The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Consistories of the 21st Century

  • ️Thu Jan 01 1998

(48) 10. DE PAOLIS, C.S., Velasio

Birth. September 19, 1935, Sonnino, diocese of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, Italy. Son of Americo de Paolis and Quirina Altobelli. He had three brothers and a sister.

Education. He entered the congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo (Scalabrinians) at a young age and received his formation in the congregation's seminaries. He made his temporal profession on September 20, 1955, in Crespano del Grappa; and his perpetual profession on October 4, 1958, in Piacenza. After ordination, he went to Rome to continue his academic formation, obtaining in 1965 a doctorate in canon law from the canon law faculty at the Pontifical Gregorian University; a licentiate in theology from the theology faculty at the University of S. Tommaso d'Aquino (Angelicum); and a law degree at La Sapienza University in Rome. He also completed a two-year degree in moral theology at the Alphonsianum Academy.

Priesthood. Ordained, March 18, 1961, Piacenza. Further studies, 1961-1965. From 1965 to 1970, he was a professor of moral theology and canon law at the Theological Faculty of Piacenza and in one his own congregation's centers for philosophical and theological formation. Afterwards, he was named rector of the Scalabrinian Fathers' International College in Rome (1970-1974), while also serving as provincial vicar. In 1974, he was called to the general government of his congregation as counselor and general procurator. From 1971 to 1980, he was an extraordinary professor, and from 1983 onward, an ordinary professor of the canon law faculty at the Pontifical Gregorian University. From 1987 on, he was also named a professor at the Pontifical Urbanian University; and became dean of the Faculty of Theology in 1998. He has authored more than 200 books and articles, and is a regular contributor to the review Periodica de re canonica. He is a member of various associations dedicated to the study of canon law. Throughout all these years, he has dedicated himself to apostolic activities, especially to preaching spiritual exercises.

Episcopate. Elected titular bishop of Telepte and appointed secretary of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, December 30, 2003. Consecrated, February 21, 2004, at the patriarchal Vatican basilica, by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, sub-dean of the College of Cardinals, assisted by Silvano Maria Tomasi, C.S., titular archbishop of Asolo, permanent observer of the Holy See before the United Nations Organization and Specialized Institutions in Genève, and by Francesco Saverio Salerno, titular bishop of Cere, former secretary of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature. His episcopal motto was Iustitia in Caritate. Named president of the prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See. Promoted to the rank of archbishop, April 12, 2008. Appointed pontifical delegate for the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ on July 9, 2010.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of November 20, 2010; received the red biretta and the deaconry of Gesù Buon Pastore alla Montagnola on that same day. He is the first Scalabrinian cardinal in history. He was member of the Congregations: for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts; and of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature. On May 4, 2011, he was appointed a member of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. On September 21, 2011, the pope accepted his resignation because of age limit from the charge of president of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See. On November 10, 2011, he was named member of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA). Participated in the conclave of March 12 to 13, 2013, which elected Pope Francis. Confirmed as member of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints on December 19, 2013. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when turned eighty years old on September 19, 2015 (1).

Death. Saturday September 9, 2017, at 10:30 a.m., in Rome, assisted by Monsignor Brian Ferme, secretary of the Council for the Economy, and Sisters Giulia and Antonietta of the Institute of the Congregation of Mother of Sorrows Servants of Mary, after fixing his gaze on two paintings he had in his bedroom, one of Saint Teresa of Jesus and the other of Saint Charles Borromeo. Pope Francis sent a telegram of condolence to Angelo De Paolis, brother of the late cardinal (2). The exequies took place on Monday September 11, 2017, at 9 a.m. in the Vatican basilica, presided by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, who also delivered the homily. Concelebrating with him were twenty one cardinals, eight archbishops and bishops and eighty priests. The late cardinal was buried in the tomb of the scalabriniani in the Roman Campo Verano Cemetery (3). In accordance with his wishes, on September 19, 2022, the body of the cardinal was re-buried in the abbey of Fossanova in the Province of Latina, in a specially built marble sarcophagus especially erected in the chapel of Saint Thomas Aquinas. A Eucharistic celebration, presided by Bishop Mariano Crociata was held at 4:30 p.m., followed by private interment (4).

