Chile: Regionen und Agglomerationen - Einwohnerzahlen, Karten, Grafiken, Wetter und Web-Informationen
- ️Thu Apr 22 1982
Die Einwohnerzahlen der Regionen von Chile gemäß Volkzählungen und neuesten amtlichen Schätzungen und Projektionen.
Name | Abk. | Status | Hauptstadt | Fläche A (km²) | Einwohner Zensus (C) 1982-04-22 | Einwohner Zensus (C) 1992-04-22 | Einwohner Zensus (C) 2002-04-24 | Einwohner Zensus (Cf) 2017-04-19 | |||
Chile | CHL | Rep | Santiago / Valparaíso | 756.096 | 11.323.160 | 13.265.563 | 15.051.136 | 17.574.003 | → | ||
Antofagasta | II | Reg | Antofagasta | 126.049 | 341.436 | 408.874 | 481.931 | 607.534 | 12604900 | → | |
Arica y Parinacota | XV | Reg | Arica | 16.873 | 152.406 | 172.669 | 188.463 | 226.068 | 1687300 | → | |
Atacama | III | Reg | Copiapó | 75.176 | 184.129 | 229.154 | 253.205 | 286.168 | 7517600 | → | |
Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo (Aisén) | XI | Reg | Coyhaique | 108.494 | 66.292 | 78.666 | 89.986 | 103.158 | 10849400 | → | |
Biobío (Bío Bío) | VIII | Reg | Concepción | 23.890 | ... | 1.312.279 | 1.423.107 | 1.556.805 | 2389000 | → | |
Coquimbo | IV | Reg | La Serena | 40.580 | 420.113 | 501.795 | 603.133 | 757.586 | 4058000 | → | |
La Araucanía | IX | Reg | Temuco | 31.842 | 698.706 | 777.788 | 867.351 | 957.224 | 3184200 | → | |
Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins (O'Higgins) | VI | Reg | Rancagua | 16.387 | 585.208 | 690.751 | 775.883 | 914.555 | 1638700 | → | |
Los Lagos | X | Reg | Puerto Montt | 48.584 | 541.980 | 616.682 | 712.039 | 828.708 | 4858400 | → | |
Los Ríos | XIV | Reg | Valdivia | 18.430 | 307.052 | 328.479 | 354.271 | 384.837 | 1843000 | → | |
Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena | XII | Reg | Punta Arenas | 132.297 | 130.899 | 141.818 | 147.533 | 166.533 | 13229700 | → | |
Maule | VII | Reg | Talca | 30.296 | 728.942 | 832.447 | 905.401 | 1.044.950 | 3029600 | → | |
Ñuble | XVI | Reg | Chillán | 13.178 | ... | 416.930 | 436.439 | 480.609 | 1317800 | → | |
Región Metropolitana de Santiago | RM | Reg | Santiago | 15.403 | 4.316.113 | 5.220.732 | 6.045.532 | 7.112.808 | 1540300 | → | |
Tarapacá | I | Reg | Iquique | 42.226 | 122.729 | 163.404 | 236.021 | 330.558 | 4222600 | → | |
Valparaíso | V | Reg | Valparaíso | 16.396 | 1.209.929 | 1.373.095 | 1.530.841 | 1.815.902 | 1639600 | → |
- Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas INE (web).
Die größten Agglomerationen
Name | Adm. | Einwohner Zensus (Cf) 2017-04-19 | |
1 | Santiago | RM | 6.160.040 |
2 | Valparaíso | V | 901.468 |
3 | Concepción | VIII | 722.929 |
4 | La Serena | IV | 401.938 |
5 | Antofagasta | II | 352.638 |
6 | Iquique | I | 294.949 |
7 | Rancagua | VI | 290.864 |
8 | Temuco | IX | 278.513 |
9 | Talca | VII | 237.295 |
10 | Arica | XV | 204.078 |
Übersicht: Agglomerationen & Städte
Die Einwohnerzahlen aller chilenischen Agglomerationen und isolierten Städte mit mehr als 20.000 Einwohnern gemäß den letzten Volkzählungen.
