Genesis 24 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
1And Abraham was old and advanced in years and LORD JEHOVAH blessed Abraham in everything. 2And Abraham called his old Servant, the Chief in his house, who was authorized in everything that he had, and he said to him, “Put your hand under my loins: 3And I shall make you swear by LORD JEHOVAH, God of Heaven and God of the Earth, that you will not take a woman for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites whom live I among them: 4But go to my land and to my family, and take a woman for my son, Isaaq.” 5And the Servant said to him, “And if the woman does not desire to come after me to return to this land, shall I return your son to the land from where I came out?” 6And Abraham said to him, “Beware that you do not return my son there. 7LORD JEHOVAH God of Heaven who led me from there, from the house of my father, from the land of my family, and who spoke to me and who made a covenant with me: “To your seed I shall give this land”, he will send His Angel before you and you will take a woman for my son from there. 8And if the woman will not be persuaded to come with you, you are blameless of this my oath, only you will not return my son there.” 9And the Servant laid his hand under the loins of Abraham, his lord, and he swore to him concerning this matter.
10And the Servant took ten camels from the camels of his Master and from every blessing of his Master in his hand and he went on and he arose and he went on to Aram Nahrayn, to the village of Nakhor. 11And he knelt his camels outside of the village at a well of waters at evening time, at the time that they come out to fill up with water. 12And he prayed and said, “LORD JEHOVAH God of my Master Abraham, prepare before me today and perform favor with my Master Abraham. 13Behold I am standing at a well of waters and the daughters of the men the city come out to fill up water: 14And the young girl to whom I shall say, “Let down for me your cruse; I shall drink and she will say to me, ‘give drink to your camels also’, this is whom you have prepared for your Servant, Isaaq, and by this I shall know that you work favor and truth with my Master.”
15And he had not yet finished speaking, and behold, Raphqa came out who was born to Bethuyl, son of Melka, the wife of Nakhor, the brother of Abraham, and a cruse was on her shoulder. 16And the young girl was very beautiful in her appearance, a virgin whom a man had not known, and she came down to the well and filled her cruse and she came up. 17And the Servant ran to meet her and he said to her, “Let me drink a little water from your cruse.” 18And she said to him, “Drink, my Lord”, and she was quick, and she let down her cruse on her hands and gave him a drink. 19And she finished giving him a drink and she said, “Also I shall fill your camels until they will be filled drinking.” 20And she hurried and emptied her cruse in the trough, and she ran again to the well to fill up, and she filled all his camels. 21And the man drank and he observed her and waited to know if LORD JEHOVAH had prospered his way or not.
22And when the camels had finished drinking, the Servant took an earring of gold, its weight a shekel, and two bracelets for her hands, their weight of ten shekels of gold; 23And he said to her, “Whose daughter are you? Show me if there is for us a place in your father's house to lodge. 24And she said to him, “I am daughter of Bethuyel, son of Melka, whom she bore to Nakhor.” 25And she said to him, “Also we have straw and much provender and a place to lodge.” 26And the man knelt on the ground and he worshipped LORD JEHOVAH. 27And said, “Blessed is LORD JEHOVAH, the God of my Lord Abraham, who did not deny my Lord his grace and his truth, but LORD JEHOVAH led me in the way of the house of the brother of my Lord, to take the daughter of the brother of my Lord for his son.”
