2 Samuel 12:19 Interlinear: And David seeth that his servants are whispering, and David understandeth that the lad is dead, and David saith unto his servants, 'Is the lad dead?' and they say, 'Dead.'

Parallel Strong's

Holman Christian Standard Bible
When David saw that his servants were whispering to each other, he guessed that the baby was dead. So he asked his servants, “ Is the baby dead ? ”“ He is dead,” they replied.New American Standard Bible
But when David saw that his servants were whispering together, David perceived that the child was dead; so David said to his servants, "Is the child dead?" And they said, "He is dead." King James Bible
But when David saw that his servants whispered, David perceived that the child was dead: therefore David said unto his servants, Is the child dead? And they said, He is dead.

Parallel Verses

International Standard Version
But as David observed his staff whispering together, he perceived that the child had died, so he asked his staff, "Is the child dead?" They replied, "He has died."American Standard Version
But when David saw that his servants were whispering together, David perceived that the child was dead; and David said unto his servants, Is the child dead? And they said, He is dead.Young's Literal Translation
And David seeth that his servants are whispering, and David understandeth that the lad is dead, and David saith unto his servants, 'Is the lad dead?' and they say, 'Dead.'


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