Yugoslavia as History

  • ️Tue Mar 28 2000

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Yugoslavia as History, first published in 2000, examines the bloody demise of the former Yugoslavia in the full light of its history. It provides a balanced understanding of the common hopes and fears which held its ethnic mosaic together, and the ethnic conflicts which broke it apart. This book examines the origins of these competing forces, and how they fared as the Yugoslavi...


Yugoslavia as History, first published in 2000, examines the bloody demise of the former Yugoslavia in the full light of its history. It provides a balanced understanding of the common hopes and fears which held its ethnic mosaic together, and the ethnic conflicts which broke it apart. This book examines the origins of these competing forces, and how they fared as the Yugoslavian states formed after the two World Wars searched for a multi-ethnic political culture and economic viability. This edition of John Lampe's accessible and authoritative history devotes a full new chapter to the tragic ethnic wars that have followed the dissolution of Yugoslavia, first in Croatia and Bosnia, and most recently in Kosovo. The author concentrates on the connection, real and imagined, between these conflicts and the experience of the successor states, the two Yugoslavias and their predecessors.


Yugoslavia as History的书评 · · · · · · ( 全部 4 条 )

Flora 2013-03-07 15:04:09 东方出版中心2013版


此套丛书号称是选择了一些精通历史及外语的人员来翻译,是否话外之意就是“不懂汉语”?有幸啊,此书作者是美国人,英语好歹学过些,所以明显读不通的句子按英语的语序来理解或倒装一下,兴许就领会了。不知道其他人读此书的速度,从我的经验看,比阅读英文原版都要慢,可见译...  (展开)

baiqitun 2013-05-12 21:51:48 东方出版中心2013版


世界历史文库系列今年新出了剑桥版南斯拉夫史,满心欢喜,翻开随便读了几页,语句之生硬,用词之随意,真不如直接用google翻译!这还是国家出版基金项目,不知译者是哪找的! 译者缺乏对汉语的基本理解,建议从小学语文学起。希望出版社能够组织重译此书,不要影响整套丛书的...  (展开)

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