応用心理学百科事典(全3巻) Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology (3-Volume Set)


The topics included are, but are not limited to, aging (geropsychology), assessment, clinical, cognitive, community, counseling, educational, environmental, family, industrial/organizational, health, school, sports, and transportation psychology.

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The Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology encompasses applications of psychological knowledge and procedures in all areas of psychology. This compendium is a major source of information for professional practitioners, researchers in psychology, and for anyone interested in applied psychology. The topics included are, but are not limited to, aging (geropsychology), assessment, clinical, cognitive, community, counseling, educational, environmental, family, industrial/organizational, health, school, sports, and transportation psychology. The entries drawn from the above-referenced areas provide a clear definition of topic, a brief review of theoretical basis relevant to the topic, and emphasize major areas of application.Also available online via ScienceDirect - featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy. For more information, pricing options and availability visit


Advertising and Marketing:S. Shavitt and J. Zhang, Advertising and Culture.P.T. Vargas and S. Yoon, Advertising Psychology.D. Trafimow, Attitude Measurement.Assessment:R. Fernandez-Ballesteros Garcia, Assessment and Evaluation, Overview.I.B. Weiner, Clinical Assessment.J.J.F. Ter Laak and M. DeGoede, Educational and Child Assessment.R.H. Moos and C.J. Holahan, Environmental Assessment.R. Colom, Intelligence Assessment.G.V. Caprara and D.P. Cervone, Personality Assessment.P. Merenda, Psychometric Tests.J. Vila, Psychophysiological Assessment.Clinical Psychology:S.G. Zahm, Gestalt Therapy.J.F. Kihlstrom, Hypnosis.G. Margolin and A. Fauchier, Marital Therapy.M.M. Antony, Panic.K. Langer, Psychological Rehabilitation Therapies.Communities:K. Maton, Community Psychology.C. Schwarzer and P. Buchwald, Social Support.Counseling:M. Heppner and P.P. Heppner, Career Counseling.P.B. Pedersen, Counseling and Culture.P.H. Glasser and S. Fine, Counseling Interview.D.A. Jepsen, Developmental Counseling.J.L. Delucia-Waak, Group Counseling.A. Barak, Internet Counseling.R.M. Lee and B.L. DeanMeasurement and Counseling.K.L. Davis and P.G. Klukken, Postsecondary Education Students, Counseling of.C.R. Ridley, E. Delgado-Romero, and D. Mollen, Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Counseling of.T.R. Elliott and D. Miller, Rehabilitation Counseling.Cross-Cultural Psychology:M.H. Bond, Aggression and Culture.C. Kagitcibasi, Child Development and Culture.L.J. Ji and D. Messervey, Cognition and Culture.H.C. Triandis and J.W. Berry, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Overview.P. Greenfield and H. Keller, Cultural Psychology.H.C. Triandis, Cultural Syndromes.B. Mesquita and A. Haire, Emotion and Culture.J. Georgas, Family and Culture.D.L. Best and D. Foster, Gender and Culture.M. Mulatu, Health Psychology, Cross-Cultural.U. Kim and Y.S. Park, Indigenous Psychologies.Z. Aycan, Industrial/Organizational Psychology Across Cultures.F. van de Vijver, Intelligence and Culture.K. Liebkind, Intergroup Relations and Culture.J. Adamopoulos, Interpersonal Behavior and Culture.R. Ayman, Leadership and Culture.F. van de Vijver, Mental Measurement and Culture.H. Helfrich, Paralinguistic Behaviors and Culture.J. Deregowski, Perception and Culture.H.C. Triandis, Subjective Culture.D. Dalsky and D. Landis, Training, Cross-Cultural.R.W. Brislin, D. Bechtold, and B. MacNab, Translation.P.B. Smith, Values and Culture.Economics and Consumption:M.R. Solomon, Consumer Psychology.S.H. Ng and M. Allen, Economic Behavior.W.H.M. Weenig, Social Networks.Education:G.J. Cizek, Achievement