Agglomerationen fassen angrenzende urbane Zonen zusammen.
Name | Status | Adm. | Einwohner Zensus (C) 1992-04-22 | Einwohner Zensus (Cf) 2002-04-24 | Einwohner Zensus (Cf) 2017-04-19 | Area | ||
Alerce | City | X | 1.752 | 3.024 | 42.267 | 797 | → | |
Ancud | City | X | 23.148 | 27.292 | 28.265 | 863 | → | |
Angol | City | IX | 39.151 | 43.801 | 48.911 | 1552 | → | |
Antofagasta | City | II | 225.316 | 285.255 | 352.638 | 5614 | → | |
Arica | City | XV | 161.333 | 175.441 | 204.078 | 4352 | → | |
Buin (Buín) | City | RM | 33.059 | 40.091 | 66.180 | 1723 | → | |
Calama | City | II | 106.970 | 126.135 | 158.487 | 3440 | → | |
Cañete | City | VIII | 15.642 | 19.839 | 19.494 | 544 | → | |
Castro | City | X | 21.290 | 30.544 | 34.044 | 1425 | → | |
Cauquenes | City | VII | 27.405 | 30.771 | 33.114 | 1375 | → | |
Chillán (incl. Chillán Viejo) | Aggl | XVI | 145.759 | 165.528 | 191.983 | 4753 | → | |
Colina | City | RM | 37.156 | 58.769 | 89.037 | 1730 | → | |
Concepción (incl. Talcahuano, San Pedro de la Paz, Hualpén) | Aggl | VIII | 610.380 | 666.381 | 722.929 | 17877 | → | |
Constitución | City | VII | 28.748 | 33.914 | 34.097 | 790 | → | |
Copiapó | City | III | 98.188 | 125.983 | 150.962 | 3431 | → | |
Coronel | City | VIII | 79.677 | 91.833 | 113.074 | 4107 | → | |
Coyhaique (Coihaique) | City | XI | 36.376 | 44.850 | 49.968 | 1326 | → | |
Curacaví | City | RM | 11.866 | 15.645 | 18.770 | 442 | → | |
Curanilahue | City | VIII | 30.978 | 30.126 | 30.174 | 607 | → | |
Curicó | City | VII | 80.343 | 97.335 | 126.092 | 3389 | → | |
El Monte | City | RM | 17.843 | 22.284 | 30.045 | 1299 | → | |
El Quisco (incl. Algarrobo) | Aggl | V | 11.995 | 19.382 | 32.891 | 4340 | → | |
Graneros | City | VI | 17.765 | 21.615 | 28.737 | 447 | → | |
Hualqui | City | VIII | 10.120 | 13.724 | 19.689 | 782 | → | |
Illapel | City | IV | 18.868 | 21.826 | 21.052 | 658 | → | |
Iquique (incl. Alto Hospicio) | Aggl | I | 150.659 | 214.586 | 294.949 | 4618 | → | |
Labranza | City | IX | 997 | 5.442 | 24.008 | 404 | → | |
La Laja | Aggl | VIII | 20.909 | 19.537 | 19.129 | 892 | → | |
La Ligua | City | V | 13.744 | 17.048 | 19.393 | 494 | → | |
Lampa | City | RM | 6.618 | 12.319 | 37.677 | 721 | → | |
La Serena (incl. Coquimbo) | Aggl | IV | 220.543 | 298.737 | 401.938 | 10691 | → | |
La Unión | City | XIV | 23.265 | 25.615 | 26.662 | 1114 | → | |
Lautaro | City | IX | 14.898 | 18.808 | 24.679 | 710 | → | |
Lebu | City | VIII | 19.877 | 20.838 | 20.989 | 535 | → | |
Limache (San Francisco de Limache) | Aggl | V | 38.295 | 45.327 | 51.446 | 3144 | → | |
Linares | City | VII | 59.658 | 65.133 | 74.139 | 1645 | → | |
Los Andes | Aggl | V | 49.774 | 61.308 | 70.010 | 1734 | → | |
Los Ángeles | City | VIII | 94.716 | 119.114 | 143.563 | 2997 | → | |
Lota | City | VIII | 50.123 | 48.975 | 43.427 | 967 | → | |
