Richard Montgomery


This section is from "The American Cyclopaedia", by George Ripley And Charles A. Dana. Also available from Amazon: The New American Cyclopædia. 16 volumes complete..

Richard Montgomery

Richard Montgomery, an American general, born near Raphoe, Ireland, Dec. 2, 1736, killed in the attack on Quebec, Dec. 31, 1775. At the age of 18 he obtained a commission in the British army. He was at the siege of Louis-burg in 1758, distinguished himself in the expeditions against Martinique and Havana, and in 1763 revisited Europe. In 1772 he emigrated to New York, married a daughter of Judge Robert R. Livingston, and in 1773 settled in Rhinebeck. In 1775 he represented Dutchess county in the provincial congress, and in the same year was appointed brigadier general in the army of the united colonies, and was attached as senior brigadier to the larger of the two divisions sent to Canada in the summer. The illness of Gen. Schuyler threw the command of the division upon Montgomery, who successively acquired possession of Chambly, St. John's, and Montreal, thereby becoming in the middle of November master of a great part of Canada. Effecting a junction on Dec. 4 with Arnold's troops, he immediately took a position before Quebec. On Dec. 9 he was made a major general. It was determined to attempt to capture the place by a coup de main, and on Dec. 31, at 2 A. M., Montgomery headed the attack on the upper town.

He reached the first barrier, which was quickly carried, pressed eagerly on to the second, and with his two aides fell dead at the first and only discharge by the British artillerymen, his troops retreating in disorder. Congress erected a monument to him in the front of St. Paul's church, New York. In 1818 the state of New York caused his remains to be removed and placed beneath the monument.

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