Tests.G.J. Cizek, Cheating in Academics.D. Goh and H.W. Gardiner, Educational Achievement and Culture.M. Mastropieri and T.E. Scruggs, Effective Classroom Instruction.J. Singer-Dudek, Exceptional Students.L. Raffaele Mendez, Gender and Education.G.D. Phye, Learning.N. Entwistle and E. Peterson, Learning Styles and Approaches to Studying.R. Calfee, Literacy, Improvement of.S.R. Williams, Mathematics, Teaching of.V. Berninger, Reading, Teaching of.S.D. Truscott, R.A. Wiebe Berry, and K. Lee, Special Education.J. Andrews, Teaching Effectiveness.M. Zeidner, Test Anxiety.R.E. Haskell, Transfer of Learning.V. Berninger, Writing, Teaching of.Environments:F.G. Kaiser, Conservation Behavior.A. Churchman and E. Sadan, Environmental Design and Planning, Public Participation In.M. Bonnes and G. Carrus, Environmental Psychology, Overview.G.W. Evans and S. Cohen, Environmental Stress.C. Vlek, Environmental versus Individual Risk Taking: Perception, Decision, Behavior.R. Bechtel, Extreme Environments and Mental Function.R. Sommer, Personal Space.C.M. Werner, I. Altman, and B.B. Brown, Privacy.H.J.A.M. Staats, Pro-environmental attitudes and behavioral change.M.V. Giuliani, Residential Preferences and Attachment Across the Lifespan.M. Bonaiuto, Residential Satisfaction and Perceived Urban Quality.T. Hartig, Restorative Environments.R. Walden, School Environments.R. Golledge, Spatial Cognition.R. Sommer, Territoriality.T. Garling, Travel Behavior and the Environment.G. Moser, Urban Environments and Human Behavior.R. Walden, Work Environments.Fundamental Principles:G.Y. Bizer, Attitudes.Y. Kashima, Connectionism.R.J. Sternberg, Intelligence in Humans.D. Hamilton and S. Crump, Stereotypes.Gender:J.C. Chrisler, Gender Role Development.F. Denmark, Gender, Overview.D. Kimmel, Homophobia.B.J. Cohler and P. Hammack, Homosexuality.B. Krahe, Rape Prevention.V. Rabinowitz, Risk-Taking and Sexual Behavior.J. Baldwin and J.I. Baldwin, Sexual Behavior.E. Hatfield, L. Martel, and S. Hawk, Sexual Behavior and Culture.J. Sigal, Sexual Harassment.P. Sanchez, Womens Health. Gerontology:J.S. Jackson and E.E. Brown, Age-Related Issues Among Minority Populations.J. Moye, Aging and Competency.T. Antonucci, Aging and Culture.O. Gould, Aging, Cognition, and Medication Adherence.M.H. Verfaellie and G. LaFleche, Amnesia.C. Carmin, J. Mohlman, and A. Buckley, Anxiety Disorders in Late Life.B. Rybarczyk, Behavioral Medicine Issues in Late Life -- Pain, Sleep, etc.J. Cohen-Mansfield, Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions for Persons with Dementia.K.K. Ball, V.G. Wadley, and D.E. Vance, Cognitive Skills: Training, Maintenance, and Daily Usage.M.E. Cowart, Dementia in Older Adults.B.A. Edelstein, A. Shreve-Neiger, and S.A. Scheck, Depression in Late Life.M. Rodriguez, Elder Abuse.W.E. Haley, A.M. Burton, and J. Kwak, Elder Caregiving.R.S. Allen, L. Phillips, and K. Payne, End of Life Issues.P.A. Lichtenberg, Gerontology, Overview.N.L. Alea, M.K. Diehl, and S.B. Bluck, Personality and Emotion in Late Life.B.G. Knight and S. David, Psychotherapy in Older Adults.Health:N.S. Miller, Alcohol Dependence.C.M. Aldwin and L. Yancura, Coping.C.E. Dodgen, Drug Abuse.J.S. Mills and J. Coleman, Eating, Psychology of.G. Bishop, Health and Culture.J. Rotton, Humor and Well-Being.J.C. Quick, M.R. Macik-Frey, and D.L. Nelson, Job Stress.L. Leith, Motivation to Diet and Exercise.M.A. Friedman, J. Benas, and S. Kehle, Obesity.E.B. Foa and D.S. Riggs, Post-Traumatic Disorders.S. Segerstrom and L. Solberg Nes, Psychoneuroimmunology.C.J. Holahan, R.H. Moos, and J.D. Ragan, Stress.E.F. Diener and R.E. Lucas, Well-Being.Historical Issues:P. Ferrandiz, Classical Conditioning.P. Tudela Garmendia, Cognitivism.V. del Barrio, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.M.I. Winkler, Feminist Psychology.H. Carpintero, History of Applied Psychology.J. Rodriguez-Marin, International Classification of Diseases (WHO).T. Cabruja I Ubach, Post Modernism in Psychology.Human Development:R. Roth-Hanania, Attachment.D.H. Powell, Cognitive Aging.P. Greenfield, H. Keller, and A. Maynard, Lifespan Development and Culture.A.E. Kazak and M.M. Jensen, Pediatric Psychology.C.D. Clark, Play.Industry and Organizations:D.A. Kravitz, Affirmative Action.W.K. Balzer, P.C. Smith, and J. Burnfield, Boredom.H. Thierry, Compensation.A. DeNisi, Competence at Work.S. Castro and M. Ryan, Conflict within Organizations.E. Salas, C. Klein, and D.E. Sims, Cooperation at Work.H. Jungermann, Decision Making.W.F. Cascio, Downsizing and Outplacement.M. Tenopyr, Employment Discrimination.M.A. McDaniel and D.L. Whetzel, Employment Interviewing.R.F. Silzer, Executive Development and Coaching.S. Zedeck and I. Goldstein, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Overview.R.D. Smither, Job Analysis, Design, and Evaluation.P. Hom, Labor Turnover.J.B. Vancouver, Motivational Taxonomies.U. Kleinbeck, Motives and Goals.J.I. Hansen and S. Stoever, Occupational Choice.W.W. Burke, Organization Development.M.F. Peterson and R. Fischer, Organizational Culture and Climate.A. Bussing, Organizational Diagnosis.F. Heller, Organizational Participation.T. Bauer, Organizational Socialization.L.E. Tetrick and M. Camburn, Organizational Structure.C. Ostroff and K. Aumann, Person-Environment Fit.D. Chan, Personnel Psychology.L. Munduate Jaca and F.J. Medina, Power, Authority, and Leadership.R.D. Pritchard, Productivity.J.A. Breaugh, Recruitment.B. Wilpert, System Safety.D. Zohar, Work Safety.Law:D. Martindale and J.W. Gould, Child Custody.J.A. Quas and B.E. Beck, Child Testimony.C. Tredoux, C.A. Meissner, and R. Malpass, Eyewitness Identification.L.J. Levine and E.F. Loftus, Eyewitness Testimony.K. Heilbrun and T. Lander, Forensic Mental Health Assessment.A. Vrij, Interrogation and Interviewing.V. Hans, S. Albertson, and E.J. Farley, Jury Decision Making.N. Poythress, Legal Competency.R. Malpass, Psychology and the Law, Overview.Media and Technology:K.P. Timpe, H.G. Giesa, and K. Seifert, Engineering Psychology.E. Libin and A. Libin, Robotherapy.A. Libin and E. Libin, Robotic Psychology.Medicine:A. Teeter Ellison, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD).F.R. Volkmar and A. Klin, Autism and Aspergers Syndrome.D.H. Ruben, Drug Dependence.N.E. Grunberg and J. Phillips, Nicotine Addiction.D.C. Turk, Pain Management.National Development:J.W. Berry, Acculturation.R. Bond, Conformity across Cultures.J. Liu and M.W. Allen, Cultural Complexity.Occupations:P.J. Dewe, Job Stress and Burnout.E. Bamberg, Occupation and Gender.N. Anderson, Occupational Psychology, Overview.F. Patterson, Personal Initiative and Innovation.D.S. Ones and V.C. Viswesvaran, Personnel Selection.D. Fay and P. Tissington, Safety and Risks, Errors and Accidents in Different Occupations.S.W.J. Kozlowski and B.S. Bell, Work Teams.Personality/Motivation:W.G. Graziano and B. Sheese, Agreeableness.R. McCrae, Conscientiousness.D. Keltner, B. Campos, and M.P. Tapias, Emotion.G.D. Matthews, Extroversion/Introversion.C. Cherniss, Intelligence, Emotional.E.L. Deci, Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination.M.L. Maehr, D. McInerney, and M. Dowson, Motivation and Culture.R. McCrae, Openness to Experience.C.M. Peterson and N.S. Park, Optimism.K. Vohs and R.F. Baumeister, Self-Control.J. Salgado Velo, Traits.Politics:B. Klandermans, Collective Action.W. Doise, Human Rights.H. De Witte, Ideological Orientation and Values.H.C. Kelman, International Conflict.P. Catellani, Political Psychology, Overview.Professional Issues:P.J.D. Drenth, Ethics and Social Responsibility.D. Bartram, Psychological Assessment, Standards and Guidelines for.School Counseling:M.A. Rafoth, Academic Failure, Prevention of.N.Rathvon, Academic Interventions.G.J. DuPaul and K.E. Tresco, Attention Deficit Disorders, School-Based Interventions.S.W. Evans, M.D. Weist, and