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Using "Must"The modal verb "must" is most often used to express necessity—i.e., that something has to happen or be the case. When "must" indicates that an action, circumstance, or situation is necessary, we usually use it in what kind of sentence? More... Discuss |
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The Red Imported Fire AntAccidentally introduced into the US in the 1930s from its native S America, the red imported fire ant (RIFA) is an invasive ant species that has since spread to Asia and Australia. These resilient, aggressive pests possess a painful sting and build mounds that can destroy crops. US officials estimate that the ants cause more than $5 billion in damages annually. While RIFA stings are rarely life-threatening to humans, the insects are responsible for at least 80 deaths. What causes them to swarm? More... Discuss |
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Elvis Presley Inducted into the US Army (1958)Though World War II ended in 1945, military conscription in the US continued in peacetime, and in 1957, the 22-year-old "King of Rock and Roll" was drafted for a two-year stint in the army. Despite concerns about his career, Presley did not try to avoid service and was inducted into the army at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, in a ceremony mobbed by photographers. Five months later, and just a month before he was shipped out to Germany, Presley was granted a short emergency leave for what reason? More... Discuss |
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Terrence Steven "Steve" McQueen (1930)After a tumultuous childhood, reform school, and a stint in the US Marines, McQueen studied acting in New York, earning money on the weekends by racing motorcycles. He gained attention on Broadway and went on to star as a cool, stoic loner in many films, including The Great Escape and Papillon. In Bullitt's famous car chase scene, he even did some of the stunt driving. When he was 18 years old, McQueen saved the lives of five fellow Marines in the Arctic. How? More... Discuss |
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Mark Twain (1835-1910) Discuss |
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Difficulty level: n. a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone Spell the word: |
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Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck! |
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Argentina National Day of Memory for Truth and JusticeThis is a public holiday in Argentina that commemorates all those who lost their lives or otherwise suffered under the National Reorganization Process, a military dictatorship that seized power in Argentina on March 24, 1976. The junta held power for eight years, and in that time, at least 30,000 citizens were kidnapped, tortured, and executed for their political views. Around the country, art exhibitions, poetry readings, prayer services, and other cultural events are dedicated to remembering the events of March 24 and its aftermath. More... Discuss |
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mixed emotions— Positive and negative emotions that are experienced simultaneously and are often in conflict with one another. More... Discuss |