California Highways ( County Route J41

County Route Shield

County Sign Route J41

[Click here for a key to the symbols used. Some county routes were constructed with federal funds. These routes are indicated as FAP (Federal Aid Primary), FAU (Federal Aid Urban), or FAS (Federal Aid Secondary). If no funding source is shown, no federal funds were used. Note that while some segments seem to have the same attributes, they may differ in the county-local road number assigned to the segment, or in the Caltrans Map Sheet number.]

Routing Routing

  1. Cty Rte J41Nine Mile Canyon Road from US 395 to the Tulare county line (FAS, 10.64 mi) [Inyo County]

  2. Kennedy Meadow Road / Sherman Pass Road (M152B) from the Inyo county line to Kennedy Meadows near Ball Mountain (17.30 mi) [Tulare County]

History and Signage Information History and Signage Information

This route was defined in 1974.

Other WWW Links Other WWW Links

Status Status

Total mileage: 27.94 mi.

According to Tom Fearer (Challenger 66/Max R) on the Gribblenation Blog (Tom Fearer): County Sign Route J41 much like the majority of Signed County Routes in Tulare County is no longer signed. County Sign Route J41 ascends to approximately 7,300 feet where it crosses into Inyo County before plunging into Nine Mile Canyon. County Sign Route J41 on Nine Mile Canyon Road has a massive 14-16% downhill grade which dumps into the Mojave Desert at approximately 3,500 feet. County Sign Route J41 follows a Los Angeles Aqueduct Pipeline from the descending Nine Mile Canyon.

[The Blog entry explores using Sherman Pass Road to cross the Sierras, which connects to County Sign Route J41 in Kennedy Meadows. Sherman Pass Road ascends to the 9,200 foot Sherman Pass. Sherman Pass is the third highest highway pass in California after CA 120 at the Tioga Pass Entrance Station and CA 108 at Sonora Pass. Sherman Pass has an overlook of Mount Whitney the tallest mountain in the continental United States at 14,505 feet approximately 40 miles to the north.]

Acronyms and Explanations:

  • "LRN" refers to the Pre-1964 Legislative Route Number. "US" refers to a US Shield signed route. "I" refers to an Eisenhower Interstate signed route. "Route" usually indicates a state shield signed route, but said route may be signed as US or I.
  • Previous Federal Aid (pre-1992) categories: Federal Aid Interstate (FAI); Federal Aid Primary (FAP); Federal Aid Urban (FAU); and Federal Aid Secondary (FAS). Current Functional Classifications (used for aid purposes): Principal Arterial (PA); Minor Arterial (MA); Collector (Col); Rural Minor Collector/Local Road (RMC/LR). Note that ISTEA repealed the previous Federal-Aid System, effective in 1992, and established the functional classification system for all public roads.
  • Other frequently used terms: California Transportation Commission (Commission or CTC), California Department of Transportation (Department or Caltrans), Regional Improvement Program (RIP), Interregional Improvement Program (IIP), State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP), Traffic Congestion Relief Program (TCRP), Clean Air and Transportation Improvement Act of 1990 (Proposition 116), High Speed Passenger Train Bond Program (Proposition 1A), Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 1B), Corridor Mobility Improvement Account (CMIA), State Route 99 Bond Program (RTE or SR 99), Local Bridge Seismic Retrofit Account (LBSRA), Trade Corridors Improvement Fund (TCIF), Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Account (HRCSA), State-Local Partnership Program (SLPP), Environmental Phase (PA&ED), Design Phase (PS&E), Right of Way (R/W), Fiscal Year (FY), Active Transportation Program (ATP), Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP), Local Partnership Program (LPP), Local Streets and Roads Program (LSRP), Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP).

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Maintained by: Daniel P. Faigin <>.