Genesis 23:19 Catholic Bible: Then Abraham buried his wife Sarah in that cave in the land of Canaan.

Good News Translation
Then Abraham buried his wife Sarah in that cave in the land of Canaan.

New Revised Standard Version
After this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah facing Mamre (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan.

Contemporary English Version
So Abraham buried his wife Sarah in Machpelah Cave that was in the field

New American Bible
After this, Abraham buried his wife Sarah in the cave of the field of Machpelah, facing Mamre—now Hebron—in the land of Canaan.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And so Abraham buried Sara, his wife, in the double cave of the field, that looked towards Mambre, this is Hebron in the land of Chanaan.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

And so Abraham buried Sara, his wife, in the double cave of the field, that looked towards Mambre, this is Hebron in the land of Chanaan.

Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return to the earth out of which thou wast taken: for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return.

Genesis 25:9,10 And Isaac and Ismael his sons buried him in the double cave, which was situated in the field of Ephron the son of Seor the Hethite, over against Mambre, . . .

Genesis 35:27-29 And he came to Isaac his father in Mambre, the city of Arbee, this is Hebron: wherein Abraham and Isaac sojourned. . . .

Genesis 47:30 But I will sleep with my fathers, and thou shalt take me away out of this land, and bury me in the burying place of my ancestors. And Joseph answered him: I will do what thou hast commanded.

Genesis 49:29-32 And he charged them, saying: I am now going to be gathered to my people: bury me with my fathers in the double cave, which is in the field of Ephron the Hethite, . . .

Genesis 50:13,25 And carrying him into the land of Chanaan, they buried him in the double cave, which Abraham had bought together with the field for a possession of a burying place, of Ephron, the Hethite, over against Mambre. . . .

Job 30:23 I know that thou wilt deliver me to death, where a house is appointed for every one that liveth.

Ecclesiastes 6:3 If a man beget a hundred children, and live many years, and attain to a great age, and his soul make no use of the goods of his substance, and he be without burial: of this man I pronounce, that the untimely born is better than he.

Ecclesiastes 12:5,7 And they shall fear high things, and they shall be afraid in the way, the almond tree shall flourish, the locust shall be made fat, and the caper tree shall be destroyed: because man shall go into the house of his eternity, and the mourners shall go round about in the street. . . .