Justice League of America #6 Reviews

  • 9.2

    Weird Science - eric s Jul 21, 2013

    As I said before the artwork in this book is superb, and Geoph Johns, and JeffLemire really write the hell out of this book.It moves really fast, and makes me jones for the next issue. I really don't have anything bad to say aboutthis issue, except that I want more, now.It's issues like this that keep readers reading and make newreaders. So if you haven't checked it outyet, get it. Get another copy to giveout, to turn someone else on to it. Hopefullythe rest of the story is on par with this and the first issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0

    Justice League of America #6 is the second part of this six issue event and I have to say after two acts I'm sold on the concept. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0

    Trinity War just might turn out to be one of my favorite books this year if it keeps getting better like this. With good writing, and art that's more decent that Brett Booth's art, what more could I ask for? Read Full Review

  • 8.5

    All in all, Justice League of America #6 is a solid breather in the wake of a jam-packed introductory chapter. While the issue may not offer too many more conclusive answers to questions already posed, it firmly establishes that this crossover is first and foremost a mystery story, and not simply the next super-hero brawl event of the year much to my delight. Read Full Review

  • 8.4

    Just two chapters in, ‘Trinity War' continues to buck expectations, offering more up more than just standard “Hero vs. Hero” fare. Johns and Lemire are finally rekindling the “lived-in” feel of the pre-New 52 universe, without negating two years worth of world building. In many ways this feels like the New 52′s version of “Identity Crisis,” as small, personal event, with a central mystery and strong hook. Whether or not it follows in those controversial footsteps, it seems like ‘Trinity War' may be the kick in the pants the New 52 has needed. Read Full Review

  • 8.4

    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 18, 2013

    So, the Trinity War score is even at 1-to-1 (good story versus weak). Let's hope the upward trend continues. Read Full Review

  • 8.2

    Analog Addiction - Tony Couto Jul 24, 2013

    Slowing things down, and allowing some room to breathe for repercussions, Justice League of America #6 is an honest look at the rationale of heroes. Their isn't a ton of plot-building, but the time spent learning where the characters stand morally, sets up for some solid, genuine pay off in the future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    Although slower than last issue, this was a great continuation of the Trinity War storyline, setting up future developments, as well as exploring ones that have already been started. It had a little action, which was awesome, as well as some emotion sequences, and yet more mystery. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and am really looking forward to Justice League Dark #22. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    Overall though, I think this was a better issue than last weeks Justice League 22, and gives me hope for Trinity War as a whole. Now I just hope next issue lets us know what the real force behind everything is and why we should care. Until then I'm going to stand by what I said last week, if you don't plan on going the distance with Trinity War it's probably worth skipping this issue. Really being only 6 issue into the series, it almost feels like this series was started strictly for this event which is kind of lame. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Jul 20, 2013

    Justice League of America #6 continues the mystery of the first part of Trinity War in a great way. Doug Mahnke pencils great in an issue filled with expressions of emotion and big two page splash panels. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    Comic Book Therapy - SuperCap Jul 20, 2013

    Justice League of America #6 continues the mystery of the first part of Trinity War in a great way. Doug Mahnke pencils great in an issue filled with expressions of emotion and big two page splash panels. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    This issue really felt like the clam before the storm. I expect things to pick up in Justice League Dark a book Ive never read, but theres nothing wrong with being introduced to new characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    The action slows down a bit but that doesn't mean the story is. A lot is happening and we get to see several developments in the overall story. It almost feels like this entire story/event was sped up to get here at this time. That's not necessarily a bad thing as we get to cut to the chase. The fun is seeing how all these characters interact with each other as well as the tease of what will come up in the next installment. Doug Mahnke's art is always a joy to see and having him deal with the action and emotional scenes was great. If summer is the time for the big blockbuster popcorn movie, this story is happening at the perfect time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Jul 17, 2013

    This is a solid second issue of the big event series. With all of these strange characters now at play, it is almost impossible to see where this title could be going. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    The art is by Doug Mahnke this time around and it feels very different than the last artist's work, especially with the heavier inking. While most of the book is drawn fine, there are some odd bits to it. Occasionally the coloring seems a bit off in some places. It's hard to explain, but sometimes the colors are brighter even in the same scene and other times a bit blurry (maybe that's just a digital thing?). Also, unlike Ivan Reis, Doug's facial expression range isn't nearly as impressive and a lot of people always seem to have the same look at all times. 8.0 The writing is pretty solid.The characters don't fight each other for too long or gratuitously.The Question is great.The art is a bit of a step down from last issue.Things aren't as exciting as last issue either.Pacing feels a bit off. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    Despite any flaws, this is still an excellent issue. Johns and Lemire are teasing us and making us wait to be blown away. The suspense is killing us, so lets hope that the end results are as powerful as DC is claiming. After two issues, Trinity War is already better than Marvels summer blockbuster (Age of Ultron), so at least it has that going for it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    With the stakes increasing and Superman behind bars, there's a lot to like with Justice League of America #6, even if the titular team doesn't really make much of an appearance in their own book. This crossover is very much a shared platform for all three Justice Leagues, even if you can't help but feel a little disappointed that the fight between the Justice League and the Justice League of America " indeed, the fight that the JLA has been preparing for since their first issue " winds up falling a little short. Still, it could be much worse, and with this many titans coming together, the Trinity War still could heat up even further. Read Full Review