A. Williams, Behavioral Assessment in Schools.J.M. Hintze, Behavioral Observation in Schools.M.J. Furlong, J. Greif, and J. Simental, Bullying and Abuse on Campus.J. Zins and C.R. Ponti, Consultation Processes in Schools.A.H. Miranda, Diverse Cultures, Dealing with Children and Families from.T.J. Huberty, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Students with.M.E. Swerdlik and A.B. Meyers, Full Service Schools.J.F. Feldhusen, Gifted Students.E.P. Copeland and F. Crepeau-Hobson, Health Promotion in Schools.S.M. Swearer, R.J. Cowan, and S.M. Sheridan, Home-School Collaboration.W.D. Tilly, Learning Disabilities.D.C. Miller, Neuropsychological Assessment in Schools.S.O. Ortiz, Nondiscriminatory Assessment in Schools.L.M. Joseph, Reading Interventions.G. Bear, School Discipline and Behavior Management.H.M. Knoff, School Psychology, Overview.J.D. Larson, School Violence Prevention.R.J. Cowan and S.M. Swearer, School-Community Partnerships.S.M. Elliot and S.C. Lang, Social Skills Training.M. Gettinger, Study Skills Instruction.S. Poland, Suicide Intervention in Schools.E.M. Levinson, A.B. Christy, and M.R. Maus, Vocational Assessment in Schools.Social Interaction:K. Boehnke and A. Hadjar, Authoritarianism.J. Lillo Jover and H. Moreira Villegas, Color Blindness.A. Xenikou and A. Hantzi, Groups, Productivity within.R.J. Aldag and S. Fuller, Groupthink.M. Fishbein, Intentional Behavior.C. Yela Garcia, Interpersonal Attraction.P. Kordoutis, Interpersonal Conflict.D. Kenny, Interpersonal Perception.V.M. Esses, A.H. Semenya, and M. Stelzl, Prejudice and Discrimination.N. Eisenberg and A. Sadovsky, Prosocial Behavior, Development of.E. Hollander, Reciprocity Norm.T.A. Wills and D. Mendoza, Social Comparison and Subjective Well-Being.F. Gil, Social Loafing.A.C. Costa, Trust.Sports:J.S. Raglin, Anxiety and Optimal Athletic Performance.L.D. Zaichkowsky and A.H. Naylor, Arousal in Sport.M.S. Sagal and G.E. Miller, Assessment in Sport Psychology.A. Moran, Attention and Concentration Training in Sport.G.C. Roberts, Y. Ommundsen, and N. Lemyre, Cheating in Sport.D.R. Gould and C.M.R. da Costa Rolo, Competition in Sport.G. Tenenbaum, Decision Making in Sport.Y. Hanin, Emotion in Sport: An Individualized Approach.V. Krane, Fair Treatment and Discrimination in Sport.J.L. Duda, Goal Setting and Achievement Motivation in Sport.P. Chelladurai, Group Dynamics in Sport.A.P. Petitpas and B.W. Brewer, Injury in Sport.R.J. Vallerand, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Sport.M. Kellmann, Overtraining and Burnout in Sports.J.R. Grove, Performance Slumps in Sport: Prevention and Coping.M.J. Mahoney and B.P. Chapman, Psychological Skills Training in Sport.R.S. Vealey, Self-Confidence in Athletes.Y. Hanin and N. Stambulova, Sport Psychology, Overview.P. Wylleman, D. Lavallee, and M. Theeboom, Successful Athletic Careers.Transportation:S. Dekker and C. Bjoerklund, Accidents in Transportation.E. Byrne, Aviation.F.M. Streff, Driving Safety.D.W. Eby, Driving, Risky.J.D. Lee, Models for Transportation.K. Rumar, Traffic Safety Assessment.B. Kantowitz and J. Sullivan, Transportation Psychology, Overview.Vocations:W.B. Walsh, Hollands Theory (Vocational Personality Types).P.J. Hartung, Indecision, Vocational.A. Saks, Job Search.H.E.A. Tinsley and D.J. Tinsley, Leisure and Work, Relationship Between.J.E.A. Russell, Mentoring.P.E. Levy and C. Norris-Watts, Organizational Justice.D.T. Hall and A. Karaevli, Organizations, Careers in.N. Conway, Part-Time Work.D.L. Blustein, J.C. Perry, and D.B. DeWine, School-to-Work Transition.T.J. Tracey and C.D. Hofsess, Structure of Interests.F. Borgen, Vocational Interests.M.L. Savickas, Vocational Psychology, Overview.B. Hesketh, Work Adjustment.J.H. Greenhaus and R. Singh, Work and Family, Relationship between.E.A. Locke, Work Motivation.D.G. Zytowski, Work Role, Values Sought in the.F.W. Vondracek, Youth, Employment of.