Numbers 19 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
1And LORD JEHOVAH spoke with Moshe and with Ahron and said to them: 2“This is the commandment of the law that LORD JEHOVAH commanded and said, ‘Say to the children of Israel that they will bring to you a perfect blood red heifer without a defect on which a yoke has not fallen. 3And give her to Eliazer the Priest; he shall take her outside of the camp. He shall slaughter her before him. 4And Eliazer the Priest shall take from her blood on his finger and shall sprinkle from the blood against the front of the Time Tabernacle seven times. 5And he shall burn the heifer before him; he will burn her skin and her blood and her flesh with her dung. 6And the Priest shall take wood of cedar and hyssop and dye of scarlet and shall throw it within the burning of the heifer. 7And the Priest shall wash his garments and shall bathe his flesh in water and then he shall enter to the encampment and the Priest will be defiled until evening. 8And he who burns the heifer shall wash his garments and shall bathe his flesh in water and he will be defiled until evening. 9And a man who is pure shall gather the ash of the heifer and he shall lay it outside of the camp in a place that is clean and it will be kept for all the assembly of the children of Israel to keep for the water of sprinkling, because it is of sin. 10And he who gathered the ashes of the heifer shall wash his garments and he will be defiled until evening, and it will be the law to eternity for the children of Israel and those who convert to me who dwell among you.
11And he who touches the dead body of any soul of man shall be defiled seven days. 12And he shall sprinkle upon himself on the third day and on the seventh day and he shall be purified, and unless he shall sprinkle upon himself on the third day, he shall not be purified on the seventh day. 13And all who will touch the dead of any person of man who will die and will not sprinkle upon himself, defiles the Tabernacle of LORD JEHOVAH; that soul shall be cut off from Israel because he did not sprinkle himself with the water of sprinkling; he shall be defiled again and his defilement is in him.
14This is the law of a man when he should die in a tent: everyone who enters the tent and everyone who is in the tent such shall be defiled seven days. 15And every vessel that was opened and was not covered is defiled. 16And everyone who will touch one killed by the sword on the face of the field, or one dead, or the bone of a man, or a tomb, shall be defiled seven days. 17And they shall take for him who is defiled from the dust of the burning of sin and they will cast living water on it over a vessel. 18And a man that is pure shall take hyssop and he shall dip it in water and he shall sprinkle it on the tent and upon the vessels and upon every soul that was there and upon whom ever touched a bone, or one killed, or the dead, or a tomb. 19The pure shall sprinkle on the defiled on the third day and on the seventh day and he shall sprinkle upon him in the seventh day and shall wash his garments and he shall bathe in water and he shall be cleansed in the evening.
20And a man who will be defiled and will not be sprinkled upon himself, that soul will be cut off from within the assembly because he defiled the Holy Place of LORD JEHOVAH; the water of sprinkling was not sprinkled upon him; he is defiled. 21And it will be the law for you to eternity and he who sprinkles the water of sprinkling washes his garments and whoever touches the water of sprinkling shall be defiled until evening. 22And everything that he will touch shall be very defiled, and the person who will touch it shall be defiled until evening.’”