Something Awful | COLLAPSE BOARD
- ️Fri Nov 19 2010
Added on November 24, 2012 Everett True Big Black , Everett True , Grimes , Lush , Olivia Newton-John , Scott Creney , Sleigh Bells , Something Awful
Song of the day – 523: Sleigh Bells
I like this 21st Century groove, the cut-off jeans, the shadow boxing, the way everything is distorted and MEGA and seizure-inducing. the shallowness of the concept and the embracing of the NOW.
Added on March 25, 2011 Everett True Bono , Chris Martin , Coldplay , Come Around Sundown , Facebook , Foo Fighters , Jonny Greenwood , Journey , Kasabian , Kings Of Leon , Led Zeppelin , NME , Perez Hilton's bum-hole , Something Awful , The Killers , Then Jericho , Twitter , U2 , Warpaint
Everett True does not like Kings Of Leon
Someone was accusing me of going soft on Kings Of Leon the other day. Bangs wept! I CANNOT have such aspersions cast on my professional integrity. The following is for him, my faceless accuser. Reprinted from Something Awful, 19/11/10.
Added on February 14, 2011 Everett True Allo Darlin' , Best Coast , Bust , Dum Dum Girls , Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock , femme-pop , Frankie Rose And The Outs , Las Kellies , Lust-Cats of the Gutters , Miu Mau , Neverever , Soda Fountain Rag , Something Awful , Super Wild Horses , The Hot Toddies , The Monster Women , The School , Tiny Microphone , Veronica Falls , Vivian Girls , Woom
Everett True’s summer femme-pop mix: the videos
I’ve been meaning to link to this for a while.
Added on January 27, 2011 Everett True Alan McGee , Animal Collective , Brighton , Bust , Careless Talk Costs Lives , Creation Records , Daniel Johnston , Everett True , Facebook , Grease , London , Melody Maker , Nirvana , Nirvana The True Story , NME , Norman Mailer , Phil Collins , Pitchfork , Plan B Magazine , Reinspired , Saturday Night Fever , Silverfish , Smashing Pumpkins , Something Awful , Sonic Youth , The Deadnotes , The Legend , The Sex Pistols , The Thin Kids , Unconvention Brisbane , Vox
Everett True in the UK, part two – London
“I didn’t listen to pop music growing up,” he reveals. “If I listened to music, it would be something classical”
Added on October 25, 2010 Everett True Black Diamonds , Devil's Children , Do The Pop , Eddy Current Suppression Ring , Everett True's Australian Garage Rock Primer , Hits , Lipstick Killers , Matrimony , Missing Links , Nuggets , Pebbles , Peter Tilbrook , Pretty Ugly , Purple Hearts , Radio Birdman , Something Awful , Sunnyboys , Tales from the Aus Underground , The Birds , The Eastern Dark , The Easybeats , The Elois , The Saints , The Scientists , Tim Pittman , Tumbleweed , Ugly Things , Venom P Stinger , Wild About You , Wild Colonials , You Am I
Everett True’s Australian Garage Rock Primer
There’s a good argument to be had for grunge beginning in Australia with The Scientists in 1979. Ask Kurt Cobain. Oh wait. You can’t.
Added on September 6, 2010 Everett True Allo Darlin' , Best Coast , Bust , Dum Dum Girls , Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock , Frankie Rose And The Outs , Las Kellies , Lust-Cats of the Gutters , Miu Mau , Neverever , Soda Fountain Rag , Something Awful , Super Wild Horses , The Hot Toddies , The Monster Women , The School , Tiny Microphone , Veronica Falls , Vivian Girls , Woom
Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock
I still write for a few other places. One of these is the excellent NYC femme-focused magazine, Bust, for which I write a regular column, Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock, a short consumer guide look at some of the fine, unheralded, female-led bands around. I’ve been on at my contact at Bust […]
Added on August 14, 2010 Everett True Black Diamonds , Mess And Noise , Something Awful , Ugly Things
Song of the day – 152: Black Diamonds
It would be ridiculous not to list one of the many incredible bands I unearthed in my research for my new Something Awful column. It’s called Everett True’s Australian Garage Rock Primer, and many of the recommendations came directly from a thread on the Mess And Noise message board, so props to all involved. And […]