2 Thessalonians 2 Literal Emphasis Translation
1Now we ask you, brothers, by (beyond, on behalf of, above, for) the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together (greek-episynagoge- gather/group upon, latin-congregationis-congregating) upon Him, 2Unto that you not be quickly (speedily, swiftly) shaken (agitated, cast down, disturbed) away from your mind (latin-sensu-senses), and not be unsettled (troubled, thrown into confusion, emotional uproar), neither through spirit, nor through word, nor through letter, as if (like as) through us, like as that the day of the Lord is present (stands in). 3Let no one deceive (latin-seducat) you in any way (manner), because it will not be unless the apostasy (greek-apostasia, latin-discessio-lawlessness, leave/depart away from a standing, departure, desertion, a leaving from a previous standing) has first come and the man (greek-anthropos, latin-homo) of lawlessness (not law-without law- latin-peccati-sin), the son of perdition (greek- apoleia, loss of well-being, entire loss or ruin, to be cut off, latin-perditionis-destruction its root has the idea of abandoning in it) shall have been revealed (uncovered, away from to cover, have the covering taken away from, latin-revelatus-revealed, greek-apokalyphthe); 4The one opposing (placing against) and exalting himself (uplifting, raising/lifting above) upon all spoken (said) god or object of worship/veneration, so as for him to sit down unto (into) the inner temple of God, exhibiting (showing forth, setting forth, to show from, latin-ostendens-showing) that he himself is God. 5Do you not remember that, being yet with you, I said these things to you? 6And now you know that which is restraining (hold fast/back, latin-detineat-restraining like detaining) unto him being revealed in his own time (fitting/opportune time). 7For the mystery of lawlessness is already working; there is only the one restraining it at present until he might be gone from out of the middle (midst, latin-medio). 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will put to death (slay, take away/up, abolish, make to end, consume) with the breath (spirit) of His mouth and will bring to naught (sever, annul, render inoperative) by the appearance of His coming; 9Whose coming is according to the working (greek-energeian, latin-operationem) of Satan in all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, 10And in all deceit of unrighteousness (injustice) unto those perishing (cutting off entirely), over against which they did not receive the love of the truth unto them to be saved. 11And because of this God will send to them a working (greek-energeian) of delusion (wandering, error, latin-erroris) unto them to believe what is false; 12So that all those having not believed the truth but rather having resolved to think well of (taken pleasure in) unrighteousness (injustice) should be judged (come to a choice/separation).
13However, we ought to always give thanks to God concerning you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning (origin, pre-eminent) unto salvation in the sanctification (the process of advancing in holiness) of the Spirit and belief of the truth; 14Unto this He also called you through our gospel unto the acquiring of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15So then, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions (instruction handed down/over, latin-traditiones) that you were taught, whether through word or through letter from us.
16Now our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father who has loved us and given us eternal entreaty and good hope in grace, 17May He entreat your hearts and confirm (support to secure/stand, latin-confirmet) them in every work and good word.