Untitled Document
the Corporate Roots of American Fascism"
April 2004, issue #53, Press for Conversion!
Published by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT).
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List of Issues available:
Issue #54 "All in the Family:
The apple does not fall far from the BUSH."
Issue #53 "Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism"
Issue #52 "Operation Embedded Complicity: Canada Playing
our Part in the Business of War"
Issue #51 "U.S. Role in Wars and Regime Changes in the Middle
East and North Africa since WWII"
Issue #50 "Going to War: U.S. War Pretext Incidents (1846-2003)"
Issue #49 "Real Reasons for the Invasion of Iraq"
Issue #48 "Canada’s Military Air Shows: Reaching New
Heights in the Glorification of War"
Issue #47 "Divide and Rule: Understanding the India-Pakistan
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