Susquehanna, a river of New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, having its source in Otsego lake, Otsego co., N. Y. It flows generally S. W. to the Pennsylvania line in Broome co., receiving the Unadilla and several smaller tributaries; near the Pennsylvania boundary it flows around the base of a spur of the Alleghanies to Binghamton, forming what is called the "Great Bend;" after receiving the Chenango at Binghamton, its course is W. by S. till it again reaches the Pennsylvania line, where it takes a S. E. direction to Pittston, Luzerne co., receiving the Tioga and numerous small tributaries in its course; at Pitts-ton it turns sharply S. W., passes Wilkesbarre, and receives near Sunbury the large affluent known as the West branch of the Susquehanna, which is more than 200 m. long, rising above Clearfield, and passing that town, Lock Haven, and Williamsport; then turning southward, it receives the Juniata 14 m. above Harrisburg, and flowing thence S. E. enters the Chesapeake bay at Havre de Grace. Its length is a little more than 400 m. from Otsego lake to the bay, and from the junction of the two branches 153 m. The river is generally shallow, and its course much broken by rapids; in the spring, during flood, rafts and strong boats float down from Binghamton, but at other times it is not navigable.
Immense quantities of timber are transported upon it. Canals have been constructed along its banks, on the main stream for 125 m., and on the West branch for 124 m. Its waters abound with fish. The lower waters of the Susquehanna are famous for a great abundance of ducks and other wild fowl.
Susquehanna #1
Susquehanna, a N. E. county of Pennsylvania, bordering on New York, and drained by tributaries of the Susquehanna river, a portion of which lies in the N. part of the county; area, 800 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 37,523. The surface is very hilly, and the soil fertile and well adapted to grazing. Timber is abundant, and the export trade in pine lumber is very extensive. It is traversed by several railroads. The chief productions in 1870 were 40,522 bushes of wheat, 31,117 of rye, 311,218 of Indian corn, 628,061. of oats, 177,864 of buckwheat, 341,717 of potatoes, 98,459 tons of hay, 108,584 lbs. of wool, 2,580,649 of butter, and 35,560 of honey. There were 8,282 horses, 24,533 milch cows, 20,023 other cattle, 35,700 sheep, and 8,806 swine; 3 manufactories of agricultural implements, 32 of carriages and wagons, 10 of furniture, 4 of iron castings, 18 tanneries, 6 flour mills, 52 saw mills, and 5 woollen mills. Capital, Montrose.
Susquehannas #2
See Conestogas.