(1) Already stricken with Parkinson’s Disease, after being diagnosed with a brain tumor, he started losing much of his abilities, especially when it came to communication, in both words and writing. Towards the middle of 2016, he began to accuse a general state of confusion which little by little led him initially to no longer be able to express himself in a logical and linear way and then, and almost in the end, without even being able to speak.
(2) This is the text of the telegram, taken from the Press Office of the Holy See:


Analogous telegram was sent by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, secretary of State.

(3) This is the text of the inscription on his vault, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:
* 19 - 9 - 1935
+ 9 - 9 - 2017

(4) This is the text of the inscription on his sarcophagus:
1935    -    2017


(49) 11. RAVASI, Gianfranco

Birth. October 18, 1942, Merate, in Brianza, archdiocese of Milan, Italy. His family was originally from Osnago. He is the eldest of three children, the other two were girls. His father was an anti-Fascist tax official who served in Sicily during the Second World War, but later deserted the army; it took him 18 months to return to his family. His mother was a schoolteacher, who loved literature and died relatively early, which was a severe blow for Gianfranco.

Education. He was sent from the countryside to the small town of Merate to study and lived there with an aunt; he attended the Major Seminary of Milan, Venegono, where he earned a licentiate in theology; then he went to Rome and studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University and at Pontifical Biblical Institute, obtaining a licentiate in Sacred Scriptures. He spent summers in in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Turkey, where he worked as an archaeologist with such scholars as Kathleen Kenyon and Roland de Vaux. He studied numerous ancient and modern languages, among them Latin, Greek and Hebrew.

Priesthood. Ordained, June 28, 1966, for the archdiocese of Milan, by Cardinal Giovanni Colombo, archbishop of Milan. Professor of exegesis of the Old Testament at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy. From 1980 until 2002, he had a cycle of encounters on the lectio divina at the Center of Studies "San Fedele" of Milan, in particular during Lent and Advent of each year, in which he had commentaries on the books of the Old and the New Testament. In 1989, he was named prefect of the Ambrosian Library, Milan, founded by Cardinal Federico Borromeo in 1607; he occupied the post until September 2007. Professor of biblical exegesis at the Major Seminary of Milan and at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy in Milan. Member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission since 1995. Protonotary apostolic supernumerary, June 22, 1995. Asked by Pope Benedict XVI, he wrote the meditations for the Way of the Cross on Good Friday 2007 at the Colosseum. Collaborator of Avvenire, the daily of the Italian Episcopal Conference; of L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican daily; of Il Sole 24 Ore; of the weekly Famiglia Cristiana; of the monthly Jesus; and from 1988, he was the director of the weekly television program "Frontiers of the Spirit", broadcast on Sundays, which is the only program of Italian Channel 5 without commercials. He is a renowned biblical and Hebrew scholar and a prolific author (1). He worked very closely with Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, S.J., archbishop of Milan.

