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9783898648998 : Saake, Gunter,
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen : eine Einführung mit Java / Gunter Saake, Kai-Uwe Sattler.
Materialwirtschaft & Produktion / Knut Hildebrand ; Stefan Meinhardt (Hrsg.).
9783898649780 : Klein, Tobias.
Aus dem Tagebuch eines Bughunters : wie man Softwareschwachstellen aufspürt und behebt / Tobias Klein
9783898649988 : Jodeleit, Bernhard.
Social Media Relations : Leitfaden für erfolgreiche PR-Strategien und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Web 2.
Your entry 9783898801140 would be here
9783899551334 : Siemens, Anne,
Who invented this? : smart people and their bright ideas / written by Anne Ameri-Siemens ; illustrate
San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9783899551488 : Chitu, Adina.
Tasty treats : easy cooking for children / written by Adina Chitu ; illustrated by Elenia Beretta.
East Palo Alto Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Nonfiction:DUE 04-16-25
9783899551495 : Davey, Owen,
Who's who of grown-ups : jobs, hobbies and the tools it takes / Owen Davey ; translation by Elli Stuh
San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9783899555219 : Helms, Antje,
Does this happen to everyone? : a budding adult's guide to puberty / idea, concept, and photography b
Menlo Park - Main Young Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Millbrae Young Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sanchez Young Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Young Adult:CHECK SHELF, San Carlos Young Adult Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
Hide and seek : the architecture of cabins and hide-outs / [edited by Sofia Borges, Sven Ehmann, and
Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9783899557169 : Mellgren, Jöns,
Elsa and the Night / Jöns Mellgren ; translation from Swedish by Anita Shenoi.
East Palo Alto Children's Picture Books:CLMS RETD
9783899557183 : Icinori (Publishing studio),
Issun Bôshi : the one-inch boy / Icinori.
San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:DUE 02-22-25 BILLED
9783899557312 (German Edition) : Van der Veken, Jan,
How big is big? How far is far? / illustrated by Jan Van Der Veken.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Nonfiction:DUE 03-30-25, San Mateo - Hillsdale Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo - Marina Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9783899557329hbk : Van der Veken, Jan,
How big is big? How far is far? / illustrated by Jan Van Der Veken.
Menlo Park - Main Children's Nonfiction:DUE 03-30-25, San Mateo - Hillsdale Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo - Marina Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:CHECK SHELF
9783899557473 : Lidström, Clara,
Let's garden : a step by step introduction / Clara Lindström and Annakarin Nyberg ; illustrations by
Half Moon Bay Children's Nonfiction:DUE 04-11-25, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Schaberg Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9783899557497 : Labrune, Jean-Baptiste,
The night watchman / a book by Jeremie Fischer (illustrations) and Jean-Baptiste Labrune (text) ; tra
9783899557558 : Brière-Haquet, Alice,
Madame Eiffel : the love story of the Eiffel Tower / Alice Brière-Haquet & Csil ; translated by Noeli
9783899557671 : Baas, Thomas,
The Pied Piper of Hamelin / Thomas Baas [illustrated by] ; [original text adapted by Marine Tasso ; t
Redwood City - Downtown Folk & Fairy Tales:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Redwood Shores Folk & Fairy Tales:DUE 04-13-25
9783899557756 : Tavernier, Sarah,
The illustrated atlas of architecture and marvelous monuments / Sarah Tavernier and Alexandre Verhill
San Bruno Children's Oversize:CHECK SHELF
9783899557770 : Ryski, Dawid,
All my animals / illustrated by Dawid Ryski ; texts by Lauren Napier.
San Bruno Children's Oversize:CHECK SHELF
9783899557794 : Schamp, Tom,
Show & tell me the world / Tom Schamp ; translated from the Dutch by Lauren Napier and Wolfgang Linne
San Bruno Children's Oversize:CHECK SHELF
9783899557916 : Andersen, H. C.
Andersen : the illustrated fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen / illustrated by Cynthia Alonso, Lu
San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:DUE 12-23-24 BILLED
9783899557930 : Larsen, Elisabeth Helland,
I am life / by Elisabeth Helland Larsen and Marine Schneider, [illustrator] ; translated by Rosie Hed
9783899557954 : Parker, Steve,
Space kids : an introduction for young explorers / written by Steve Parker ; illustrated by Andrea De
9783899557978 : Honigstein, Raphael,
The big book of treasures : the most amazing discoveries ever made and still to be made / written by
Foster City Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
How big is big? How far is far? All around me / illustrated by Jun Cen.
