American Creation

  • ️Tue Oct 30 2007

内容简介  · · · · · ·

From the prizewinning author of the best-selling Founding Brothers and American Sphinx , a masterly and highly ironic examination of the founding years of our country. The last quarter of the eighteenth century remains the most politically creative era in American history, when a dedicated and determined group of men undertook a bold experiment in political ideals. It was a ...


From the prizewinning author of the best-selling Founding Brothers and American Sphinx , a masterly and highly ironic examination of the founding years of our country. The last quarter of the eighteenth century remains the most politically creative era in American history, when a dedicated and determined group of men undertook a bold experiment in political ideals. It was a time of triumphs; yet, as Joseph J. Ellis makes clear, it was also a time of tragedies—all of which contributed to the shaping of our burgeoning nation.

From the first shots fired at Lexington to the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the negotiations for the Louisiana Purchase, Ellis guides us through the decisive issues of the nation’s founding, and illuminates the emerging philosophies, shifting alliances, and personal and political foibles of our now iconic leaders—Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Adams. He casts an incisive eye on the founders’ achievements, arguing that the American Revolution was, paradoxically, an evolution—and that part of what made it so extraordinary was the gradual pace at which it occurred. He shows us why the fact that it was brought about by a group, rather than by a single individual, distinguished it from the bloodier revolutions of other countries, and ultimately played a key role in determining its success. He explains how the idea of a strong federal government, championed by Washington, was eventually embraced by the American people, the majority of whom had to be won over, as they feared an absolute power reminiscent of the British Empire. And he details the emergence of the two-party system—then a political novelty—which today stands as the founders’ most enduring legacy.

But Ellis is equally incisive about their failures, and he makes clear how their inability to abolish slavery and to reach a just settlement with the Native Americans has played an equally important role in shaping our national character. He demonstrates how these misjudgments, now so abundantly evident, were not necessarily inevitable. We learn of the negotiations between Henry Knox and Alexander McGillivray, the most talented Indian statesman of his time, which began in good faith and ended in disaster. And we come to understand how a political solution to slavery required the kind of robust federal power that the Jeffersonians viewed as a betrayal of their most deeply held principles.

With eloquence and insight, Ellis strips the mythic veneer of the revolutionary generation to reveal men both human and inspired, possessed of both brilliance and blindness. American Creation is a book that delineates an era of flawed greatness, at a time when understanding our origins is more important than ever.

作者简介  · · · · · ·

约瑟夫•J. 埃利斯(Joseph J. Ellis)




原文摘录   · · · · · · 

  • “当华盛顿在1778年6月18日带领大陆军开出福吉谷,独立战争……开始了新的一章。更为关键的是,大陆军从死亡边缘幸存下来,继续战斗……如果军队未能幸存,美国独立的故事将戛然而止……反抗的战略中心并非一地,而是大陆军本身……美国革命的精神依然存在且完好。“ (查看原文)


    2021-12-30 19:04:38
    —— 引自章节:第二章 凛冬的考验 071

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  • 0 有用 人在鹭洲 2021-12-29 13:41:54

    第一本Joseph Ellis,瞬间被圈粉。书里的内容也许不都是他的创见,但对美国史小白来说,可说是如入宝山,琳琅满目。如副标题所说,作者认为,要叙述美国建国的历史,就必须认识到成功与失败始终是交织在一起的。例如,sovereignty的分割是创举和成就,但对联邦政府权力的遏制使得废奴或给印第安人公平待遇成为不可能,也成了建国史上最大的污点。记得好像是杜鲁门曾经说过,能不能给我整几个独臂经济学家,... 第一本Joseph Ellis,瞬间被圈粉。书里的内容也许不都是他的创见,但对美国史小白来说,可说是如入宝山,琳琅满目。如副标题所说,作者认为,要叙述美国建国的历史,就必须认识到成功与失败始终是交织在一起的。例如,sovereignty的分割是创举和成就,但对联邦政府权力的遏制使得废奴或给印第安人公平待遇成为不可能,也成了建国史上最大的污点。记得好像是杜鲁门曾经说过,能不能给我整几个独臂经济学家,省得他们整天on one hand …… on the other hand …… 我就正相反,恨不得都是作者这样的千手观音。Ellis笔下的杰弗逊活脱一个精神病,可他偏偏还写了一本杰弗逊传,难道是要用一整本书来黑他? (展开)


American Creation的书评 · · · · · · ( 全部 6 条 )

无机客 2008-03-13 20:18:03 Random House Large Print2007版


【无机客】 普利策奖和美国国家图书奖获奖作家约瑟夫·埃利斯开门见山地告诉读者,“假若历史允许延长‘一年’的定义,那么自1775年4月在莱克星顿和康拉德的枪声起,到1776年7月《独立宣言》正式通过的十五个月,毫无争议地称得上是美利坚历史上最因果相承和最不可思议的一年...  (展开)

无机客 2007-11-14 13:18:38
新京报书评周刊 2018-03-31 10:20:11 中信出版社2018版

美国如何成为美国 | 《美国创世记》


美国人说自己的国家是“山巅之城”,回到美国的建国历史就会发现,创建一个国家绝没有想象中那么容易。美国的创世是在特定时空,由一群生活于特殊时代的人比较偶然创建出来的,这个建国历程持续了近三十年。可以说,美国的创世是现代民族国家构建的特殊道路。 历史学家约瑟夫·...  (展开)

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张志雄 2024-04-15 09:29:04 中信出版社2018版


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