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The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies

As of March, 2018, The War of the Rebellion, part of the Cornell University Library's Making of America collection, has been moved to Hathi Trust ( Click on "Home" for more details concerning this move.

Listed below are details and links to the Volumes of The War of the Rebellion.

Author: United States. War Dept.
Title: The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
Other Title: Official records of the Union and Confederate armies
Publisher: Govt. Print. Off.
Place of Publication: Washington
MoA Volumes: Series I, 1-53; Series II, 1-8; Series III, 1-5; Series IV, 1-4 (1880 - 1901)

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Series I:   Contains the formal reports, both Union and Confederate, of the first seizures of United States property in the Southern States, and of all military operations in the field, with the correspondence, orders, and returns relating specially thereto, and, as proposed is to be accompanied by an Atlas. In this series the reports will be arranged according to the campaigns and several theaters of operations (in the chronological order of the events), and the Union reports of any event will, as a rule, be immediately followed by the Confederate accounts. The correspondence, etc., not embraced in the "reports" proper will follow (first Union and next Confederate) in chronological order.

Series II:   Contains the correspondence, orders, reports, and returns, Union and Confederate, relating to prisoners of war, and (so far as the military authorities were concerned) to State or political prisoners.

  • Volume I. 1894.
    1. The Texas Surrender
    2. Earlier Captures and Arrests, and Measures of Pacification in Missouri
    3. Union Policy of Repression in Maryland
    4. Military Treatment of Captured and Fugitive Slaves
    5. Confederate Policy of Repression in East Tennessee
  • Volume II. 1897.
    Treatment of suspected and disloyal persons, North and South.
    Volume II., Section 1
    Volume II., Section 2
  • Volume III. 1898.
    Correspondence, Orders, etc., relating to Prisoners of War and State from February 19, 1861, to June 12, 1862.
  • Volume IV. 1899.
    Correspondence, Orders, etc., from June 13, 1862, to November 30, 1862.
  • Volume V. 1899.
    Correspondence, Orders, etc., from December 1, 1862, to June 10, 1863.
  • Volume VI. 1899.
    Correspondence, Orders, etc., from June 11, 1863, to March 31, 1864.
  • Volume VII. 1899.
    Correspondence, Orders, etc., from April 1, 1864, to December 31, 1864.
  • Volume VIII. 1899.
    Correspondence, Orders, etc., from January 1, 1865, to the end.

Series III:   Contains the correspondence, orders, reports, and returns of the Union authorities (embracing their correspondence with the Confederate officials) not relating specially to the subjects of the first and second series. It will set forth the annual and special reports of the Secretary of War, of the General-in-Chief, and of the chiefs of the several staff corps and departments; the calls for troops, and the correspondence between the national and the several State authorities.

Series IV:   Contains the correspondence, orders, reports, and returns of the Confederate authorities, similar to that indicated for the Union officials, as of the third series, but excluding the correspondence between the Union and Confederate authorities given in that series.