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0531027376 : Haines, Charles.
Edgar Allan Poe: his writings and influence.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF
0531027899 : Hill, Thomas A.
The drum : an introduction to the instrument / by Thomas A. Hill.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF
0531027929 : Suhl, Yuri,
On the other side of the gate : a novel.
Menlo Park - Main Fiction:MISSING
0531028348libbdg : Mahy, Margaret.
The boy who was followed home / by Margaret Mahy ; pictures by Steven Kellogg.
Daly City - Bayshore - Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
Your entry 0531039536 would be here
0531041123 : Fincher, Ernest Barksdale.
The Vietnam War / E. B. Fincher.
San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
A book of prayer / compiled by Peter Watkins & Erica Hughes.
Daly City - John Daly - Oversize NonFiction:CHECK SHELF
0531046095 : Browne, Anthony.
Gorilla / Anthony Browne.
San Mateo Main Children's Picture Books 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531047458 : Lampton, Christopher.
BASIC for beginners / by Christopher Lampton.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Nonfiction:MENDING
0531047520 : Keller, Mollie.
Winston Churchill / Mollie Keller.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Biographies:MISSING
0531047636 : Topalian, Elyse.
Margaret Sanger / Elyse Topalian.
San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
0531048012 : Baldwin, Dorothy.
Your heart and lungs / Dorothy Baldwin and Claire Lister.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Nonfiction:MISSING
053104808xlibbdg : Halliburton, Warren J.
The picture life of Jesse Jackson / Warren J. Halliburton.
San Mateo - Hillsdale Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
0531048195libbdg : Robinson, Charles Alexander,
Ancient Egypt / Charles Alexander Robinson, Jr. ; revised by Lorna Greenberg.
San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531048586 : Frommer, Harvey.
Jackie Robinson / Harvey Frommer.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Nonfiction:LOST AND PAID
0531048675 : Messenger, Charles.
Combat aircraft / Charles Messenger.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Nonfiction:MISSING
0531053598 : Ekirch, Arthur Alphonse,
Progressivism in America : a study of the era from Theodore Roosevelt to Woodrow Wilson / [by] Arthur
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531054578 : Avi,
Who was that masked man, anyway? / by Avi.
Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF
0531054640 : Hamanaka, Sheila.
Screen of frogs : an old tale / retold and illustrated by Sheila Hamanaka.
Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Folk & Fairy Tales:CHECK SHELF
0531054659 : Johnson, Angela.
Julius / story by Angela Johnson ; pictures by Dav Pilkey.
San Mateo - Marina Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
0531054691 : Raschka, Christopher.
Yo! Yes? / by Chris Raschka.
Burlingame Children's Picture Books - Main Level:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Children's Picture Books:DUE 03-15-25, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Picture Books 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531054810 : Johnson, Paul Brett.
The cow who wouldn't come down / story and pictures by Paul Brett Johnson.
Daly City - Westlake - Children's Picture Books:BINDERY
0531054896 : Hodges, Margaret,
Saint Patrick and the peddler / story by Margaret Hodges ; paintings by Paul Brett Johnson.
Redwood City - Downtown Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Schaberg Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Holiday:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531054969 : Seymour, Tres.
Hunting the white cow / story by Tres Seymour ; pictures by Wendy Anderson Halperin.
0531055647pbk : Ekirch, Arthur Alphonse,
Progressivism in America : a study of the era from Theodore Roosevelt to Woodrow Wilson / [by] Arthur
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531056333pbk : Allen, William Sheridan.
The Nazi seizure of power : the experience of a single German town, 1922-1945 / William Sheridan Alle
Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:MENDING
0531057054 : Rylant, Cynthia.
Birthday presents / by Cynthia Rylant ; pictures by Sucie Stevenson.
San Mateo - Hillsdale Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
0531057062 : Rylant, Cynthia.
Children of Christmas : stories for the season / by Cynthia Rylant ; drawings by S.D. Schindler.
San Mateo Main Children's Fiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531057097 : Paulsen, Gary.
The crossing / Gary Paulsen.
San Mateo - Hillsdale Young Adult Fiction :MISSING
0531057216 : Avi,
Romeo and Juliet--together (and alive!) at last / Avi.
Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF
0531057291 : Blume, Judy.
Just as long as we're together / Judy Blume.
Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Fiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF, South San Francisco - Main 2nd Fl Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF
0531057364 : Paterson, Bettina.
Bun's birthday / Bettina Paterson.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:LOST AND PAID
0531057372 : Schwartz, Amy.
Annabelle Swift, kindergartner / story and pictures by Amy Schwartz.
0531057410 : Anno, Mitsumasa,
In shadowland / Mitsumasa Anno.
San Mateo Main Children's Picture Books 1st Fl:DUE 03-16-25
0531057429 : Carle, Eric.
Eric Carle's treasury of classic stories for children by Aesop, Hans Christian Andersen, and the Brot
Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Nonfiction:IN TRANSIT, Daly City - Westlake - Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531057496 : Paulsen, Gary.
The island / Gary Paulsen.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Fiction:LOST AND PAID
0531057593 : Le Guin, Ursula K.,
Catwings / Ursula K. Le Guin ; illustrations by S.D. Schindler.
Burlingame Children's Fiction - Main Level:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Children's Fiction:LOST AND PAID, Millbrae Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF
0531057607 : Goble, Paul.
Iktomi and the boulder : a Plains Indian story / retold and illustrated by Paul Goble.
Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
0531057690 : Rylant, Cynthia.
Mr. Griggs' work / by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated by Julie Downing.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:MISSING
0531057704 : Schwartz, Henry.
How I captured a dinosaur / story by Henry Schwartz ; pictures by Amy Schwartz.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
0531057747 : Aesop.
Anno's Aesop : a book of fables / by Aesop and Mr. Fox ; retold and illustrated by Mitsumasa Anno.
San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
0531057798 : Sundgaard, Arnold.
The lamb and the butterfly / Arnold Sundgaard ; pictures by Eric Carle.
San Mateo Main Children's Picture Books 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531057828 : Avi,
Something upstairs : a tale of ghosts / by Avi.
Redwood City - Downtown Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF
053105800x : Watson, Clyde.
Valentine foxes / by Clyde Watson ; pictures by Wendy Watson.
Redwood City - Schaberg Children's Holiday:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo - Hillsdale Children's Holiday Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo - Marina Children's Holiday Picture Books:DUE 03-17-25
0531058034 : Le Guin, Ursula K.,
Catwings return / Ursula K. Le Guin ; illustrated by S.D. Schindler.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Fiction:MISSING, San Mateo - Hillsdale Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF
0531058050 : Paulsen, Gary.
The voyage of the Frog / Gary Paulsen.
Burlingame Children's Fiction - Main Level:DUE 03-18-25
0531058093 : San Souci, Robert D.
The white cat : an Old French fairy tale / retold by Robert D. San Souci ; illustrated by Gennady Spi
San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
0531058190 : Goble, Paul.
Iktomi and the berries : a Plains Indian story / retold and illustrated by Paul Goble.
Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Folk & Fairy Tales:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
0531058247 : Coleridge, Sara Coleridge,
January brings the snow : a seasonal hide-and-seek book / Sara Coleridge ; Elizabeth Falconer.
Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Librarian's Office:LIB. USE ONLY
0531058379 : Lisle, Janet Taylor.
Afternoon of the elves / Janet Taylor Lisle.
Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF
0531058395 : Paulsen, Gary.
The winter room / Gary Paulsen.
Redwood City - Downtown Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF
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