Episcopate. Elected titular archbishop of Villamagna di Proconsolare and appointed president of the Pontifical Council of Culture and president of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Patrimony of the Church, and of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archeology, and of the Coordination Council between Pontifical Academies, September 3, 2007. Consecrated, September 29, 2007, patriarchal Vatican basilica, by Pope Benedict XVI, assisted by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., secretary of State, and by Cardinal Marian Jaworski, archbishop of Lviv of the Latins. In the same ceremony were consecrated Mieczysław Mokrzycki, archbishop coadjutor of Lviv of the Latins; Francesco Giovanni Brugnaro, archbishop of Camerino-San Severino Marche; Tommaso Caputo, titular archbishop of Otricoli, apostolic nuncio to Malta and Lybia; Sergio Pagano, B., titular bishop of Celene, prefect of the Secret Vatican Archives; and Vincenzo Di Mauro, titular bishop of Arpi, secretary of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See. His episcopal motto is Prædica Verbum. On November 20, 2007, he received a doctorate honoris causa in Anthropology and Epistemology of the Religions from the University of Studies of Urbino "Carlo Bo"; he had a lectio magistralis on "La Bibbia come grande codice della cultura occidentale". On March 5, 2010, in Aquino, he received the Premio internazionale Tommaso d'Aquino, for promoting culture, art and Christian humanism; on that occasion, he had a lectio magistralis on the topic "L'umanesimo simbolico e integrale di Tommaso d'Aquino". He is chaplain and knight grand cross of ecclesiastical merit of the Constantinian Sacred Military Order of Saint George. He was decorated with the grand golden medal of the "Anbrogino d'oro"; and with the "Sigillo Longobardo". On September 27, 2012, he received an honorary doctorate from the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin, Poland.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of November 20, 2010; received the red biretta and the deaconry of S. Giorgio in Velabro on that same day. Preached the Lent 2013 spiritual exercises of the pope and the Roman Curia, which took place in the Vatican from February 17 to 23. Participated in the conclave of March 12 to 13, 2013, which elected Pope Francis. He was confirmed as member of the Congregation for Catholic Education on November 30, 2013. Named doctor honoris causa by the Jesuit University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain; the investiture took place on March 4, 2014; the cardinal also took part in several faith-culture encounters organized by the diocese of Bilbao. On March 29, 2014, he was confirmed as president of the Pontifical Council for Culture and named member of the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life. Participated in Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 5 to 19, 2014, on the theme "The pastoral challenges of the family in the context of the Evangelization". On May 3, 2021, he opted for the order of cardinal priests and his deaconry was elevated, pro hac vice, to title. On May 20, 2021, he was decorated with the Grand Cross of the Order of the Star of Italy, the most prestigious of the Italian Republic. The ceremony took place at Palazzo Borromeo and it was presided by Pietro Sebastiani, ambassador of Italy before the Holy See. On June 5, 2022, when the apostolic consttituion Praedicate EvangeliuM entered into effect, he ceased as president of the Pontifical Council of Culture and president of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Patrimony of the Church. On June 30, 2022, he was named Patronus of the Pontifical Academy Accademia Cultorum Martyrum. On October 18, 2022, he turned eighty years old and lost the right to participate in the conclave. On November 23, 2022, he received a doctorate honoris causa from the University Sacro Cuore of Milan.

