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9780308102439 : LaBarge, Lura.
Basketmaking from the beginning : plaiting, plain weaving, twining, coiling / Lura LaBarge ; all ill.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780308102446pbk : LaBarge, Lura.
Basketmaking from the beginning : plaiting, plain weaving, twining, coiling / Lura LaBarge ; all ill.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780308103177 : Laufe, Abe.
Broadway's greatest musicals / Abe Laufe.
San Mateo Main Reference 2nd Fl:LIB. USE ONLY
9780309040419 : National Research Council (U.S.).
Recommended dietary allowances / Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the RDAs, Food and Nutrition Bo
Menlo Park - Main Reference :LIB. USE ONLY
Your entry 9780309044752 would be here
9780309046336 : National Research Council (U.S.).
Recommended dietary allowances / Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the RDAs, Food and Nutrition Bo
Menlo Park - Main Reference :LIB. USE ONLY
9780309063517 : Williams, Garnett P.
Chaos theory tamed / Garnett P. Williams.
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780309064880alkpaper : Tyson, Neil deGrasse.
One universe : at home in the cosmos / Neil de Grasse Tyson, Charles Liu, Robert Irion.
San Mateo Main Oversize 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309069878 : Bartusiak, Marcia,
Einstein's unfinished symphony : listening to the sounds of space-time / Marcia Bartusiak.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
How people learn : brain, mind, experience, and school / John D. Bransford ... [et al.], editors ; Co
Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:LOST AND PAID
9780309072601alkpaper : Love, Rosaleen.
Reefscape : reflections on the Great Barrier Reef / Rosaleen Love.
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780309074384alkpaper : Steel, Duncan,
Eclipse : the celestial phenomenon that changed the course of history / Duncan Steel ; foreword by Pa
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309076401 : McEwen, Bruce S.
The end of stress as we know it / Bruce S. McEwen, with Elizabeth Norton Lasley.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF
9780309084079clothwithjacket : Siegfried, Tom,
Strange matters : undiscovered ideas at the frontiers of space and time / Tom Siegfried.
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:DUE 10-04-24 BILLED
9780309084086 : Hoddeson, Lillian.
True genius : the life and science of John Bardeen : the only winner of two Nobel Prizes in physics /
Burlingame Biography - Lower Level:DUE 03-13-25
9780309084109pbkalkpaper : White, Michael,
Stephen Hawking : a life in science / Michael White and John Gribbin.
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
Animal biotechnology : science-based concerns / Committee on Defining Science-based Concerns Associat
San Mateo Main Biotech Learning Center Reference 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309085496 : Derbyshire, John.
Prime obsession : Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics / John Derbyshire
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:DUE 03-16-25, South San Francisco - Main 3rd Fl Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780309089876hardback : Perkowitz, S.
Digital people : from bionic humans to androids / by Sidney Perkowitz.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF
Safety of genetically engineered foods : approaches to assessing unintended health effects / Committe
San Mateo Main Biotech Learning Center 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309093101hardcover : Okie, Susan.
Fed up! : winning the war against childhood obesity / Susan Okie.
9780309096218 : Grace, Eric S.
Biotechnology unzipped : promises and realities / Eric S. Grace.
9780309096225 : Chown, Marcus.
The quantum zoo : a tourist's guide to the neverending universe / Marcus Chown.
South San Francisco - Main 3rd Fl Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780309096300cloth : Hally, Mike.
Electronic brains : stories from the dawn of the computer age / Mike Hally.
Daly City - Serramonte - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309096577 : Derbyshire, John.
Unknown quantity : a real and imaginary history of algebra / John Derbyshire.
San Mateo - Hillsdale Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:DUE 03-11-25
9780309096577hardbackalkpaper : Derbyshire, John.
Unknown quantity : a real and imaginary history of algebra / John Derbyshire.
San Mateo - Hillsdale Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:DUE 03-11-25
9780309096812hardcover : Whitfield, John,
In the beat of a heart : life, energy, and the unity of nature / John Whitfield.
9780309097345 : Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.
Struck by lightning : the curious world of probabilities / Jeffrey S. Rosenthal.
Daly City - Westlake - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Nonfiction:DUE 03-12-25
9780309100618cloth : Ward, Peter D.
Out of thin air : dinosaurs, birds, and Earth's ancient atmosphere / Peter D. Ward ; illustrations by
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:DUE 03-15-25
9780309100625cloth : Smith, Craig B.
Extreme waves / Craig B. Smith ; illustrations by Kurt Mueller.
9780309101127clothalkpaper : Clegg, Brian.
The man who stopped time : the illuminating story of Eadweard Muybridge : pioneer photographer, fathe
9780309101929 : Siegfried, Tom,
A beautiful math : John Nash, game theory, and the modern quest for a code of nature / Tom Siegfried.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309101929hardback : Siegfried, Tom,
A beautiful math : John Nash, game theory, and the modern quest for a code of nature / Tom Siegfried.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309102315clothcover : Ayala, Francisco J.
Darwin's gift to science and religion / Francisco J. Ayala.
San Mateo - Hillsdale Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780309102377hardcover : Friend, Tim.
The third domain : the untold story of archaea and the future of biotechnology / Tim Friend.
9780309102384 : Wright, Alex,
Glut : mastering information through the ages / Alex Wright.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780309102483 : Grimes, Nikki.
Welcome, Precious / Nikki Grimes ; illustrations by Bryan Collier.
San Mateo Main Children's Picture Books 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309102605clothwithjacket : Schewe, Phillip F.
The grid : a journey through the heart of our electrified world / Phillip F. Schewe.
San Bruno Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780309102964 : Bernstein, Jeremy,
Plutonium : a history of the world's most dangerous element / Jeremy Bernstein.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
Human genome editing : science, ethics, and governance / Committee on Human Gene Editing: Scientific,
San Mateo Main Biotech Learning Center 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
Safety of genetically engineered foods : approaches to assessing unintended health effects / Committe
San Mateo Main Biotech Learning Center 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309659284pdfs : Siegfried, Tom,
A beautiful math : John Nash, game theory, and the modern quest for a code of nature / Tom Siegfried.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780309661744pdf : Ayala, Francisco J.
Darwin's gift to science and religion / Francisco J. Ayala.
San Mateo - Hillsdale Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
Heritable human genome editing / International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human Germline Genom
San Mateo Main Biotech Learning Center 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780310000884hardcover : Spinelli, Eileen.
Thankful / Eileen Spinelli ; illustrated by Archie Preston.
Burlingame Children's Picture Books - Main Level:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo - Hillsdale Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo - Marina Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Picture Books 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780310003670soundrecordinghooplaaudiobook : Zondervan.
Niv, new testament audio bible, audio download [electronic resource] / Zondervan.
9780310083566 : Odom, Erin,
You can stay home with your kids! : 100 tips, tricks, and ways to make it work on a budget / Erin Odo
Pacifica-Sanchez Nonfiction:DUE 03-08-25, Pacifica-Sharp Park Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780310086253electronicbk : Maxwell, J. C.,
21 leadership issues in the Bible : life-changing lessons from leaders in scripture [electronic resou
9780310088066 : Cameron-Bure, Candace,
Staying stylish : Cultivating a Confident Look, Style, and Attitude / Candace Cameron Bure.
9780310089629 : Downs, Annie F.,
100 days to brave : devotions for unlocking your most courageous self / Annie F. Downs.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, South San Francisco - Main 3rd Fl Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780310090977 : Alec, Wendy,
The fall of Lucifer / Wendy Alec.
Burlingame Fiction - Sci Fi/Fantasy - Upper Level:CHECK SHELF
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