
PHP :: Bug #16521 :: file() - incorrect behavior (line endings ignored) on files with Mac EOLN (CR)

  • ️Tue Apr 09 2002
Bug #16521 file() - incorrect behavior (line endings ignored) on files with Mac EOLN (CR)
Submitted: 2002-04-09 23:13 UTC Modified: 2002-12-19 07:38 UTC
Avg. Score:4.6 ± 0.7
Reproduced:10 of 12 (83.3%)
Same Version:4 (40.0%)
Same OS:2 (20.0%)
From: dphelan at bcps dot org Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Filesystem function related
PHP Version: 4.1.2 OS: FreeBSD 4.5-Stable
Private report: No CVE-ID: None

 [2002-04-09 23:13 UTC] dphelan at bcps dot org

In PHP 4.1.2 (and 4.2.0-dev) Calling file() on a 4-line 
text file with Macintosh line endings (CR) results in a 
1-element array:
file: (file.txt)
$array = file( 'file.txt. );
echo count( $array );
>> Returns '1' (Verified by print_r)
file() is ignoring the line endings, but the correct result 
happens for files with Windows (CRLF) and Unix (LF) line 


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 [2002-06-14 13:46 UTC] philip@php.net

This seems critical as this is such a commonly used function.  (and Derick promised it would be fixed by 4.3.0 :)

 [2002-09-23 13:36 UTC] wez@php.net

Fixed in HEAD.
Please try a non-stable snapshot and set the new ini option
auto_detect_line_endings=on in your php.ini/apache.conf.
The fix will be in 4.3.
PS: You might have to wait a couple of hours for this
change to appear on http://snaps.php.net

 [2002-12-18 20:13 UTC] dreamchimney at yahoo dot com

is there a work around for this? just some way to go 
through the array containing the file, line by line.
Im using PHP 4.2.2

 [2002-12-19 07:38 UTC] wez@php.net

If you must use PHP < 4.3, you can do something like this:
$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
$data = fread($fp, filesize($filename));
$lines = explode("\r", $data);
BEWARE: file() keeps the \r at the end of each line,
whereas the code snippet above does not.