Weber's Law Modeled by the Mathematical Description of a Beam Balance - Cogprints

  • ️Lanzara, Richard G.
  • ️Sat Jan 01 1994

Lanzara, Richard G. (1994) Weber's Law Modeled by the Mathematical Description of a Beam Balance. [Journal (Paginated)]

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A beam balance is analyzed as a model that describes Weber's law. The mathematical derivations of the torques on a beam balance produce a description that is strictly compatible with that law. The natural relationship of the beam balance model to Weber's law provides for an intuitive understanding of the relationship of Weber's law to sensory and receptor systems. Additionally, this model may offer a simple way to compute perturbations that result from unequal effects on coupled steady state systems. A practical outgrowth from this work is that a relatively simple mathematical description models sensory phenomena and may aid in the understanding of sensory and receptor systems.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Additional Information:This paper links the psychological and physical realms.
Keywords:Weber's law, Weber-Fechner law, sensory response model, receptor model, just noticeable difference
Subjects:JOURNALS > Psycoloquy
Psychology > Psychophysics
Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
JOURNALS > Behavioral & Brain Sciences
Psychology > Perceptual Cognitive Psychology
Psychology > Psychophysiology
Psychology > Behavioral Analysis
Biology > Theoretical Biology
Biology > Animal Behavior
Biology > Animal Cognition
Neuroscience > Neural Modelling
Psychology > Applied Cognitive Psychology
Psychology > Physiological Psychology
Biology > Behavioral Biology
ID Code:4094
Deposited By: Lanzara, Dr. Richard G.
Deposited On:16 Feb 2005
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55

References in Article

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1. E. Batschelet, Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1979, pp. 157-162.

2. S. M. Dawis, A molecular basis for Weber's law, Visual Neuroscience 7:285-320 (1991).

3. H. Hatze, A Teleological Explanation of Weber's Law and the Motor Unit Size Law, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 41:407- 425 (1979).

4. R. G. Lanzara, Drug Compositions to Prevent Desensitization of Cellular Receptors, Patent Pending (1992).

5. S. .S. Stevens, Neural events and the psychophysical law, Science 170:1043-1050 (1970).


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