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9780520409699paperback : Makdisi, Saree,
Tolerance is a wasteland : Palestine and the culture of denial / Saree Makdisi.
Foster City New Nonfiction:DUE 04-09-25, Woodside New Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780520409910 : Gevirtz, Karen Bloom,
The apothecary's wife : the hidden history of medicine and how it became a commodity / Karen Bloom Ge
Menlo Park - Main NEW Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sanchez Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Woodside Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780520418325hrd : Burgard, Timothy Anglin (EDT)/ Teagle, Rachel (CON)/ Aschheim, Eve (CON)/ Palmor, Lauren (CON)
WAYNE THIEBAUD : Art Comes from Art
9780520902367 : Sacks, Peter.
Tearing down the gates [electronic resource] : confronting the class divide in American education / P
Your entry 9780520925205 would be here
9780520932234 : Sacks, Peter.
Tearing down the gates [electronic resource] : confronting the class divide in American education / P
9780520941786 : Solnit, Rebecca,
Storming the gates of paradise : landscapes for politics / Rebecca Solnit.
9780520951471electronicbk : Blackwell, Laird R.,
Wildflowers of California : a month-by-month guide / Laird R. Blackwell.
9780520953543 : Bloom, Joshua.
Black against empire [electronic resource] : the history and politics of the Black Panther Party / Jo
9780520954113 : Schmidt, Leigh Eric,
Restless souls : the making of American spirituality / Leigh Eric Schmidt.
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780520955301electronicbk : Tiemeyer, Philip James,
Plane queer [electronic resource] : Labor, Sexuality, and AIDS in the History of Male Flight Attendan
9780520957398 (E-Book) : Lampton, David M.,
Following the leader : ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping / David M. Lampton.
Millbrae Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780520957763 : Cutler, David M.
The quality cure [electronic resource] : how focusing on health care quality can save your life and l
9780520957923 : Solnit, Rebecca.
Savage dreams : a journey into the hidden wars of the American West / Rebbeca Solnit.
9780520957978 : Roughgarden, Joan,
Evolution's rainbow : diversity, gender, and sexuality in nature and people / Joan Roughgarden.
9780520958173 : Dudley, Robert,
The drunken monkey : why we drink and abuse alcohol / Robert Dudley.
9780520958241 : Hecht, Peter,
Weed land : inside America's marijuana epicenter and how pot went legit / Peter Hecht.
9780520958241 (E-Book) : Hecht, Peter,
Weed land : inside America's marijuana epicenter and how pot went legit / Peter Hecht.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780520958265 : Stokes, M. Dale
The fish in the forest : salmon and the web of life / text by Dale Stokes ; photographs by Doc White.
9780520958272 : Miller, Patricia,
Good Catholics : the battle over abortion in the Catholic Church / Patricia Miller.
9780520958388 : Stallcup, Rich,
Field guide to birds of the northern California coast / Rich Stallcup and Jules Evens ; graphites by
9780520958456 : Cooper, Marianne,
Cut adrift : families in insecure times / Marianne Cooper.
9780520958685 / ebook : De León, Jason,
The land of open graves : living and dying on the migrant trail / Jason De Leon ; with photographs by
Redwood City - Redwood Shores Adult Nonfiction:DUE 01-27-25 BILLED
9780520959286 : Erdmans, Mary Patrice,
On becoming a teen mom : life before pregnancy / Mary Patrice Erdmans and Timothy Black.
9780520959804 : Connell, Catherine,
School's out : gay and lesbian teachers in the classroom / Catherine Connell.
9780520961449 : Terrio, Susan J.
Whose child am I? : unaccompanied, undocumented children in U.S. immigration custody / Susan J. Terri
Invisible labor : hidden work in the contemporary world / edited by Marion G. Crain, Winifred R. Post
9780520962026 : Modiano, Patrick,
Dora Bruder / Patrick Modiano ; translated from the French by Joanna Kilmartin.
9780520962033 : Feldman, Martha,
The castrato : reflections on natures and kinds / Martha Feldman.
9780520963344 : Glass, Fred,
From mission to microchip : a history of the California labor movement / Fred B. Glass.
9780520963436 : Laurent, Sylvie,
King and the other America : the Poor People's Campaign and the quest for economic equality / Sylvie
9780520963573 / (Ebook) : Will, Kipling,
Field guide to California insects / Kip Will, Joyce Gross, Daniel Rubinoff, Jerry A. Powell.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780520963788electronicbk : Williams, Juliet.
The separation solution? [electronic resource] : Single-Sex Education and the New Politics of Gender
9780520964839 : Thomson, Robert C.,
California amphibian and reptile species of special concern / Robert C. Thomson, Amber N. Wright, H.
9780520964891 : Shukla, Rashi K.,
Methamphetamine : a love story / Rashi K. Shukla.
9780520965973 : Deverell, William,
Water and Los Angeles : a tale of three rivers, 1900-1941 / William Deverell and Tom Sitton.
San Mateo Main California Collection 2nd Fl:LIB. USE ONLY, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9780520967359electronicbk : Sterling, Terry Greene.
Driving while brown [electronic resource] : Sheriff joe arpaio versus the latino resistance / Terry G
9780520967557 : Streeby, Shelley,
Imagining the future of climate change : world-making through science fiction and activism / Shelley
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF
9780520967700electronicbk : Andersson, Ruben,
No go world [electronic resource] : How Fear Is Redrawing Our Maps and Infecting Our Politics / Ruben
9780520969056 / (Epub) : Karuka, Manu,
Empire's tracks : indigenous nations, Chinese workers, and the transcontinental railroad / Manu Karuk
South San Francisco - Main 3rd Fl Nonfiction:DUE 03-24-25
9780520969711electronicbk : Slack, Jeremy.
Deported to death [electronic resource] : How Drug Violence Is Changing Migration on the US-Mexico Bo
9780520969865electronicbk : Kidman, Shawna,
Comic books incorporated [electronic resource] : How the Business of Comics Became the Business of Ho
9780520970502electronicbk : Boyles, Andrea S.,
You can't stop the revolution [electronic resource] : Community Disorder and Social Ties in Post-Ferg
9780520971349electronicbk : McQuade, Brendan.
Pacifying the homeland [electronic resource] : Intelligence Fusion and Mass Supervision / Brendan McQ
9780520971615 : Levin, Gail,
Becoming Judy Chicago : A Biography of the Artist.
9780520972131 / electronic Publication : Campbell, W. Joseph,
Lost in a Gallup : polling failure in U.S. presidential elections / W. Joseph Campbell.
Daly City - Serramonte - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, South San Francisco - Main 3rd Fl Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780520972247 / (Electronic Book) : Lipton, Jacqueline D.,
Law and authors : a legal handbook for writers / Jacqueline D. Lipton.
South San Francisco - Main 3rd Fl Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9780520973107 : Blue, Ethan,
The deportation express : a history of America through forced removal / Ethan Blue.
9780520973312electronicbk : McKay, Tasseli,
Holding on [electronic resource] : Family and Fatherhood during Incarceration and Reentry / Tasseli M
9780520975590electronicbk : Paik, Leslie.
Trapped in a maze [electronic resource] : How social control institutions drive family poverty and in
9780520976023electronicbk : Keddie, G. Anthony.
Republican jesus [electronic resource] : How the right has rewritten the gospels / Tony Keddie.
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