San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9783899558142 : Figueras, Emmanuelle,
Recordmania : atlas of the incredible / text by Emmanuelle Figueras ; illustrations by Alexandre Verh
Redwood City - Downtown Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Oversize:CHECK SHELF
9783899558166 : Frost, Daniel,
The children and the whale / Daniel Frost.
San Bruno Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9783899558180 : Walrond, Beth,
A taste of the world : what people eat and how they celebrate around the globe / [illustrated & writt
East Palo Alto Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, North Fair Oaks Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Carlos Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9783899558241 : Bradley, Kirsten,
Easy peasy : gardening for kids / [written by Kirsten Bradley ; illustrated by Aitch].
Redwood City - Downtown Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Schaberg Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9783899558265 : Abadía, Ximo,
Goliath : the boy who was different / Ximo Abadía.
Millbrae Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, San Bruno Children's Oversize:CHECK SHELF
9783899558289 : Cosneau, Olivia,
Six little birds / illustrated and written by Olivia Cosneau ; paper engineering by Bernard Duisit ;
East Palo Alto Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Picture Books:DUE 04-17-25, Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9783899558302 : Dobell, Darcy,
The world of whales : get to know the giants of the ocean / [written by Darcy Dobell ; illustrated by
Burlingame Children's Nonfiction - Main Level:DUE 04-09-25, Daly City - John Daly - Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Serramonte - Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Daly City - Westlake - Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Schaberg Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main Children's Nonfiction 1st Fl:DUE 04-13-25
9783899558357 : Boisrobert, Anouck,
The Acrobat family / a circus act brought to you by Anouck Boisrobert & Louis Rigaud ; translation fr
Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Schaberg Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF
9783899558371 : Figueras, Emmanuelle,
Precious planet : a user's manual for curious Earthlings / text by Emmanuelle Figueras ; illustrated
9783899558388 : Utnik-Strugała, Monika,
Let's go to Italy! : the land of pizza, pasta, gelato, and so much more... / Monika Utnik-Strugała ;
San Bruno Children's Nonfiction:DUE 04-16-25
9783899558432 : Ard, Cath,
Let's play outdoors! : exploring nature for children / illustrated by Carla McRae ; written by Cather
Burlingame Children's Nonfiction - Main Level:CHECK SHELF
9783899558456 : Adams, Nathaniel,
Tales of the rails : legendary train routes of the world / written by Nathaniel Adams ; illustrated b
Foster City Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Pacifica-Sharp Park Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Downtown Children's Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Redwood City - Redwood Shores Children's Nonfiction:DUE 04-05-25
9783899558531 : Negrescolor, Joan,
She rides like the wind : the story of Alfonsina Strada / Joan Negrescolor ; translation from Portugu
Foster City Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Half Moon Bay Children's Picture Books:CHECK SHELF, Half Moon Bay Children's Picture Books:Recently returned
9783899558579 : Titone, Matt,
Surf shacks. Vol. 2 / by Matt Titone ; content, Indoek.
Half Moon Bay Nonfiction:DUE 04-02-25
Hong Kong.
Redwood City - Downtown Adult Nonfiction:DUE 04-15-25
Hamburg / guide editor, Melkon Charchoglyan.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF
9783899559774 : Voors, Tim.
Great Alone : walking the pacific crest trail.
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF
9783899559859 : Honan, Cam,
Wanderlust USA : the great American hike / explored by Cam Honan ; edited by Robert Klanten.
Menlo Park - Main Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
Be well : new spa and bath culture and the art of being well / edited by Robert Klanten ad Andrea Ser
Millbrae Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF, Portola Valley Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9783899850826 : Beer, Günter.
El mundo de la pasta / Günter Beer, Patrik Jaros.
Redwood City - Downtown Coleccion Para Adultos En Espanol:CHECK SHELF
9783899853209 : Planells, Pere.
Pools / [Pere Planells].
Burlingame Nonfiction - Lower Level:CHECK SHELF
9783899862379 : Messedat, Jons,
Retail design inter-national : components, spaces, buildings / Jons Messedat.
9783903038189 : Rossmeier, Michael.
Tricktionary 3 : windsurfing bible / Rossmeier, Michael.
Foster City Nonfiction:CHECK SHELF
9783903386013 : Sternad, Dietmar.
Developing coaching skills [electronic resource] / Dietmar Sternad.
Agatha and the truth of murder [videorecording] / Vision Films presents.
Millbrae DVDs:CHECK SHELF, San Mateo Main DVDs 3rd Fl:CHECK SHELF
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