The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of January 16, 1893

  • ️Salvador Miranda
  • ️Thu Jan 01 1998

(87) 14. KOPP, Georg von

Birth. July 25, 1837, Duderstadt, diocese of Hildesheim, Hannover. Son of Ignaz Kopp (1799-1870), artisan weaver, and his second wife, Wilhelmine Oppermann (1813-1895). Received the sacrament of confirmation, July 4, 1852.

Early life. Auxiliary telegrapher of the Hannoverian Government Service, 1856-1858.

Education. Initial studies in the progymnasium of Duderstadt and in the Gymnasium Josephinum in Hildesheim (1852-1856); then studied at the Seminary of Hildesheim (philosophy and theology, 1858-1862.

Priesthood. Ordained, August 28, 1862. In the diocese of Hildesheim, administrator of the parish of Poppenberg; professor at the episcopal orphanage of Henneckenrode; chaplain in Detfurth, June 24, 1864; cathedral lector and assessor of the general episcopal office, January 1, 1866; apostolic notary, February 3, 1871; canon of the cathedral chapter, February 2, 1872; vicar general, February 8, 1872. Domestic prelate of His Holiness, November 19, 1875.

Episcopate. Elected bishop of Fulda, November 15, 1881. Consecrated, December 27, 1881, cathedral of Fulda, by Daniel Wilhelm Sommerwerck, bishop of Hildesheim, assisted by Franz Joseph von Stein, bishop of Würzburg, and by Michael Felix Korum, bishop of Trier. Transferred to the see of Breslau, August 9, 1887.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of January 16, 1893; received the red hat and the title of S. Agnese fuori le mura, January 19, 1893. Chairman of the Fulda Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1897-1913. Participated in the conclave of 1903, which elected Pope Pius X. Raised to the nobility by the king of Prussia in 1906.

Death. March 4, 1914, Troppau, Austrian Silesia. Buried in the cathedral of Breslau.

Bibliography. Heitzer, Horstwalter. Georg Kardinal Kopp und der Gewerkschaftsstreit 1900-1914. Köln : Böhlau, 1983. (Forschungen und Quellen zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte Ostdeutschlands ; Bd. 18).


(88) 15. PERRAUD, Orat., Adolphe-Louis-Albert

Birth. February 7, 1828, Lyon, France. Son of Marie Léopold Perraud (1796-1858), a militar, originally from Arlay (Jura), and his second wife, Aglaé Virginie de La Métherie (1795-1866). His younger brother, Charles (1831-1892) also joined the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip of Neri but later he left it; and later became honorary canon of Autun from 1880.

Education. Studied at Lyceum Henri IV, Lyon; at Lyceum St. Louis, Lyon; at École Normale, Lyon; professor of history, Lyceum of Angers, 1850-1852. Entered the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip of Neri, Paris, 1852. Studied at La Sorbonne University, Paris, where he earned a doctorate in theology in 1865.

Priesthood. Ordained, June 2, 1854, Paris. Professor and spiritual director, Minor Seminary of Coutances; preacher in several dioceses; professor of ecclesiastical history, La Sorbonne University, Paris, 1866-1874. Member of the Committee of Higher Education, 1870. Chaplain in MacMahon's army, 1870.

Episcopate. Elected bishop of Autun, May 4, 1874. Consecrated, June 29, 1874, church of Saint-Sulpice, Paris, by Cardinal Joseph Hippolyte Guibert, O.M.I., archbishop of Paris, assisted by Frédéric de Maguerye, former bishop of Autun, and by Joseph Bourret, bishop of Rodez. His episcopal motto was Orare et Laborare. Elected member of Académie Française, June 8, 1882; reception, April 19, 1883. Superior general of the Oratory, 1884-1901, when he resigned to avoid signing the request for authorization of his congregation from the French government.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal and reserved in pectore in the consistory of January 16, 1893; published in the consistory of November 29, 1895; received the red hat and the title of S. Pietro in Vincoli in the consistory of June 25, 1896. Honorary president of the Society for the Encouragement of Higher Studies among the Clergy, 1895. Participated in the conclave of 1903, which elected Pope Pius X. He was a distinguished orator, who was very interested in the working men; after the catastrophe of Montceau les Mines, in which twenty two miners died, he preached their funeral sermon. He gave several Lenten courses in his cathedral; and preached the funeral sermons of Cardinals Joseph-Hippolyte Guibert, O.M.I., archbishop of Paris, and Charles-Martial-Allemand Lavigerie, M.Afr., archbishop of Algier.