Webgraphy. Photograph and biography, in Italian, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede; photograph and biography, in English, Holy See Press Office; photograph, bibliography and biography, in Italian, Wikipedia; his arms, Araldica Vaticana; A prelate with the mind of Ratzinger and the heart of Roncalli by John L Allen Jr, February 9, 2010, in English, NCR Today; Monsignor Ravasi: Ognuno abbia una Bibbia propria, in Italian, YouTube; 2012Omelia di mons. Ravasi, in Italian, YouTube; Il cardinale a casa del poeta. Intervista con il presidente del Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, by Paolo Mattei. 30Days In the Church and in the world, international monthly magazine directed by Giulio Andreotti, year XXIX, issue no. 03/04 - 2012; 2013 Ravasi: “La mafia che usa la religione? Una bestemmia”, Vatican Insider, 20/04/2013 alle ore 18:26; Ravasi a Marsiglia per il Cortile dei Gentili: Ho trovato apertura e sensibilità by Domenico Agasso Jr, Vatican Insider, 08/06/2013 alle ore 19:04; 2014 El cardenal Ravasi, doctor honoris causa de la Universidad española de Deusto, Zenit, 9 de enero 2014; Ravasi: indissolubilità del matrimonio? Ne discuteva già la Chiesa delle origini by Domenico Agasso Jr, Vatican Insider, 18/09/2014 alle ore 16:07; 2015 Ravasi: siamo malati di Apateismo by Monica Mondo, Avvenira, 27 aprile 2015; Un documento di credenti e non sul fine vita: «Tre principi per le cure», Vatican Insider, 18/09/2015 alle ore 18:20; 2016 Ravasi: il Brasile ha bisogno di conciliare misericordia e giustizia, Radio Vaticana, 2016-04-11; Cardinal Ravasi meets IOC President over upcoming Vatican conference, Vatican Radio, 2016-04-19; Card. Ravasi: 'El deporte supera límites y en el paralímpico el desafío es aún más grande' by Sergio Mora, Zenit, Ciudad del Vaticano, 12 mayo 2016; Card. Ravasi: 'Sirven nuevos modelos económicos más humanos e inclusivos' by Sergio Mora, Zenit, Ciudad del Vaticano, 12 septiembre 2016; 2017 Entrevista al Car. Ravasi: “La Consulta, finalmente una voz femenina en la Curia romana” by Deborah Castellano Lubov, Zenit, Ciudad del Vaticano, 9 marzo 2017; Chi era costei? by Gianfranco Ravasi, L'Osservatore Romano, 29 maggio 2017; La solemnidad de los protomártires fue celebrada con misa y procesión del Santísimo en Roma, presidida por el cardenal Ravasi, Ecclesia Digital, 2 de julio de 2017; Cardeal Ravasi adverte para o risco do 'apateísmo', Vatican News, Albufeira, 01 novembro 2017, 10:27; 2018 El diálogo es el camino para dar vida a la “Iglesia en salida”, afirma Cardenal, ACI, 1 de febrero de 2018 8:05 pm; Lady Erdogan nel Dicastero per la Cultura, dibattito con Ravasi e la Consulta femminile by Salvatore Cernuzio, La Stampa, Vatican Insider, Città del Vaticano, pubblicato il 06/02/2018; Card. Ravasi: dialogo tra lady Erdogan e Consulta femminile in Vaticano, Vatican News, 06 febbraio 2018, 12:40, with video; Intervento del Card. Gianfranco Ravasi, Conferenza Stampa di presentazione del Padiglione della Santa Sede alla 16a Mostra Internazionale di Architettura della Biennale di Venezia: Vatican Chapels, 20.03.2018; Morte di Olmi. Card. Ravasi: nei suoi film il "costo della Redenzione" by Fabio Colagrande, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 07 maggio 2018, 13:40, with audio; Cardenal Ravasi: Presencia de católicos debe ser un grito y no un susurro, ACI Prensa, 5 de diciembre de 2018 7:51 pm; Diretrizes da Santa Sé sobre a cessão dos lugares de culto, Vatican News, Cidade do