Miss Mallige (2014) Kannada movie: Cast & Crew

Miss Mallige Movie Poster

(ಮಿಸ್ ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ)
1st August 2014- Drama



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A 2014 Kannada Drama movie by Krishna starring: Roopa Nataraj, Ranjan Shetty, Shwetha

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Movie Cast

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Movie Details

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Movie NameMiss Mallige
Original Language Nameಮಿಸ್ ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ
Release Date1st August 2014
Languages Kannada
Story SummaryThe movie revolves around Mallige (Roopa Nataraj) who works as a senior executive in a company. A divorcee, Mallige is attracted to Surya (Ranjan Shetty). She trusts him so much that she develops an intimate relationship with him and also helps him financially. But the entry of Madhu (Vikram) as a creative head in the company changes the story track
Run Time111 Mins

Movie Crew

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