  • 8.0

    Trinity War is a superhero mosh pit. A crackling adventure on an epic scale. Read Full Review

  • 7.0

    Overall this crossover is still keeping me interested, even though this second part was not as strong. I'll be curious to see if Justice League Dark will be able to pick the pace back up, or if the story takes another step back. Let's hope this crossover doesn't lose steam and we can get back to the same caliber of storytelling as we did in part one. Read Full Review

  • 7.0

    The issue itself is fine, but uninspired, though with so many different directions the story can go, Johns-Lemire manage to maintain your interest. Mahnke's art is a wonder, and elevates the simple premise to something more worthy of a Big Two Event. Read Full Review

  • 7.0

    It's not a bad issue, but there are small things in JLA that drag it down. Even if you didn't know what it was, I think an average reader would agree that this isn't a perfect issue. Trinity War is still interesting so far and I wouldn't use this issue as an excuse to back out now. Read Full Review

  • 7.0

    Trinity War seems like a good crossover. This comic has a transition feel to it as the story slows down from the big fight scene to get back to the larger story. It's interesting that Superman is really off the table and looks to be that way for the remainder of the crossover. This will help level the playing field and make for some interesting confrontations. This is shaping up to be a good read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0

    The second part of Trinity War isn't as good as the first, but they're very close. I think Johns, and now Lemire, are doing well enough with all of the individual characters, and he makes a lot of interesting choices with this issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0

    This issue is filled with questions, limiting the action to the opening scene. There seems to be a lot going on, but nothing really moves forward. I'm not as impressed with the second chapter of "Trinity War," but it isn't disappointing. I made a comparison in the feeling of this adventure to that of "Crisis on Infinite Earths" in my review of "Justice League" #22 and there's still that tinge of excitement and uncertainty in the face of action. The rise of the Question into a prominent role is intriguing as well. I'm holding out hope that the Outsider lives up to the brilliant character that James Robinson created for "Flashpoint," although he's been more of a Joker wannabe than an overly original character. "Justice League of America" #6 is a nice coverall chapter in this brand event, but bigger action and more excitement are sure to follow. Read Full Review

  • 7.0

    Justice League of America #6 is the difficult middle chapter of the first half of this crossover, mostly serving to set up the introduction of the Justice League Dark chapter next week. To this end, the issue works successfully in building up the pieces of the broader puzzle, but it may leave readers attached to the core members of the team out in the cold. Regardless, the Trinity War remains one of the more thrilling events of the year, and it will be interesting to go back and place this book in context when the entire saga is done. Read Full Review

  • 6.0

    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Jul 19, 2013

    This was just a transitional issue, which is fine, but the fact that Johns is such a great writer and Lemire is such a lackluster one was disconcerting to me as a reader. And the fact that we went from the artwork of David Finch and Brett Booth on this book normally, to the last part's stellar pencils of Ivan Reis, and then we arrive with Mahnke's bland and somewhat jarring portrayal of my favorite characters was a little disappointing. I really hope Lemire proves himself with his next part of the event, because I don't think that an epic tale like this can have too many false-starts without losing fans. Especially since Justice League Dark is already the weakest of the three core titles and we're going to have to shell out an extra dollar for the next part because it has a fancy cover. I would love to eat my words next week. Please, Justice Leaguers, don't disappoint me. Read Full Review

  • 5.5

    When I finished Trinity War Part 1 I was left reeling. There was so much to discuss! But when I finished chapter 2 I just sort of shrugged, said “That's it?” and went back to packing for my trip. Read Full Review

  • 5.0

    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan Jul 17, 2013

    Overall this issue may have been the one to save what was left of the first. While nothing special Johns, as said before, at least tries with this title and was also paired with co-writer Jeff Lemire which brought this up a notch. The slowness helped it and it did a decent attempt at rationalizing the entire situation. Though at the core the only really good things were the small character moments and the focus on The Question. Better than the previous issue, but not enough to make me think that this will improve as it goes along. Read Full Review