Vaticano, 17 dezembro 2018, 14:39; Chiese dismesse: Linee guida Santa Sede. Card. Ravasi: “Per nuova destinazione comunità ecclesiale dialoghi con comunità civile” by Giovanna Pasqualin, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 17 dicembre 2018; 2019 Card.Ravasi: a Sanremo la caratteristica è l’attenzione alla socialità by Emanuela Campanile, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 07 febbraio 2019, 14:20; Ferita ma non finita. A colloquio con il cardinale Gianfranco Ravasi by Nicola Gori, L'Osservatore Romano, 16 aprile 2019; Cortile di Francesco. Ravasi: il mondo è una creatura vivente by Antonella Palermo, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 18 settembre 2019, 12:02, with audio; Storia di un ossimoro. «Santa violenza» l’ultimo libro del cardinale Ravasi by Silvia Guidi, L'Osservatore Romano, 17 ottobre 2019; Card. Ravasi: La Biblia, “horizonte ideal” para la cultura occidental by Larissa I. López, Zenit, octubre 24, 2019 11:46; Ravasi: spazi sacri rispettino comunità, architetti non devono prevaricare by Roberta Gisotti, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 29 ottobre 2019, 13:51, with audio; Intervista. Ravasi: «La parola? Va assaporata» by Alessandro Zaccuril, Avvenire, martedì 12 novembre 2019; Hohe deutsche Auszeichnung für Kardinal Ravasi by Stefan von Kempis, Vatican News, Vatikanstadt, 06 Dezember 2019, 15:31; 2020 Ravasi: Francesco come Paolo VI, l'arte è luce nel buio della crisi by Eugenio Bonanata, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 07 maggio 2020, 11:00, with video; Cardinal Ravasi recalls Ennio Morricone as a man of faith, Vatican News, 06 July 2020, 14:28; Ennio Morricone, il cardinale Ravasi: “Un credente fedele ma creativo. La musica era per lui ascolto e visione” by Salvatore Cernuzio, Vatican Insider, 06 Luglio 2020 16:07; Tra memoria e ricordo. La prefazione al catalogo della mostra allestita per i 75 anni di istituzione dell’Ispettorato di pubblica sicurezza vaticano by Gianfranco Ravasi, L'Osservatore Romano, 29 settembre 2020; 2021 Un viaggio tra deserti mari e montagne. Riedito «Il racconto del cielo» del cardinale Ravasi sull’Antico Testamento by Roberto Rosano, L'Osservatore Romano, 27 gennaio 2021; Giorno Memoria, card. Ravasi: la Shoah cancellò la vera Europa, askanews, Città del Vaticano, mercoledì 27 gennaio 2021 - 16:02; Rinovo dell'Accordo tra la Pontificia Commissione d'Archeologia Sacra e la Fondazione Heydar Aliyev finalizzata al restauro e alla vallorizzazione delle Catecombe di Commodilla, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, Il Sismografo, giovedì 4 marzo 2021; Heydar Aliyev Foundation to restore Catacombs of Commodilla in Vatican [Poto] by Laman Ismayilova, MENAFN - AzerNews, 3/9/2021 3:12:22 AM; Il cardinal Ravasi: “La Bibbia insegna a custodire e amare la terra. L’alleanza tra scienza e fede è centrale” by Elisabetta Ambrosi, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 9 marzo 2021; Ravasi: breviario e Commedia di Dante, sempre con me by Antonella Palermo, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 25 marzo 2021, 12:00, with audio; Ravasi: le meditazioni del Papa sulla pandemia come vaccino spirituale by Eugenio Bonanata, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 27 aprile 2021, 11:39, with video and audio; Al cardinale Ravasi l'ordine di Gran Croce, la più alta onorificenza italiana by Michele Raviart, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 20 maggio 2021, 