Leviticus 5 Smith's Literal Translation

Sins Requiring a Sin Offering
(Leviticus 4:1–35; Leviticus 6:24–30)

1And when a soul shall sin, and he heard the voice of an oath, and he a witness, if he saw or knew; if he shall not announce, he bore his sin. 2Or when a soul shall touch upon any unclean thing, if upon a carcase of an unclean beast, or upon the carcase of unclean cattle, or upon the carcase of an unclean creeping thing, and it was hidden from him: and he is unclean and guilty. 3Or when he shall touch upon the uncleanness of man, for all uncleanness which he shall be unclean in it, and it was hidden from him; and he shall know, and be guilty. 4Or when a soul shall swear to talk idly with his lips for evil, or for good, for all which the man shall talk idly with an oath, and it was hid from him; and he shall know, and be guilty for one from these. 5And it was when he shall be guilty for one from these, and he shall confess that he sinned upon it. 6And he brought his trespass to Jehovah for his sin which he sinned, a female from the sheep, a lamb or she goat of the goats, for the sin; and the priest expiated for him from his sin,

7And if his hand shall not reach the sufficiency of a sheep, and he brought his trespass which he sinned, two turtledoves, or two sons of a dove, to Jehovah; one for the sin, and one for the burnt-offering. 8And he brought them to the priest, and he brought near that for the sin first, and broke off its head from the front of its neck; and he shall not divide. 9And he sprinkled from the blood of the sin upon the wall of the altar; and that remaining of the blood he shall press out at the foundation of the altar: it is sin. 10And the second he shall make a burnt-offering according to the judgment: and the priest expiated for him from his sin which he sinned, and it was forgiven to him.

11And if his hand shall not reach to the two turtle-doves, or to the two sons of a dove; and he brought his offering who sinned, the tenth of the ephah of fine flour for the sin; he shall not put oil upon it, and he shall not give frankincense upon it; for it is sin. 12And he brought it to the priest, and the priest pressed from it his hand full, its memorial, and burnt upon the altar for sacrifices to Jehovah: it is sin. 13And the priest shall expiate for him for his sin which he sinned, from one from these; and it was forgiven to him: and it was to the priest for a gift.

Laws for Guilt Offerings
(Leviticus 6:1–7; Leviticus 7:1–10)

14And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying, 15When a soul shall cover transgression and sin in erring from the holy things of Jehovah; and he brought his trespass to Jehovah, a blameless ram from the sheep, by thy estimation of shekels of silver, by the shekel of the holy place, for the trespass. 16And what he sinned from the holy place he shall recompense, and he shall add its fifth upon it, and he gave it to the priest: and the priest shall expiate for him with the ram of the trespass, and it was forgiven to him.

17And if a soul shall sin and do one from all the commands of Jehovah which shall not be done; and he knew not, and he was guilty, and bore his sin. 18And he brought a blameless ram from the sheep, by thy estimation, for the trespass to the priest; and the priest expiated for him for his error which he erred and he knew not; and it was forgiven to him. 19It is guilt: being guilty, he trespassed to Jehovah.