Habakkuk 2:16 Catholic Bible: You in turn will be covered with shame instead of honor. You yourself will drink and stagger. The LORD will make you drink your own cup of punishment, and your honor will be turned to disgrace.

Good News Translation
You in turn will be covered with shame instead of honor. You yourself will drink and stagger. The LORD will make you drink your own cup of punishment, and your honor will be turned to disgrace.

New Revised Standard Version
You will be sated with contempt instead of glory. Drink, you yourself, and stagger! The cup in the LORD’s right hand will come around to you, and shame will come upon your glory!

Contemporary English Version
Now you will be disgraced instead of praised. The LORD will make you drunk, and when others see you naked, you will lose their respect.

New American Bible
You are filled with shame instead of glory; drink, you too, and stagger! The cup from the LORD’s right hand shall come around to you, and utter shame shall cover your glory.

Douay-Rheims Bible
Thou art filled with shame instead of glory: drink thou also, and fall fast asleep: the cup of the right hand of the Lord shall compass thee, and shameful vomiting shall be on thy glory.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Thou art filled with shame instead of glory: drink thou also, and fall fast asleep: the cup of the right hand of the Lord shall compass thee, and shameful vomiting shall be on thy glory.

with shame for glory.

Proverbs 3:35 Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend, that you may know prudence.

Isaiah 47:3 Thy nakedness shall be discovered, and thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and no man shall resist me.

Hosea 4:7 According to the multitude of them, so have they sinned against me: I will change their glory into shame.

Philippians 3:19 Whose end is destruction: whose God is their belly: and whose glory is in their shame: who mind earthly things.


Psalm 75:8 For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup of strong wine full of mixture. And he hath poured it out from this to that: but the dregs thereof are not emptied: all the sinners of the earth shall drink.

Isaiah 49:26 And I will feed thy enemies with their own flesh: and they shall be made drunk with their own blood, as with new wine: and all flesh shall know, that I am the Lord that save thee, and thy Redeemer the Mighty One of Jacob.

Isaiah 51:21-23 Therefore hear this, thou poor little one, and thou that art drunk but not with wine. . . .

Jeremiah 25:26,27 And all the kings of the north far and near, every one against his brother: and all the kingdoms of the earth, which are upon the face thereof: and the king of Sesac shall drink after them. . . .

Jeremiah 51:57 And I will make her princes drunk, and her wise men, and her captains, and her rulers, and her valiant men: and they shall sleep an everlasting sleep, and shall awake no more, saith the king whose name is Lord of hosts.

Revelation 18:6 Render to her as she also hath rendered to you: and double unto her double, according to her works. In the cup wherein she hath mingled, mingle ye double unto her.

and let.

Isaiah 20:4 So shall the king of the Assyrians lead away the prisoners of Egypt, and the captivity of Ethiopia, young and old, naked and barefoot, with their buttocks uncovered to the shame of Egypt.

Isaiah 47:3 Thy nakedness shall be discovered, and thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and no man shall resist me.

Nahum 3:5 Behold I come against thee, saith the Lord of hosts: and I will discover thy shame to thy face, and will shew thy nakedness to the nations, and thy shame to kingdoms.

the cup.

Jeremiah 25:27-29 And thou shalt say to them: Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Drink ye, and be drunken, and vomit: and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword, which I shall send among you. . . .

and shameful.

Isaiah 28:7,8 But these also have been ignorant through wine, and through drunkenness have erred: the priest and the prophet have been ignorant through drunkenness, they are swallowed up with wine, they have gone astray in drunkenness, they have not known him that seeth, they have been ignorant of judgment. . . .

Hosea 7:5 The day of our king, the princes began to be mad with wine: he stretched out his hand with scorners.