Something Awful | COLLAPSE BOARD

  • ️Fri Nov 19 2010

 Added on November 24, 2012  Everett True  Big Black , Everett True , Grimes , Lush , Olivia Newton-John , Scott Creney , Sleigh Bells , Something Awful

Song of the day – 523: Sleigh Bells

I like this 21st Century groove, the cut-off jeans, the shadow boxing, the way everything is distorted and MEGA and seizure-inducing. the shallowness of the concept and the embracing of the NOW.

 Added on March 25, 2011  Everett True  Bono , Chris Martin , Coldplay , Come Around Sundown , Facebook , Foo Fighters , Jonny Greenwood , Journey , Kasabian , Kings Of Leon , Led Zeppelin , NME , Perez Hilton's bum-hole , Something Awful , The Killers , Then Jericho , Twitter , U2 , Warpaint

Everett True does not like Kings Of Leon

Someone was accusing me of going soft on Kings Of Leon the other day. Bangs wept! I CANNOT have such aspersions cast on my professional integrity. The following is for him, my faceless accuser. Reprinted from Something Awful, 19/11/10.

 Added on September 6, 2010  Everett True  Allo Darlin' , Best Coast , Bust , Dum Dum Girls , Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock , Frankie Rose And The Outs , Las Kellies , Lust-Cats of the Gutters , Miu Mau , Neverever , Soda Fountain Rag , Something Awful , Super Wild Horses , The Hot Toddies , The Monster Women , The School , Tiny Microphone , Veronica Falls , Vivian Girls , Woom

Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock

I still write for a few other places. One of these is the excellent NYC femme-focused magazine, Bust, for which I write a regular column, Everett True and his First Ladies Of Rock, a short consumer guide look at some of the fine, unheralded, female-led bands around. I’ve been on at my contact at Bust […]

 Added on August 14, 2010  Everett True  Black Diamonds , Mess And Noise , Something Awful , Ugly Things

Song of the day – 152: Black Diamonds

It would be ridiculous not to list one of the many incredible bands I unearthed in my research for my new Something Awful column. It’s called Everett True’s Australian Garage Rock Primer, and many of the recommendations came directly from a thread on the Mess And Noise message board, so props to all involved. And […]