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No matches found; nearby STANDARD NOS are: Result Page   Prev Next Mark Media Year 9781862321854 : Fry, Michael,            The Scottish empire / Michael Fry. Daly City - Serramonte - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2001 9781862330269 : Scamell, Ragnhild.            Toby's doll's house / written by Ragnhild Scamell ; illustrated by Adrian Reynolds. San Bruno Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1998 9781862330931 : Simon, Francesca.            Hugo & the bullyfrogs / Francesca Simon ; illustrated by Caroline Jayne Church. San Bruno Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Picture Books 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1999 9781862334106 : Utton, Peter.            The witch's hand / Peter Utton. Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Picture Books:BINDERY BOOKS c1989 Your entry 9781862392694 would be here 9781862562998             Discover the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park / compiled by Lesley Murdoch ; Great Barrier Reef Marine San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1988? 9781863026512 : Burns, Debbie.            Chinese horoscopes : an easy guide to the Chinese system of astrology / Debbie Burns. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2000 9781863026529 : Liley, Vicki.            Dim sum / Vicki Liley. Daly City - Serramonte - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Westlake - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1999 9781863204781             Linux command line masterclass : beginner to power user. EVIDEO 2024 9781863510769 : Bradford, Jenny,            Textured embroidery / Jenny Bradford. Daly City - Serramonte - Oversize Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1993 9781863510790 : Newman, Jennifer,            Exquisite embroidery / Jennifer Newman. Burlingame Oversize Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1993 9781863511469 : Trytell, Sue.            The glory of gold : a contemporary approach to gilding / Sue Trytell. Burlingame Oversize Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF BOOKS c1995 9781863511834 : Nicholas, Jane.            Stumpwork embroidery : a collection of fruits, flowers and insects for contemporary raised embroidery Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS c1995 9781863511834hbk : Nicholas, Jane.            Stumpwork embroidery : a collection of fruits, flowers and insects for contemporary raised embroidery Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS c1995 9781863512060 : Lampe, Diana.            Diana Lampe's embroidery from the garden. Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS c1997 9781863512800             The handbook of quilting / [managing editor, Judy Poulos]. Daly City - Serramonte - Oversize Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2001 9781863512930 : Burr, Trish.            Redoutes finest flowers in embroidery / Trish Burr. Redwood City - Schaberg Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2002 9781863513388pbk : Walter, Helen.            Popular quilling / Helen Walter. Daly City - Bayshore - Oversize NonFiction:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - John Daly - Oversize NonFiction:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Serramonte - Oversize Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Westlake - Oversize NonFiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2004 9781863513593 : Gurney, Pamela.            Punchneedle creations / Pamela Gurney. Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2006 9781863513678pbk : Dafter, Helen.            Silk ribbon embroidery : a workshop approach for beginners / Helen Dafter. Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Schaberg Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2007 9781863513715pbk : Kirkpatrick, Renate.            Crochet techniques / Renate Kirkpatrick. Daly City - John Daly - Oversize NonFiction:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Serramonte - Oversize Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2007 9781863513890pbk : Amor, Shelagh.            Crewel embroidery : a practical guide / Shelagh Amor. San Bruno Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2008 9781863513913pbk : Jamieson, Theresa.            Conscious birthing : yoga and meditation for pregnancy / Theresa Jamieson. BOOKS 2009 9781863513999 : Power, Jean,            200 beading tips, techniques & trade secrets / Jean Power. Foster City Nonfiction:DUE 03-23-25, Millbrae Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2009 9781863514514 : Morgan, Margaret,            Netted lace : exquisite patterns & practical techniques / Margaret Morgan. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2014 9781863514705 : Burr, Trish,            Miniature needle painting embroidery : vintage portraits, florals & birds / Trish Burr. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2014 9781863734240pbk : Parv, Valerie.            The art of romance writing : how to create, write and sell your contemporary romance novel / Valerie Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1997 9781863880367 : Reeves, Nicholas,            Into the mummy's tomb / by Nicholas Reeves with Nan Froman. Daly City - John Daly - Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1992 9781863956437paper : Bryant, Adam.            Quick and nimble : lessons from leading CEOs on how to create a culture of innovation / Adam Bryant. Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Serramonte - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2014 9781864362138pbk : Sorby-Howlett, Lorraine,            The A to Z of cake decorating flowers / Lorraine Sorby-Howlett & Marian Jones. Daly City - John Daly - Oversize NonFiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1996 9781864363203 : Watts, Dave.            Kangaroos & wallabies of Australia / Dave Watts. Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1998 9781864363753             Sydney : city of sails. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS c1998 9781864368031 : Isaacs, Jennifer.            Australian Aboriginal paintings / Jennifer Isaacs. Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2002 9781864487800 : Lanyon, Anna.            Malinche's conquest / Anna Lanyon. Burlingame Biography - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1999 9781864489972pbk : Evans, Grant,            A short history of Laos : the land in between / Grant Evans. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2002 9781864500301pbk : Brân, Zoë.            After Yugoslavia / Zoe Brân. Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2001 9781864500639             Sacred India / foreword by William Dalrymple. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 1999 9781864501209 : Wassman, Bill.            Buddhist stupas in Asia : the shape of perfection / photography Bill Wassman ; text Joe Cummings ; fo Burlingame Oversize Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2001 9781864501520phrasebook             Instant immersion French [sound recording]. Daly City - Serramonte - Books On CD:CHECK SHELF, Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:LOST AND PAID, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOK ON CD c2002 9781864502053 : Carillet, Jean-Bernard.            Diving & snorkeling Red Sea / Jean-Bernard Carillet, Gavin Anderson, Pete Harrison. Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2001 9781864502077pbk : L'Anson, Richard.            Travel photography : a guide to taking better pictures / Richard l'Anson. Daly City - Serramonte - Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2000 9781864502800             Walking in Britain / David Else ... [et al.]. Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2001 9781864503173             Italian. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2003 9781864503807             Brazilian Portuguese. Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:DUE 03-08-25 BOOKS 2003 9781864503807 (Phrasebook)             Travel talk [sound recording] : Brazilian Portuguese. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF CD/SPOKEN p2007 9781864690798 : Gelling, Peter.            Progressive chromatic harmonica / by Peter Gelling. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF SONGBOOK/SCORE 2006 9781864692600 : Gelling, Peter.            Progressive banjo / by Peter Gelling. San Mateo Main Oversize 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF SONGBOOK/SCORE c2006 9781864700732             Resorts : Wimberly, Allison, Tong & Goo. Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2001 9781864703139hbk : Elliott, Christine.            Custom bicycles : a passionate pursuit / [by Christine Elliott and David Jablonka ; foreword by Phil BOOKS 2009 9781864705515hardback : Ballinger, Barbara,            The kitchen bible : designing the perfect culinary space / Barbara Ballinger and Margaret Crane with Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2014 9781864705676 : Abraham, Russell,            California cool : residential modernism reborn / text and photography by Russell Abraham. San Mateo Main Nonfiction 2nd Fl:DUE 03-17-25 BOOKS 2013 Add Selected to Book Bag Select All On Page