British Army units from 1945 on - Wessex Volunteers

Wessex Volunteers

Dates Locations Higher Formation/Remarks
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. Wessex Volunteers .
1967.04.01 formed in TAVR II with HQ at Exeter, and companies serving as successors to former TA battalions in the Wessex Brigade: .
. HQ Company (Devon) at Exeter, successor to 4th Bn The Devonshire Regt .
. A Company (Gloucester) at Gloucester, successor to 5th Bn The Gloucestershire Regt; formed dets 1971 at Cheltenham, Bristol and Trowbridge; formed dets by 1989 at Bristol and Cinderford .
. B Company (Hampshire) at Winchester, successor to 4th/5th Bn The Royal Hampshire Regt; plns formed 1971 at Basingstoke and Newport, IOW .
. C Company (Dorset) at Dorchester with Pln at Poole, successor to 4th Bn The Dorset Regt and elements 294 (Dorset Yeomanry) Field Regt RA; det formed 1971 at Wallisdown .
. D Company (Berkshire) at Reading, successor to 4th/6th Bn The Royal Berkshire Regt; formed det 1971 at Swindon .
1970 E Company (Devon) formed at Exeter with Plns at Plymouth and Barnstaple by reorganisation HQ Coy; new HQ Company formed at Trowbridge from A Coy The Royal Wiltshire Territorials  .
1971.04.01 Renamed 1st Battalion, Wessex Volunteers HQ at Trowbridge; redesignated on formation of 2nd Battalion .
1971 Company subtitles omitted .
1972.03.30 Renamed 1st Battalion, The Wessex Regiment (Rifle Volunteers) .
1973 HQ and HQ Coy moved to Devizes .
1975.04.01 Companies reorganised: D Coy at Reading and Swindon transferred as D Company 2nd Battalion .
. HQ Company at Devizes; by 1989 dets at Gloucester, Andover and Cheltenham; by 1995 Mortar Pln at Andover, Atk Pln at Stroud, Recce Pln at Cheltenham, Pioneer Pln at Cinderford .
. A Company at Gloucester; by 1991 two plns at Bristol .
. B Company at Winchester .
. C Company at Dorchester and Weymouth .
. D (Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry) Company at Poole (det at Bournemouth), redesignation of D Coy, 2nd Battalion (plus a pln from C Company, 1st Bn) .
. E Company at Exeter (plns at Plymouth and Barnstaple) .
1986 B Company at Winchester redesignated B Company 2nd Battalion; new B Company formed at Swindon from elements D Coy 2nd Battalion .
1987.10.12 E Coy expanded to form HQ Company and A Company, 4th Bn, The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment .
1990.12 C Coy at Dorchester transferred as C Company, 4th Bn, The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment; new C Company formed at Newbury by transfer of '?' Coy 2nd Battalion .
1992.06 Battalion reduced to three rifle company order of battle: D Company at Poole transferred as D Company 4th Bn, The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment; B Company at Swindon and C Company at Newbury transferred to 2nd Battalion; battalion now consisted solely of Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Higher Formation: .
. HQ Company at Devizes .
. A Company at Gloucester .
. B Company at Bristol, formed (effective 1 Apr. 1995) from Bristol plns of A Company and 245 Ambulance Sqn 155 Transport Regt RCT .
. C Company at Cheltenham and Tewkesbury, formed (effective 1 Apr. 1995) from existing elements .
1995.10.06 Amalgamated with 2nd Battalion to form 2nd (V) Bn, The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment .
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. 2nd Battalion Wessex Volunteers .
1971.04.01 Formed with Headquarters at Brock Barracks, Reading from cadres of The Buckinghamshire Regiment RA, The Royal Berkshire Territorials, The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Territorials and The Dorset Territorials. .
. HQ Company at Reading .
. A (Royal Buckinghamshire Yeomanry) Company at Bletchley from cadre The Buckinghamshire Regiment RA .
. B (Duke of Connaught's) Company at Portsmouth from cadre The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Territorials. .
. C (Royal Berkshire) Company at Maidenhead, Slough and Basingstoke from cadre The Royal Berkshire Territorials .
. D (Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry) Company at Poole, Bournemouth and Weymouth. Formed from cadre The Dorset Territorials .
. later: 'A' Company at Portsmouth and 'B' Company at Bletchley. .
1972.03.30 Redesignated 2nd Battalion The Wessex Regiment (Volunteers). Headquarters at Brock Barracks, Reading. No change in companies. .
1975.04.01 D Company at Poole redesignated D Company 1st Battalion. New D Company formed at Reading and Swindon by redesignation D Company 1st Battalion .
1984 E (HSF) Company formed at Reading, Maidenhead, Winchester and Portsmouth .
1986 B Company at Bletchley disbanded. New B Company formed at Winchester, Southampton and Newport, IOW by transfer B Company 1st Battalion. .
. Swindon platoon D Company formed nucleus B Company 1st Battalion .
1992 Battalion reduced into three rifle companies order of battle. .
1992.09.09 A Company and B Company reformed as C Company 6th/7th (Volunteer) Battalion The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment .
. New ? Company formed at Swindon by transfer B Company 1st Battalion; new ? Company formed at Newbury by transfer C Company 1st Battalion. C Company moved to Slough .
. E (HSF) Company disbanded. .
1995.10.06 Battalion disbanded and amalgamated with 1st Battalion to form 2nd (Volunteer) Battalion The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment .
. HQ/D Company redesignated as HQ Company and Swindon? Company reorganised as part of C Company. C Company converted as D (Berkshire Yeomanry) Squadron Royal Yeomanry .
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