Psalm 142 Amplified Bible

Prayer for Help in Trouble.

A skillful song, or a didactic or reflective poem, of David; when he was in the cave. A Prayer.

1I cry aloud with my voice to the LORD;

I make supplication with my voice to the LORD.

2I pour out my complaint before Him;

I declare my trouble before Him.

3When my spirit was overwhelmed and weak within me [wrapped in darkness],

You knew my path.

In the way where I walk

They have hidden a trap for me.

4Look to the right [the point of attack] and see;

For there is no one who has regard for me [to act in my favor].

Escape has failed me and I have nowhere to run;

No one cares about my life.

5I cried out to You, O LORD;

I said, “You are my refuge,

My portion in the land of the living.

6“Give attention to my cry,

For I am brought very low;

Rescue me from my persecutors,

For they are stronger than I.

7“Bring my soul out of prison (adversity),

So that I may give thanks and praise Your name;

The righteous will surround me [in triumph],

For You will look after me.”