CBI Roundup - December 21, 1944 - China-Burma-India Theater of World War II
Pfc. Dora Anderson, American WAC, is complimented by Lord Louis Mountbatten, no less, for coolness in remaining at strict attention when a cobra crawled dangerously close to an inspection formation at Kandy recently.
COBRA SIGHT HQ., SEAC, KANDY, CEYLON - Yankee ingenuity did it again here at a recent inspection of the SEAC Photo Unit, and led to personal congratulations of Pfc. Dora Anderson, WAC, by Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supremo of SEAC.
Dora was the lone WAC representative lined up with a file of men awaiting inspection by Lord Louis. Just then a snake appeared. Although Dora spotted the varmint she didn't move a muscle, unlike the photographer who began snapping pictures.
After the inspection Mountbatten went up to Dora's desk and, learning she had just arrived from the States, congratulated her on her aplomb.
(The photographer says it was a cobra, anyway).