28And the girl ran and she showed these words to her father's household. 29And Raphqa had a brother and his name was Laban, and Laban ran to the man outside at the well. 30When he saw the earrings and bracelets on the hands of his sister, and when he heard the words of Raphqa his sister, when she said, “Thus the man said to me”, and he came to the man, and behold, he was standing with the camels by the well. 31He said to him, “Come in, he who is blessed of LORD JEHOVAH. Why do you stand in the street and I have prepared the house and a place for the camels?” 32And the man entered the house and he loosed the camels and cast straw and hay for the camels and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him. 33And they placed food before them, and he said, “I shall not eat until I speak my words;” they were saying to him, “Speak.” 34And the Servant said, “I am of Abraham.” 35And LORD JEHOVAH has blessed my Master and he is very great and he has sheep and oxen and silver and gold and Servants and maids and female donkeys and camels and male donkeys. 36And Sara the wife of my Lord bore a son to my Lord after she was old, and he gave to him everything that he has. 37And my Lord made me swear and said to me, “Do not take a woman for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I dwell: 38But go to the house of my father and to my family and take a woman for my son from there.” 39And I said to my Lord, “And perhaps the woman will not desire to come with me?” 40And my Lord said to me, “LORD JEHOVAH, before whom I serve, He will send his Angel with you and he will establish your road and take a woman for my son from my family and from the house of my father: 41And then you will be clear from my oath when you go to my family, and if they do not give to you, you are free from my oath.”
42And I have come today to the well and I said, “LORD JEHOVAH, God of my Master Abraham, if you have prepared my way upon which I have come: 43Behold I am standing at a well of waters and a young woman goes out to fill up waters and I will say to her, ‘Let me drink a little water from your cruse’; 44And she will say to me also, ‘You drink, also I shall fill your camels’, she is the woman that LORD JEHOVAH has prepared for the son of my Master.”
45And I had not yet finished speaking in my heart and behold, Raphqa came out and the cruse was on her shoulder, and she came down to the spring and filled up, and I said to her, “Let me drink a little water from your cruse.” 46And she hurried and let down her cruse from her and she said to me, “Drink, also I shall water your camels”, and I drank; she gave drink also to the camels. 47And I asked and I said to her, “Whose daughter are you?” And she said, “I am the daughter of Bethuyel, son of Nakhor, to whom Melka had given birth”, and I put bracelets on her hands and earrings on her ears. 48And I knelt and I worshipped LORD JEHOVAH and I blessed LORD JEHOVAH, the God of my Master, Abraham, who led me in the way of truth to the house of the brother of my Master, to take the daughter of the brother of my Lord for his son. 49And now if you are practicing favor and truth with my Lord, show me, and otherwise show me, and I shall turn to the right or to the left.”
50And Laban and Bethuyel answered and they said, “The word has proceeded from LORD JEHOVAH; we are not able to speak to you good or evil. 51Behold, Raphqa is before you; take her and go and she shall be a wife to the son of your Master, just as LORD JEHOVAH said.”
52And when the Servant of Abraham heard their words, he worshiped on the ground before LORD JEHOVAH. 53And the Servant brought out vessels of gold and vessels of silver, and garments, and he gave them to Raphqa, and he gave gifts to her brother and to her mother. 54And they ate and they drank, he and the men who were with him, and they lodged and arose at dawn, and he said to them, “Send me to my Master.” 55And her brother and her mother said to him, “The girl will dwell with us a month of days and then she will go.” 56He said to them, “Do not delay me, for LORD JEHOVAH has made my way ready; send me and I shall go on to my Master.” 57And they said, “We will call the girl and we will ask from her mouth.” 58And they called Raphqa and they said to her, are you going with this man?” and she said, “I am going.” 59And they sent Raphqa their sister and her nurse and the Servant of Abraham and his men.
60And they blessed Raphqa their sister and they said to her, “Our sister, you will be for a thousand and for ten thousands, and your seed will inherit the lands of its enemies.”
61And Raphqa arose, and her young women, and sat down on camels, and she went on after the man, and the Servant took Raphqa and went on.
62And Isaac was coming from Beer D'Khaya Khezan and he dwelt in the land of the south. 63And Isaaq went out to walk in a field at evening time, and he lifted his eyes and he saw, and behold, camels were coming. 64And Raphqa lifted her eyes and she saw Isaaq, and she bowed on the camel. 65And she said to the Servant, “Who is this man coming in the field to meet us?”, and the Servant said, “He is my Master”, and she took the bridal veil and covered herself. 66And the Servant related to Isaaq all the responses she had made. 67And Isaaq brought her to the tent of Sara his mother, and he took Raphqa, and she was his wife, and he loved her and Isaaq was comforted after his mother had died.