
eruciform (Larva)


Kingdom Animalia (Animals)

Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)

No Taxon (Glossary)

No Taxon (E)

No Taxon eruciform (Larva)

Explanation of Names

From Latin: eruca, meaning caterpillar


Resembling a caterpillar; i.e. having an approximately cylindrical body with prolegs in the hind region and true thoracic legs.

1. Sawfly eruciform larvae, 6 pairs of prolegs. 2. Caterpillar, 4 pairs of prolegs


Sawflies have eruciform larvae. They differ from Lepidoptera caterpillars by the number of prolegs.

Contributed by Beatriz Moisset on 15 February, 2010 - 8:07am
Additional contributions by Robert H. Biagi
Last updated 21 August, 2019 - 5:04pm