Death. February 10, 1906, during the night, in Autun, from complications of a double pneumonia (which he contracted a week earlier during a visit to the establishment of the Little Sisters of the Poor). Exposed in the cathedral of Autun and buried in the chapel of the cemetery of Paray-le-Monial, diocese of Autun (1).

Bibliography. Chapeau, O.S.B. André and Fernand Combaluzier, C.M. Épiscopologe français des temps modernes, 1592-1973. Paris : Letouzey et Ané, 1974, p. 441-442; Ritzler, Remigium, and Pirminum Sefrin. Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi. Volumen VIII (1846-1903). Patavii : Typis et Sumptibus Domus Editorialis "Il Messaggero di S. Antonio" apud Basilicam S. Antonii, 1979, pp.38, 52 and 78.

Webgraphy. Biography by Joseph Lataste, in English, The Catholic Encyclopedia; his engravings and arms, Araldica Vaticana.

(1) He had asked to be buried in the Chapel of the Apparitions of the Monastery of the Visitation in Paray-le-Monial but with the Mayor of Paray-le-Monial, M. Crétin, stubbornly refused to grant him such a permission and he was temporarily buried in the chapel of the local cemetery of Paray. At a later date, his remains were moved to the location he had requested, where they rest near the urn which houses the body of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. The monument present on his family vault inside the 12th Division of the Cemetery of Montparnasse, lists his name and indicates his present burial location. This is its text, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta: 𝛢 ⳩ Ω
1828 – 1906


(89) 16. STEINHUBER, S.J., Andreas

Birth. November 11, 1824, Uttlau, diocese of Passau, Bavaria, Germany. Son of Chrysant Steinhuber (b.1786), a farmer, from Schwertling (near Bad Birnbach, Bavaria) and Elisabeth Hölzel (b.1787), from Uttlau.

Education. Studied at the Seminary of Passau; and at Collegio Germanico, Rome, from 1845 to 1854.

Priesthood. Ordained (no date found), Rome. In Bavaria, catechist to the children of Duke Maximilian. Entered the Society of Jesus, 1854. Professor of philosophy and theology, University of Innsbruck. Rector of the Pontifical Collegio Germanico, Rome, 1867-1880. Consultant to the S.C. of Propaganda Fide and the S.C. of the Inquisition.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal and reserved in pectore in the consistory of January 16, 1893; published in the consistory of May 18, 1894; received the red hat and the deaconry of S. Agata alla Suburra, May 21, 1894. Prefect of the S.C. of Indulgences and Relics, December 12 1895. Prefect of the S.C. of the Index, October 1, 1896 until his death. Participated in the conclave of 1903, which elected Pope Pius X. He strongly opposed Modernism and urged the pope to issue his encyclical Pascendi dominici gregis of September 8, 1907, condemning it.

Death. October 15, 1907, Rome. Exposed in the church of S. Bernardo alle Terme, Rome, and buried in the chapel of the Society of Jesus, Campo Verano cemetery, Rome.

Bibliography. Annuario pontificio per l'anno 1914, Città del Vaticano : Tipografia poliglotta vaticana, 1913, p. 60-61; Ritzler, Remigium, and Pirminum Sefrin. Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi. Volumen VIII (1846-1903). Patavii : Typis et Sumptibus Domus Editorialis "Il Messaggero di S. Antonio" apud Basilicam S. Antonii, 1979, pp. 37 and 54.

Webgraphy. Biography, in English, New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Vol XI, p. 75; photograph and biography, in German, Wikipedia; photographs, portrait, drawing and arms, Araldica Vaticana.

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