Melipilla | City | RM | 45.722 | 53.522 | 72.650 | 1340 | → | |
Molina | City | VII | 17.301 | 27.203 | 37.318 | 1522 | → | |
Mulchén | City | VIII | 19.610 | 21.819 | 24.149 | 596 | → | |
Nacimiento | City | VIII | 19.007 | 20.884 | 23.031 | 921 | → | |
Nueva Imperial | City | IX | 12.015 | 14.980 | 18.881 | 450 | → | |
Osorno | City | X | 114.239 | 132.245 | 147.826 | 3237 | → | |
Ovalle | City | IV | 53.515 | 66.405 | 77.021 | 1488 | → | |
Paine | City | RM | 12.880 | 19.620 | 31.718 | 545 | → | |
Parral | City | VII | 24.416 | 26.397 | 30.794 | 987 | → | |
Peñaflor | City | RM | 46.711 | 63.209 | 83.064 | 1300 | → | |
Placilla de Peñuelas | City | V | 6.644 | 10.811 | 39.344 | 1560 | → | |
Puerto Montt | City | X | 110.139 | 153.118 | 171.136 | 5096 | → | |
Puerto Natales | City | XII | 15.102 | 16.978 | 19.180 | 645 | → | |
Puerto Varas | City | X | 16.097 | 22.022 | 26.255 | 647 | → | |
Punta Arenas | City | XII | 109.110 | 116.005 | 125.932 | 3758 | → | |
Quillota (incl. La Calera) | Aggl | V | 113.308 | 128.874 | 151.779 | 4757 | → | |
Quintero | City | V | 16.119 | 18.719 | 26.884 | 1238 | → | |
Rancagua (incl. Machalí) | Aggl | VI | 204.119 | 239.290 | 290.864 | 9135 | → | |
Rengo | City | VI | 23.896 | 30.891 | 37.932 | 890 | → | |
San Antonio (incl. Cartagena) | Aggl | V | 89.209 | 106.101 | 119.121 | 5269 | → | |
San Carlos | City | XVI | 25.640 | 29.359 | 32.661 | 948 | → | |
San Clemente | City | VII | 10.788 | 13.398 | 20.367 | 704 | → | |
San Felipe | Aggl | V | 44.327 | 53.358 | 64.907 | 1559 | → | |
San Fernando | City | VI | 42.684 | 49.519 | 58.598 | 1226 | → | |
San Javier | City | VII | 16.450 | 20.524 | 29.358 | 907 | → | |
Santa Cruz | City | VI | 15.646 | 18.603 | 22.824 | 814 | → | |
Santiago (Santiago de Chile) | Aggl | RM | 4.759.661 | 5.429.013 | 6.160.040 | 81171 | → | |
San Vicente de Tagua Tagua | City | VI | 13.843 | 18.914 | 20.967 | 698 | → | |
Talagante | City | RM | 37.198 | 49.957 | 56.990 | 1037 | → | |
Talca (incl. Culenar) | Aggl | VII | 159.711 | 191.154 | 237.295 | 5544 | → | |
Temuco (incl. Padre Las Casas) | Aggl | IX | 210.587 | 260.878 | 278.513 | 5621 | → | |
Tocopilla | City | II | 24.574 | 23.352 | 24.631 | 795 | → | |
Tomé | City | VIII | 37.394 | 41.198 | 42.647 | 1240 | → | |
Valdivia | City | XIV | 112.712 | 127.750 | 150.727 | 4586 | → | |
Vallenar | City | III | 42.725 | 43.750 | 46.019 | 1261 | → | |
Valparaíso (incl. Viña del Mar, Quilpué, Villa Alemana) | Aggl | V | 750.713 | 803.683 | 901.468 | 25693 | → | |
Victoria | City | IX | 21.549 | 23.977 | 24.856 | 818 | → | |
Villarrica | City | IX | 20.920 | 27.408 | 32.218 | 731 | → |
- Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas INE (web); the 2017 figures are computed by »City Population« with consideration of instititional population.