16:06; Dante: la teologia del Sommo poeta, lezione card.Ravasi, ANSA, Firenze, 25 maggio 2021 15:03; Teologia. Card. Ravasi: “Non è solo una questione di specialisti ma dev’essere a livello di tutti i fedeli” by Lorella Pellis, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 27 maggio 2021; Da domani il 25° Congresso Mariologico Mariano Internazionale, ACI Stampa, Roma, 07 settembre, 2021 / 3:00 PM; Accordo di collaborazione tra Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura e La Sapienza, ACI Stampa, Roma, 24 settembre, 2021 / 5:00 PM; Il Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura by Alessandro De Carolis, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 04 ottobre 2021, 15:00; Il nuovo libro di Ravasi. In parole e in opere: così si racconta Gesù by Alessandro Zaccuri, Avvenire, mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021; Ravasi: «La fede e noi. Non c’è più il grande ateismo, né la grande profezia» by Vito Mancuso, Corriere della Sera, 2021 novembre 02; Cardenal Ravasi: “Vivimos una ausencia de profetas, pero tenemos a Francisco”, Vida Nueva Digital, 03/11/2021; Lettera del Santo Padre all’ Card. Gianfranco Ravasi in occasione della XXV Seduta Pubblica delle Pontificie Accademie, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, 01.02.2022; Intervento dell’ Card. Gianfranco Ravasi, Conferenza Stampa di presentazione del Convegno Internazionale “Carisma e creatività. Catalogazione, gestione e progetti innovativi per il patrimonio culturale delle comunità di vita consacrata” (4-5 maggio 2022), Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, 17.02.2022; Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura e Università del Sacro Cuore, firmato un accordo, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 29 marzo, 2022 / 12:30 AM; Il cardinale Ravasi Patronum della Pontificia Accademia Cultorum Martyrum, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 06 luglio, 2022 / 3:00 PM; Ciò che la Meloni attribuisce a san Francesco è lo stesso che aveva detto il cardinale Ravasi 9 anni fa, senza essere corretto, Il Sismografo, martedì 27 settembre 2022; I tre fili della «Dei Verbum». 11 ottobre 1962: Sessant’anni fa l’ apertura del Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II by Gianfranco Ravasi, L'Osservatore Romano, 12 ottobre 2022; Martedì 18 ottobre il cardinale Gianfranco Ravasi, Presidente emerito del Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura, compie 80 anni, Il Sismografo, sabato 15 ottobre 2022; Il Cardinale Ravasi, "ministro della Cultura" di due Papi by Marco Mancini, ACI Stampa, Città del Vaticano, 18 ottobre, 2022 / 9:00 AM; Roma. Ravasi, ottant'anni di «sapienza e visione» by Gianni Cardinale, Avvenire, giovedì 20 ottobre 2022; Cattolica. Laurea honoris causa a Ravasi, lezione su Cristianesimo e cultura odierna by Enrico Lenzi, Avvenire, mercoledì 23 novembre 2022; La Pontificia Accademia di Teologia celebra gli 80 anni del cardinale Ravasi by Marco Piras, Vatican News, 16 dicembre 2022, 15:53, with audios; L’amore per la Parola come ricerca dei punti di luce nella nebbia del mondo. Interviste. A tu per tu con il cardinale Gianfranco Ravasi by Andrea Monda, L'Osservatore Romano, 21 gennaio 2022; Ravasi e Di Segni dialogano questa sera a Santa Maria in Trastevere, ACI Stampa, Roma, lunedì, 17. aprile, 2023 10:00; Il cardinale Ravasi: «Intelligenza artificiale? Bisogna sapersi fermare» by Franca Giandsoldati, Il Messaggero, Sabato 6 Maggio 2023, 15:45.

