British Army units from 1945 on - Rifle Volunteers

Rifle Volunteers

Dates Locations Higher Formation/Remarks
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. The Rifle Volunteers .
1999.07.01 Formed with HQ at Wyvern Barracks, Exeter, as the Wessex and South-West T.A. battalion, by amalgamation of 6th Bn, The Light Infantry (V), 4th (V) Bn, The Devonshire and Dorset Regt and part 2nd (V) Bn, The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regt .
. HQ Company at Exeter .
. The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment Company at Gloucester with Rifle Pln at Bristol and Assault Pioneer Pln at Cinderford, Gloucester, amalgamation of A Coy and B Coy 2nd Bn, The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regt; redesignated 22 July 2005 as A (Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Light Infantry) Coy; Cinderford Pln disbanded later .
. B (Somerset Light Infantry) Company at Taunton with Rifle Pln at Yeovil and Recce Pln at Bath, amalgamation of HQ Coy and B Coy 6th Bn, The Light Infantry; Bath Pln transferred later to A Coy .
. C (Devonshire and Dorset Regiment) Company at Dorchester with Pln at Poole, amalgamation of C Coy and D Coy 4th Bn, The Devonshire and Dorset Regt; redesignated 22 July 2005 as C (Devonshire and Dorset Light Infantry) Coy .
. D (Cornwall Light Infantry) Company at Truro with Rifle Pln at Bodmin and MMG Pln at Cambourne, amalgamation of C Coy and D Coy 6th, Bn The Light Infantry; Bodmin pln disbanded later .
. E (Devonshire and Dorset Regiment) Company at Plymouth and Exeter, amalgamation of HQ Coy and A Coy 4th Bn, The Devonshire and Dorset Regt; redesignated 22 July 2005 as E (Devonshire and Dorset Light Infantry) Coy .
2006.04.01 Companies reorganised (HQ at Exeter; D Company at Truro reroled as xx?, less Cambourne element disbanded): .
. HQ (Devonshire and Dorset) Company at Exeter .
. A (Gloucestershire) Company at Gloucester and Bristol (Bath pln disbanded) .
. B Company at Taunton with Pln at Exeter, amalgamation of B Coy (Yeovil pln disbanded) and Exeter element of E Coy .
. C (Devonshire and Dorset) Company at Dorchester with Pln at Poole .
. D Company at Bodmin and Plymouth, formed by expansion of Plymouth element of E Coy .
2007.02 Redesignated 6th Battalion, The Rifles .
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