Lexington anti-gay and anti-abortion Billboard ordered removed by the owner

Months ago, Kentucky Equality Federation began an extensive search for the owner of the Billboard on Lexington's New Circle Road.

Kentucky Equality Federation founder and Board member Jordan Palmer contacted Viacom Outdoor as well as Bluegrass Community and Technical College. Kentucky Equality Federation Chairman of the Board Brandon Combs contacted the Fayette County PVA, the Kentucky Department of Revenue and other agencies to find the owner.

Initially, tax records revealed nothing, but the owner was found. They ordered the removal of the Billboard with an apology:

Kentucky Equality Federation:

Ms. Mcdowell- I'm am reaching out to you on behalf of the Kentucky Equality Federation Board of Directors. I was direct to you by Ms. Jo Southworth with RJ Corman.

There is a billboard that, according to Ms. Southworth, CSX owns in Lexington Kentucky. It is off of New Circle Road, near Opportunity Way. It is leased, by you, to Kentucky Outdoor Advertising, Inc. out of Bowling Green, KY.

Essentially, I want this billboard's current advertisement removed. It states: "Homosexuality is an abomination [and] Abortion is murder" with Biblical references under each statement.

According to CSX's own webpage, they are committed to non-discrimination against both gender and sexual orientation.

Attached are some pictures so you can locate the information and agreements you need, of the advertisement, etc. Please contact me at the below listed cell phone. I would like to discuss this matter as soon as possible.

Here is the original news story:

If you follow the story, you will see that the billboard was put in place, stolen, and replaced. It has caused a media frenzy, and nothing has been done to correct the problem.

Brandon Combs, MS:SSEM, ASHM
Board of Directors, Chairman
Kentucky Equality Federation

CSX Responds:

Dear Mr. Combs, This has reference to your email of July 24, 2012 to Ms. Ana McDowell on behalf of the Kentucky Equality Federation Board of Directors regarding a billboard located on CSX Transportation, Inc. property in Lexington, Kentucky.

CSX is very proud of its reputation and takes matters such as this serious. CBS Outdoor Systems, Inc., a third party, manages signboards for CSX across our system and under our agreement with them, they are to remove any offensive advertisements within thirty (30) days of being notified. CBS contacted the signboard owner immediately, who in turn has now removed the advertisement.

We apologize for the offensive message and certainly appreciate it being brought to our attention.

Karen P. Clarke
Manager – Leasing

Official Kentucky Equality Federation Statements:

July 05, 2012: Kentucky Equality Federation responds to the return of the Lexington homophobic billboard. Lexington's Billboard Controversy Continues.

May 26, 2012: Lexington's billboard - homosexuality is a sin; abortion is murder

--> Posted by a volunteer Community Blogger of Kentucky Equality Federation. This is the official blog of Kentucky Equality Federation. Posts contained in this blog may not be the official position of Kentucky Equality Federation, its volunteer officers, directors, management, supported organizations, allies or coalitions, but rather the personal opinions or views of the volunteer Community Bloggers. The opinions or views expressed in the blog are protected by Section 1 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as non-slanderous free speech; blogs are personal views or opinions and not journalistic news sites.