(1) This is a list of his works:
Gesù, una buona notizia, SEI, Torino 1982;
Qohelet. Il libro piy originale e scandaloso dell'Antico Testamento, edizioni San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 1988;
La vite e l'olivo. Lezionario biblico del matrimonio, Commento, Piemme, 1989;
Lettera ai Romani, edizione Dehoniane, Bologna 1990;
Lettere ai Corinzi, edizione Dehoniane, Bologna 1992;
Il Cantico dei Cantici: commento e attualizzazione, Edizioni dehoniane, 1992;
Esercizi spirituali, Piemme, 1994;
Dalla terra e dal cielo. Mattutino, Piemme, 1994;
Il racconto del cielo. Le storie, le idee, i personaggi dell'Antico Testamento, Mondadori, Milano 1995;
I salmi, Piemme, Asti 1996;
La Buona Novella. Le storie, le idee, i personaggi del Nuovo Testamento, Milano 1996;
Il racconto del cielo, Mondadori, 1996;
Celebrare e vivere la Parola, Ancora, 1997;
Quale Dio è così vicino, Mondadori, 1997;
;Rifiorirà la speranza. Il canto del malato, Piemme, 1997;
La Bibbia. Risposta alle domande più provocatorie, San Paolo, 1998;
La buona novella, Mondadori, 1998;
Il dio vicino, Mondadori, 1998;
Apocalisse, edizioni Piemme, Casale Monferrato 1999;
Giubileo del 2000, Mondadori, 1999;
La parola e le parole. Viaggio biblico nell'nno liturgico, San Paolo, 1999;
Preghiere. L'ateo e il credente davanti a Dio, Mondadori, 2000;
I monti di Dio. Il mistero della montagna tra parola e immagine, Cinisello Balsamo 2001;
Il libro di Giobbe, edizione Dehoniane, Bologna 2002;
I Comandamenti, edizioni San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 2002;
Fino a quando, Signore?, San Paolo Edizioni, 2002;
Breve storia dell'anima, Mondadori, 2003;
Come io vi ho amati, EDB, 2004;
Il linguaggio dell'amore, edizioni Qiqajon, Bose 2005;
Qohelet o le sette malattie dell'esistenza, Qiqajon, 2005;
Ritorno alle virtù, Mondadori, 2005;
Nel segno della parola, with D. Del Giudice, U.Eco, Rizzoli, 2005;
Mattutino, Piemme, 2005;
Il linguaggio dell'amore. Una lettura del Cantico dei cantici, Quiqaion, 2005;
Breviario laico, 366 riflessioni giorno dopo giorno, Mondadori, 2006;
I volti della Bibbia, San Paolo, 2006;
Il tempio e la strada. Meditando Isaia, Ancora, 2006;
Le parole di Paolo, with Raimon Panikkar, San Paolo, 2007;
Il libro della Sapienza, (2CD), edizioni Qiqajon, Bose 2007;
Via Crucis al Colosseo con Benedetto XVI, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2007;
Le porte del peccato, Mondadori, 2007;
La Bibbia come grande codice della cultura occidentale. Lectio magistralis tenuta in occasione del conferimento della laurea honoris causa, Urbino, 2007;
Dove sei Signore? Simboli dello spazio nella Bibbia. Cinisello Balsamo : Edizioni San Paolo, 2012. (Dimensioni dello spirito)
Santa violenza, Il Mulino, 2019;
Le sette parole di Gesù in croce, Editrice Queriniana, 2019;
Le sette parole di Maria, Dehoniane, 2020;
Scolpire l'anima. 366 meditazioni quotidiane, Mondadori, 2020;
Il Grande libro del Creato. Bibbia ed ecologia, San Paolo Edizioni, 2021;
Biografia di Gesù, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2021;
Sapienza di Salomone, Il Mulino, 2022;
Verbum caro, Edizioni San Paolo, 2022.


