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9781848842342hbk : Liddle, Peter.
Captured memories 1900-1918 : across the threshold of war / by Peter Liddle.
Daly City - Serramonte - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Westlake - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848842618hbk : Felton, Mark,
Children of the camps : Japan's last forgotten victims / Mark Felton.
Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848842687 : Paton, Chris,
Tracing your family history on the Internet : a guide for family historians / Chris Paton.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9781848843783 : O'Reilly, Donald,
Lost legion rediscovered : the mystery of the Theban Legion / Donald O'Reilly.
San Carlos Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
Your entry 9781848846906 would be here
The Devil's Adjutant : Jochen Peiper, Panzer Leader [electronic resource].
9781848854208 : Bergerson, Sephi,
Street food of India : the 50 greatest Indian snacks complete with recipes / Sephi Bergerson.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF
9781848863101 : Jones, Cath,
Bonkers / written by Cath Jones ; illustrated by Chris Jevons.
East Palo Alto Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Foster City Children's Picture Books:DUE 04-12-25, Portola Valley Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Woodside Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9781848863118 : Lisle, Rebecca,
Stone underpants / by Rebecca Lisle ; illustrated by Richard Watson.
Foster City Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Half Moon Bay Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, North Fair Oaks Children's Picture Books:IN TRANSIT
9781848863125 : Treleaven, Lou,
The snowflake mistake / Lou Treleaven & Maddie Frost.
East Palo Alto Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Foster City Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sanchez Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9781848863132 : Miller, Jessie,
Rooster wore skinny jeans / written by Jessie Miller ; illustrated by Barbara Bakos.
Millbrae Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9781848863583 : Fulton, Julie,
Bears don't eat egg sandwiches / written by Julie Fulton ; illustrated by Rachel Suzanne.
Redwood City - Downtown Children's Picture Books:DUE 06-26-24 BILLED, Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9781848863590 : Gunaratnam, Tracy,
Hamster sitter wanted / written by Tracy Gunaratnam ; illustrated by Hannah Marks.
Brisbane Children's Picture Books:DUE 04-10-25, Foster City Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Children's Picture Books:DUE 04-11-25
9781848863613 : Pindar, Heather,
Beware the mighty bitey / written by Heather Pindar ; illustrated by Susan Batori.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9781848864115 : Pindar, Heather,
Froggy day / by Heather Pindar & Barbara Bakos.
Foster City Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Portola Valley Children's Picture Books:DUE 04-14-25, Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo - Hillsdale Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo - Marina Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Picture Books 1st Fl:DUE 04-09-25
9781848864122 : Donald, Alison,
Adorabull / written by Alison Donald ; illustrated by Alex Willmore.
Brisbane Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sanchez Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Picture Books 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9781848864153 : Donald, Alison,
The spacesuit : how a seamstress helped put man on the moon / written by Alison Donald ; illustrated
Brisbane Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, East Palo Alto Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Foster City Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Picture Books:DUE 03-29-25, San Carlos Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848864283 : Donald, Alison,
The spacesuit : how a seamstress helped put man on the moon / written by Alison Donald ; illustrated
Brisbane Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, East Palo Alto Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Foster City Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Picture Books:DUE 03-29-25, San Carlos Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848864702 : Treleaven, Lou,
Letter to Pluto / by Lou Treleaven ; [illustrations by Lou Treleaven, cover illustrations by Katie Ab
Half Moon Bay Children's Easy Readers:DUE 03-28-25, Millbrae Children's Easy Readers:CHECK SHELF, Portola Valley Children's Easy Readers:CHECK SHELF, San Carlos Children's Easy Readers:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Middle Fiction 1st Fl:DUE 03-25-25
9781848864719 : Treleaven, Lou,
Letter to Pluto / by Lou Treleaven ; [illustrations by Lou Treleaven, cover illustrations by Katie Ab
Half Moon Bay Children's Easy Readers:DUE 03-28-25, Millbrae Children's Easy Readers:CHECK SHELF, Portola Valley Children's Easy Readers:CHECK SHELF, San Carlos Children's Easy Readers:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Middle Fiction 1st Fl:DUE 03-25-25
9781848864733 : Willmore, Alex,
It's my sausage / Alex Willmore.
Belmont Children's Picture Books:DUE 08-01-25, Menlo Park - Main Children's Picture Books:DUE 04-12-25, Millbrae Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9781848864740 : Condon, John
The wondrous dinosaurium / written by John Condon ; illustrated by Steve Brown.
Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Westlake - Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9781848864795 : Hemming, Alice.
Arlo, Mrs. Ogg, and the Dinosaur Zoo [electronic resource].
9781848864849 : Fulton, Julie,
Mister T.V. : the story of John Logie Baird / written by Julie Fulton ; illustrated by Patrick Corrig
Atherton Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, East Palo Alto Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Foster City Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sanchez Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848866461 : Fulton, Julie,
Mister T.V. : the story of John Logie Baird / written by Julie Fulton ; illustrated by Patrick Corrig
Atherton Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, East Palo Alto Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Foster City Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sanchez Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848866478 : Donald, Alison,
A super sticky mistake / written by Alison Donald, illustrated by Rea Zhai.
Foster City Children's Nonfiction:DUE 04-13-25, Pacifica-Sanchez Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848866645electronicbk : Treleaven, Lou,
The knight who might [electronic resource].
9781848866652 : Dale, Elizabeth,
Trailblazer : Lily Parr, the Unstoppable Star of Women's Soccer [electronic resource].
9781848866669electronicbk : Fulton, Julie,
Mister T.V. : the story of John Logie Baird [electronic resource].
9781848866676electronicbk : Donald, Alison,
A super sticky mistake [electronic resource].
9781848866683electronicbk : Dunne, Billy,
Why? : a sciencey, rhymey guide to rainbows [electronic resource].
9781848867109electronicbk : De Luca, Bruna.
I'm not cute, i'm dangerous [electronic resource] / Bruna De Luca.
9781848867789 : Crosby, David.
Which nose for witch? / written by David Crosby ; illustrated by Carolina Coroa.
Atherton Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Foster City Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Portola Valley Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Carlos Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9781848871762atlanticltdedhbk : Potter, Jennifer.
The rose : a true history / Jennifer Potter.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9781848873223hbk : Galgut, Damon,
In a strange room / Damon Galgut.
9781848873230pbk : Galgut, Damon,
In a strange room / Damon Galgut.
9781848873933pbk : Hope, Christopher.
Shooting angels / Christopher Hope.
Burlingame Fiction - Upper Level:CHECK SHELF
9781848874794 : Malik, Kenan,
The quest for a moral compass : a global history of ethics / Kenan Malik.
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848874817 : Malik, Kenan,
The quest for a moral compass : a global history of ethics / Kenan Malik.
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848875425 : Guenassia, Jean-Michel,
The incorrigible optimists club / Jean-Michel Guenassia ; translated from the French by Euan Cameron.
9781848875432hrd : Clark, Stuart.
VOYAGER : 101 Wonders Between Earth and the Edge of the Cosmos.
9781848878341 : Potter, Jennifer.
The rose : a true history / Jennifer Potter.
San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF
9781848891401pbk : Gribbon, Kieron.
Ireland's county high points : a walking guide / Kieron Gribbon.
9781848891463pbk : Ryan, Jim,
Scenic walks in Killarney : a walking guide / Jim Ryan.
9781848953611 : Coleman, Michael.
Ridiculous! / Michael Coleman ; illustrated by Gwyneth Williamson.
San Mateo Main Children's Beginning-to-read 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9781848953697 : Baguley, Elizabeth.
Meggie Moon / Elizabeth Baguley ; illustrated by Gregoire Mabire.
San Mateo Main Children's Beginning-to-read 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9781848954748 : Freedman, Claire,
Time for bed, sleepyhead / [text by] Claire Freedman ; [illustrations by] Veronica Vasylenko.
San Mateo Main Children's Toddler Books 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9781848983113 : Spence, David.
Van Gogh / [David Spence].
Burlingame Children's Nonfiction - Main Level:CHECK SHELF
9781848983304hardcover : Parker, Steve,
Muscular and skeletal systems / by Steve Parker.
9781848985056 : Ryan, Anne Marie.
Top dog / by Anne Marie Ryan ; illustrated by Vian Oelofsen ; reading consultant, Susan Nations.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Beginning Readers:DUE 04-12-25, Menlo Park - Main Children's Fiction:CHECK SHELF
9781848985063 : Ryan, Anne Marie.
A duck in luck / by Anne Marie Ryan and Francis Opuminji ; illustrated by Florencia Denis ; reading c
Menlo Park - Main Children's Beginning Readers:DUE 04-07-25
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