it is evident ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether the virtues annexed to.htm
The Signs of Pentecost.
... And this seems to be confirmed by the fact that the signs attending the law-giving
on Sinai, which event was parallel to this, were not from higher spheres ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/xxvii the signs of pentecost.htm
Matt. xxiii. 14
... So that there is nothing strange, nothing new, neither in the lawgiving, nor in
the accusation, nay not even in the comparison of the sepulchre. ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily lxxiii matt xxiii 14.htm
Concluding Reflections. Faith and Criticism.
... in history, implies the possibility of miracle at any time; not, indeed, as a violation
of his own laws, but as a manifestation of his law-giving and creative ...
/.../section 102 concluding reflections faith.htm
The Author's views Respecting the Celebration of Easter, Baptism ...
... that a disturbance occurred among believers on account of a dissension of the Gentiles,
having all met together, they promulgated a Divine law, giving it the ...
/.../chapter xxii the authors views respecting.htm
Victory Over Death.
... in its giant might, made desperate by restraint. That is the law giving
strength to sin. And therefore brethren, if all we know ...
/.../robertson/sermons preached at brighton/xvii victory over death.htm
Lawgiving (1 Occurrence)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary (a.) Enacting laws; legislative. Multi-Version
Concordance Lawgiving (1 Occurrence). Romans 9:4 who are ...
/l/lawgiving.htm - 6k
Law-giving (1 Occurrence)
Law-giving. Lawgiving, Law-giving. Lawless . Multi-Version Concordance
Law-giving (1 Occurrence). ... Lawgiving, Law-giving. Lawless . Reference Bible.
/l/law-giving.htm - 6k
Letters (51 Occurrences)
... 2 Corinthians 3:7 For if the operation of the law, giving death, recorded in letters
on stone, came with glory, so that the eyes of the children of Israel had ...
/l/letters.htm - 23k
Theirs (96 Occurrences)
... (WEY). Romans 9:4 who are Israelites, whose 'is' the adoption, and the glory, and
the covenants, and the lawgiving, and the service, and the promises, (See NIV) ...
/t/theirs.htm - 37k
Inspiration (4 Occurrences)
... promises. Deuteronomy recapitulates the lawgiving at Sinai. Jos sees the
people put in possession of the promised land. Backsliding ...
/i/inspiration.htm - 57k
Heavens (548 Occurrences)
... The "shaking" that accompanies the new covenant and corresponds to the shaking of
the law-giving at Sinai, is a shaking of "not the earth only, but also the ...
/h/heavens.htm - 49k
Earth (10501 Occurrences)
... The "shaking" that accompanies the new covenant and corresponds to the shaking of
the law-giving at Sinai, is a shaking of "not the earth only, but also the ...
/e/earth.htm - 26k
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What is the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2)? |
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