(50) 12. MAZOMBWE, Medardo Joseph

Birth. September 24, 1931, Chundamira, parish of St. John in Katete, region of M'bang'ombe, diocese of Chipata, Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia). Son of Joseph Adrian Mazombwe, one of the first catechists of the diocese of Chipata, and Eugenia Phiri, known for her religiosity. He had five brothers (all dead) and two sisters (one is still living).

Education. Primary education in Chasse; secondary education at St. Mary's Seminary in Kasina, Nyasaland (later Malawi). Studied philosophy and theology at the Regional Major Seminary of Kachebere, Nyasaland (later Malawi), and at "Lovanium" University, Leopoldville (later Kinshasa, Republic of Congo), where he obtained a bachelor's in theology; in Chikuni he obtained the "General Certificate of Education" and the "Certificate as a Qualified Teacher", for primary schools; later, he did further specialized studies in education at the civil University of Lusaka.

Priesthood. Ordained, September 4, 1960, Katete Boma. He was coadjutor; and later rector of the school "St. Mary"; diocesan promotor of ecclesiastical vocations; and professor of religion at state secondary school of Chadiza.

Episcopate. Elected bishop of Chipata, November 11, 1970. Consecrated, February 7, 1971, cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, by Emmanuel Milingo, archbishop of Lusaka, assisted by Firmin Courtemanche, M. Afr., bishop emeritus of Chipata, and by James Corboy, S.J., bishop of Monze. President of the Episcopal Conference of Zambia, 1972-1975; 1988-1990; and 1999-2002. Chairman of the regional conferences under the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (A.M.E.C.E.A.), 1979-1986. Participated in the Special Assembly of Africa of the Synod of Bishops, April 10 to May 8, 1994. Promoted to the metropolitan see of Lusaka, November 30 1996. Resigned the pastoral government of the archdiocese of Lusaka, October 28, 2006. He was an ardent campaigner who tirelessly advocated for Zambia's debt cancellation in the mid 1980s, through the Jubilee movement campaign and spearheaded several new developmental projects in many parts of the country including the Mumpanshya area in Chongwe District. Received a doctorate honoris causa from the University of Lusaka in 2009. Among some of his numerous pastoral initiatives was the sprawling cathedral of the Child Jesus in Pope Square, Lusaka.

Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest in the consistory of November 20, 2010; received the red biretta and the title of S. Emerenziana a Tor Fiorenza on that same day. Member of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples; and of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. For the first time in the history of Zambia, an indigenous Zambian became cardinal. The only previous cardinal in Zambia was Adam Kozłowiecki, S.J., archbishop emeritus of Lusaka, named by Pope John Paul II. Lost the right to participate in the conclave when he turned eighty years old on September 24, 2011.

Death. August 29, 2013, around 5:40 p.m., local time, in Lusaka's University Teaching Hospital, after a long battle with cancer. After learning the news of the death of Cardinal Mazombwe, Pope Francis prayed for the eternal repose of his soul and sent a telegram of condolence to Telesphore George Mpundu, archbishop of Lusaka (1). The funeral Mass, presided over by Cardinal John Njue, archbishop of Nairobi, Kenya, who also delivered the homily, took place on Tuesday September 3, 2013, at 9 a.m., in the metropolitan cathedral of the Child Jesus, Lusaka. The body of the late cardinal was buried in the grounds of that cathedral after the Mass (2). In 2017, a foundation named after him was launched during a fundraising dinner held at the Pamozdi Hotel in Lusaka following a Mass celebrated by Father Cleophas Lungu, secretary general of the Zambian Episcopal Conference. The aim of the foundation, officially registered on August 18, 2016, is that of helping the underprivileged. The Foundation is currently based in Chipata. The Mejocama School, founded by the late cardinal in Chipata in 2012, has been since renamed The Medardo Joseph Cardinal Mazombwe School.

Webgraphy. Biography, in Italian, Sala Stampa della Santa Sede.

(1) This is the text of the telegram, taken from the Press Office of the Holy See:
The Most Reverend Telesphore George Mpundu
Archbishop of Lusaka
I was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Cardinal Medardo Joseph Mazombwe, Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka. I offer to you, the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Archdiocese my heartfelt condolences and the assurance of my prayers. With gratitude to Almighty God, I recall his unfailing commitment to the spread of the Gospel in Africa and his tireless efforts on behalf of the poor. I join you and all who mourn Cardinal Mazombwe in praying that God the Father of mercies may grant him the reward of his labours and welcome his noble soul into the peace and joy of heaven. To all assembled for the solemn funeral Mass, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of strength and consolation in the Lord.
Franciscus PP.
Analogous telegram was sent by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., secretary of State.

(2) This is the text of the inscription on his tomb, kindly provided by Mr. Eman Bonnici, from Malta:

BORN ON: 24 / 09 / 1931
ORDAINED PRIEST ON: 04 / 09 / 1960
BISHOP OF CHIPATA: 1971 - 1996

CREATED CARDINAL ON: 20 / 11 / 2010
DIED ON: 29 / 08 / 2013
BURIED ON: 03 / 09 / 2013
2 TIMOTHY 2 : 10
M.H.S. R.I.P.